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1、Unit4PassageA话题:教育子女 词数:177 参考用时:5分钟There are many problems between parents and their children. Some parents dont understand their 1 , and many of them even argue with each other. If I am a parent, how will I 2 my child? Well, I think there are many ways. 3 , Ill encourage my child to do things he o

2、r she likes. The things should be good 4 him or her. If it is not good for my child, Ill talk to him or her about the disadvantage of the thing in a 5 way. Second, I will always take pride in everything good that my child 6. For example, if he or she gets good grades, Ill say something like 7 , “Wel

3、l done ! Im very proud of you. ” These words will both make my child and me very 8 . Third, I will spend 9 time staying with my child than my parents did with me. Ill chat and go shopping with my child.I am 10 these things will make parents and their kids get on well. 1A. classmates B. kids C. frien

4、ds2A. give lessons to B. get along with C. talk to3A. First B. Next C. Later4A. for B. about C. before5A. silent B. lazy C. patient6A. will do B. is doing C. has done7A. it B. this C. them8A. happy B. strange C. sad9A. little B. less C. more10. A. afraid B. sure C. surprised读后自主学习【答案速查】参见答案P【自我评价】我做

5、对了_题,我很棒!我做错了_题,没关系,再努力!【答案还原】将正确答案填写到文中空格处。【诵读全文】大声朗读文章3-4遍、整体感知全文,体悟作者意图。【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵。1. 短语互译(1) argue with _ (2) get on well _(3) 以为自豪_ (4)做某事花费多少时间_2. 佳句翻译(1) There are many problems between parents and their children. _(2) Ill encourage my child to do things he or she likes._(3) Ill cha

6、t and go shopping with my child._Passage B话题:友谊与帮助 词数:243 参考用时:6分钟Betty and I are best friends. Our birthdays are on the same day, so every year we have a birthday party together. But this year we had a costume party instead.While we were writing the invitations, my mom came in and asked, “Nancy, wh

7、at about inviting John?” John had been in our class for only a few months, but he was already getting better grades in math than anyone else in our class. “Mom, he wears the same pants to school every day. How could he even afford a costume?” Mom said nothing.The next day, mom gave me an envelope(信封

8、) with a shopping card in it. “I thought it would be nice for you to give this to John.” Mom said. But how? We didnt want to make John embarrassed. We discussed it for a long time. Finally, Betty and I had a good idea.On the day of our party, John arrived, in an old sheet(床单),but still in the same b

9、rown pants as usual. Before eating the birthday cake, Betty said in a loud voice, “Now its time for the great prize game.” It was a math game. None of us were surprised when John gave the right answer first and walked off with the envelope.Everything went well as we planned. John wore a new pair of

10、pants and a new shirt the next week. He felt happy. So did we.1. Nancy and Betty are _.A. best friends B. cousins C. sisters D. brother and sister2. John did best in _ of all the class. A. English B. games C. math D. science3. _ had the idea of playing a math game.A Nancys mother B. Nancy C. Betty D

11、. Betty and Nancy4. John got _ as the prize for the math game.A. an envelope B. a shopping card C. a birthday cake D. a new pair of pants5. Betty, Nancy and John all felt _ in the end. A. happy B. embarrassed C. surprised D. sad 读后自主学习【答案速查】参见答案P【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵。1. 短语互译(1) a costume party _ (2)

12、on the same day _(3) 大声地_ (4) 离开 _2. 佳句翻译(1) While we were writing the invitations, my mom came in. _(2) We didnt want to make John embarrassed. _(3) Everything went well as we planned. _(4) He felt happy. So did we. _PassageC话题:母爱 词数:330 参考用时:7分钟Rita was in shopping mall, looking for a gift for her

13、 little daughter. Suddenly she stopped before a store, inside which were all kinds of dolls. “Why not a lovely doll? Girls like dolls,” she thought as she stepped into the store. Looking around ,she saw a grandma dollone with gray and a pair of glasses. As she gazed at it, in her mind somehow appear

14、ed Linda, her mother. When Rita was a little girl, she got her first doll form Linda for her birthday. She was very happy. Then the second, the third,Rita began to feel puzzled, When she asked her mum the reason, the answer was always “A girl can never have enough dolls.” Year after year, Rita grew

15、up and Linda aged, but a doll a year from Linda never arrived late. “But why always a doll?” This question had been in Ritas mind until one day her father gave the answer. Little Linda dreamed to have a doll. Her parents promised one for her fifth birthday. Sadly, they both died in a traffic acciden

16、t before it arrived. The neverreceived gift was the most precious in her eyes. Thats why she thought dolls were the best birthday gifts for Rita. Her mothers story being recalled , Rita got an idea It was Lindas sixtieth birthday. The whole family gathered around the sixty-year-old lady when the doo

17、rbell rang, Much to Lindas surprise , a package was delivered to her, with a card read:Dear Linda, I forget to send you the package that you should have received on May 20,1956,your fifth birthday. The gift inside has aged ,but I felt that you might still wish to have it. Sorry for the lateness! Lov

18、e, Angel of Joy Linda opened the package and saw a lovely grandma doll. She clasped the doll that she had waited so many years to receive , tears coursing down her face. The doll, given by “Angel of Joy”, made her the happiest “child ” alive .1.Who is Linda in the story?A. Ritas daughter B. Ritas mo

19、ther C. The grandma doll D. Angel of Joy2. Why did Linda think that dolls were the best birthday gifts for Rita?A. Rita dreamed to have all kinds of lovely dolls.B. Rita looked liked a doll when she was a little girl.C. Linda received a lot of lovely dolls form her parents.D. Linda had never got the

20、 dream doll form her parents3. What does the underlined word clasped probably mean in the passage?A. held B. threw C. made D. bought4. Which can be the best title of the passage?A. The Story of an Angel B. Lindas Birthday C. Linda, the Happiest Child D.A Late Birthday Gift 读后自主学习【答案速查】参见答案P【我来总结】完成下

21、列学习任务,并加以背诵。1. 短语互译(1) look for _ (2) year after year _(3) 交通事故_ (4) 使某人感到惊讶的是_2. 佳句翻译(1) Suddenly she stopped before a store, inside which were all kinds of dolls._(2) Year after year, Rita grew up and Linda aged, but a doll a year from Linda never arrived late. _(3) Her parents promised one for he

22、r fifth birthday. _(4) She clasped the doll that she had waited so many years to receive ,tears coursing down her face. _Unit4 Passage A 读后自主学习【答案详解】1-5 BBAAC 6-10CBACB1B考査语境理解及名词辨析。classmates教室;kids孩子;friends朋友。联系前一句描述,可知句 意为:一些家长不是很了解他们的孩子。故选B。2B 考査语境理解及短语辨析。give lessons to给上课;get along with和融洽相处;

23、talk to和谈话。联系前一句描述,可知句意为:如果我是一个家长,我会怎样与孩子融洽相处呢?故选B。3A 考査语境理解及词语辨析。First首先;下来;Next接下来;Later后来,稍后。联系下文second和third 可知此处指的是第一个方法,故选 A。4A考査语境理解及介词辨析。for为了,对于;about关于;before在之前。结合语境可知这些东西应该对他或者她有好处。故选A。5C 考査语境理解及形容词辨析。silent沉默的;懒情的;patient有耐心的.结合语境可知此处 指的是以一种耐心的方式,故选C。6C 考査语境理解及时态辨析。句意:我会永远为我的孩子做的事情感到骄傲。

24、结合语境可知下文定 语从句中描述的是已经完成的动作,故用现在完成时态,选C。7B 考査语境理解及代词辨析。是人称代词代替物,动物或身份不明的人,也可作形式主语和宾语等; this指代的是距离说话人较近的人或者事物;them人称代词宾格,他们。联系下文“Well done ! Im very proud of you.描述,可知此处指的是,我要说一些这样的话。故选B。8. A 考査语境理解及形容词辨析。Happy高兴的;strange陌生的;sad伤心的。结合语境可知句意为: 这些话会让我和我的孩子都感到高兴。故选A。9C 考査语境理解及词语辨析。Little少许,很少的;less较少的;mor

25、e更多的。结合语境可知此处 指的是,我要花费更多的时间和孩子在一起。故选C。10B 考査语境理解及形容词辨析。afraid害怕的;sure确信的;surprised惊讶的,吃惊的。句意:我相信这些会让父母和他们的孩子们融洽相处。故选B。【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵。1. 短语互译(1)与争执 (2)相处得好 (3) take pride in/ be proud of (4) spend some time (in) doing sth.2. 佳句翻译(1)父母和孩子之间存在很多问题。(2)我会鼓励我的孩子做他/她喜欢做的事情。(3)我会和一起孩子聊天和购物。PassageB读后自

26、主学习【答案详解】1-5 ACDBA读后自主学习【答案详解】1. A细节理解题。根据文中原句Betty and I are best friends.(贝蒂和我是最好的朋友)可知此题选A。2. C细节理解题。根据文中原句 but he was already getting better grades in math than anyone else in our class.(但他已经在数学方面比我们班上其他人的成绩都好)可知此题答案是C。3. D细节理解题。根据文中原句Finally Betty and I had a good idea.(贝蒂和我最终有了个好主意)可知此题答案是D。4.

27、 B推理判断题。根据上文作者的妈妈给约翰准备了一个装有购物卡的信封,到最后约翰通过游戏嬴得了这个信封,可知此题答案是B。5. A细节理解题。根据文中原句He felt happy. So did we.(他感到很高兴,我们也是)可知此题答案是A。【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵。1. 短语互译(1)化装舞会 (2)同一天 (3) in a loud voice (4) walk off2. 佳句翻译(1)当我们正在写请柬的时候,我妈妈进来了。(2)我们不想让约翰难堪。(3)一切都象我们所计划的那样顺利。(4)他感到高兴,我们也这样。PassageC读后自主学习【答案详解】1-4 BDAD 1.B细节理解题。根据短文第三段中 As she gazed at it in he


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