九年级英语下册 Module 8 My future life Unit 1 Here’s to our friendship and the future导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版_第1页
九年级英语下册 Module 8 My future life Unit 1 Here’s to our friendship and the future导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版_第2页
九年级英语下册 Module 8 My future life Unit 1 Here’s to our friendship and the future导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版_第3页




1、Module 8 My future life Unit1 Heres to our friendship【学习目标】1、(知识与技能)掌握下列重点单词及短语,句子的意思及用法:(1)Words: handbag, intend, beat, pancake, fetch, pardon(2). Phrases: look lovely, a bit, come back, intend to do sth. for long, even if ,have a school-leavers party, one day, make a speech(3). Important sentence

2、s: I dont know when well be back in this hall together again. And even if I go back to the UK, Ill come back and visit you all. Ill finish my high school education here, but I want to go back my home town one day.2、(过程与方法)通过本节课任务驱动,小组合作学习的学习方法,可以培养和提高学生的合作探究能力,增强合作意识,培养学生的探究精神和合作精神,培养学生的创新意识,提高学生解决实

3、际问题的能力。增进同学之间的了解,提高沟通交流的能力。 3、(情感、态度与价值观)即将毕业,培养学生珍惜友情,展望未来,树立目标,向理想奋斗。【重点难点】宾语从句和定语从句【学法指导】运用观察、发现、归纳和实践等方法学习语言知识,感悟语言功能。导 学 过 程【自主学习,基础过关】自主检测:句型展示:用所给词的正确形式完成对话。enjoy, wherever, noise, wonder, loveBetty: You look_1_ , Lingling! Lingling: Thanks. Betty: Are you enjoying the party? Lingling: Yes, i

4、ts very_2_, but I feel a bit sad. Tony: _3_ you go, that will happen. Lingling: The hall looks _4_,Tony. Tony: Cool music, Daming! Daming: Pardon? Betty: But its a bit _5_. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _2、我的疑惑:【合作探究,释疑解惑】1. fetch v. (去)拿来,取来Lets fetch something to eat. 我们去拿些吃的东西吧。(1) fetch+某物+from +某地, 表示

5、去某地拿来某物。 (2)fetch+ 间接宾语+直接宾语=fetch+直接宾语+介词for+间接宾语,意为“去拿给”选词填空take, carry, bring, fetchI asked Lily to _ me an English book, but she _ me a Chinese book, so I asked her to _it back to the teachers office. fetch(去某地)拿来(讲话者处);bring(从某地)拿到(讲话者处);take(从讲话者处)拿走;carry“搬,扛”无方向性,有负重之意。 2. raise v. 举起Lets ra

6、ise our glasses. 让我们举起杯子。选词填空raise/riseOn Monday morning, we were watching the children _ the national flag, and we saw it _ slowly in the wind. rise/raise(1)rise和raise都有“上升,升起,上涨,举起”等意思。(2)rise为不及物动词(rise后面不加宾语),raise是及物动词(raise后面要加宾语)。(3)一般事物自身可以升高、上升的,常用rise,如太阳东升,河水上涨等,而raise一般是人为地让事物升高,如举起胳膊,提高

7、薪水等。【检测反馈,学以致用】 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. True _ (friend)between friends is worth than money. 2. I _ (miss) the first bus, so I came late. 3. There are six lights _ (hang) on the ceiling. 4. Im not good at table tennis. Jim always _ (beat) me. 5. Our teacher asked Tom _ (fetch)a map of China for her. 【总结提炼,知

8、识升华】、学习收获、需要注意的问题 大声朗读,背诵重点句子,组长检测,老师抽查。【课后训练,巩固拓展】单项选择.( )1. That morning was the most _ time he had ever had. A. enjoy B. enjoyableC. enjoymentD. enjoyful( )2. I _ come to your house last night but it rained. A. intend toB. intendC. intended toD. intended( )3. _ your success, cheers! A. Here is B. Heres to C. Here to


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