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1、,Translate,1.subject n.,the thing you are talking about or considering in a coversation,diacussion,lecture,book,etc 主题,话题,题目 an area of knowledge you study at school or university 学科,科目 (in grammar)主语,1.subject adj.,likely tobe affected by sth unpleasant 可受的影响,易遭受的 depenging on sth in order to be co

2、mpleted or agreed 取决于,视而定 under the authority 0f sb/sth 服从于,受支配 (only before noun)controlled by the goverment of another country 臣服于,受异族统治的,subject v.,to make sb/sth experience,suffer or be affected by sth usually sth unpleasant 使经受,使遭受,We have decided to make up this subject about sino-Japanese rel

3、ations in our next discussion.,1.我们决定下次讨论会上讨论中日关系这个题目。,What is a bore? A bore is person who never stops talking and never changes the subjects.,2.什么是令人讨厌的人?令人讨厌的人就是那种说个没完,又永远不换话题的人。,It is quite natural that English should have become one of the most important subjcts in school today.,3.今天英语成为学校最重要的一

4、门课程之一很自然。,The schedule is subject to change.,4.这个时间安排有可能会变化。,She is the kind of person who is subject to sun strokes even in winter.,5.她属于甚至冬天也常常会中暑的那种人。,The plan is subject to approval from higher authorities.,6.这个计划需经上级批准。,The business operation of all foreign-owned enterprises in China are subjec

5、t to Chinese laws.,7.所有外国全资企业在中国的业务经营都需遵守中国法律。,He was subjected to cruel torture.,8.他遭到了残酷的拷打。,to clean or clear away with or as if with a broom or brush 打扫 (said to people)to move quickly together;to move quickly ,confidently and impatiently 集结,快速移动 to move quickly and with a lot of force 袭击 to bec

6、ome very popular 席卷,sweep v.,sweep away 一扫而空,清除 sweep into 涌入,把扫进 sweep across 席卷,横扫,Lets sweep the snow away first thing tomorrow morning,9.我们明天一早把雪扫掉吧。,The flood swept away everything we had in the village.,10.洪水把我们村里的一切都卷走了。,The students all swept into the auditorium after super to watch the new

7、movie.,11.学生们晚饭后都冲到礼堂去看那部新电影。,A terrible typhoon swept across the coastal area of our province yesterday.,12.昨天一场可怕的台风横扫了我省的沿海地区。,The idea of reform swept the country like a wild fire.,13.改革的思想像野火一样传遍了全国。,thing or things n. 材料,东西,填充物,stuff,to fill a space v.填满,塞满, stuff and nonsense 胡说八道,The backpac

8、k is stuffed with books and weighs at least thirty pounds.,14.书包里塞满了书,起码有三十磅重。,Please,no sea slugs or scorpions.I dont care for that kind of weird stuff.,15.请别给我海参和蝎子,我不喜欢这类古怪的东西。,Learning a foreign language in two mouths? Stuff and nonsense.,16.两个月学一种外语?胡说八道!,clear v., to remove sth or some things

9、from a place that is being blocked 清除,扫除、 to prove that sb is not guilty of sth 使清白,使干净、 to become brighter when clouds break and move away 放晴 to pay the debt 偿还债务,Look at the mess on your desk! Why dont you clear away all these useless things?,17.瞧你桌上乱七八糟的样子!你为什么不把无关的东西清理掉?,During an emergency, the

10、 streets will have to be cleared.,18.遇到紧急情况的时候,所以街道都必须让出来。,The boy was cleared of suspicion as more evidence was presented in his favor.,19.由于提出了更多的有利证据,对那个男孩的怀疑排除了。,The sky suddenly cleared and we all jumped for joy.,20.天气突然好起来了,我们大家都高兴得跳了起来。,It is my habit to clear all my debts by the end of the y

11、ear.,21.我每年年以前还请全部所欠账款是我的习惯。,export n., sth sold to another country 出口商品 the whole business of selling goods or services to another country 出口,输出,Twenty years ago,made in China was still a catchword for shoddy goods.Today our exports are comparable in quality to the worlds best.,22. 20年以前,“中国造”还是劣质产品的标记,但是现在我们的出口品在质量上可以和世界最好的相比了。,Last year the total value of our exports amounted to 500 billion.,23.去年我们的出口达到了5000亿美元,增长了15个百分点。,The evaluation of currency is usually good f


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