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1、Company Name: 企业名称:Locatio n:审核地点:Date of audit:审核时间:Auditor:审核员:Acco mpanies:陪同人员:Audit checklist审核表Illustratio ns:填写说明:1.The checklist is comp iled with the CNCA Techni cal Sta ndard GAP Part.51.本审核表依据国家认证认可监督管理委员会技术规范良好农业规范综合农业保证第5部分果蔬种植控制点与符合性规范报批稿编制而成。2.The auditors should fill in the checklist

2、 accord ing to the facts. The results of the audit are as follows: con formity, gen eral con formity, uncon formity or NA. PI ease record the n ecessary illustrati ons in the colu mn of Remark.2.请审核员根据企业实际情况如实填写下表,审核结果分为“符合”、“基本符合”、“不符合”、 “不适用”,必要的说明请记录在“备注”栏内。企业质量体系一般内容:Gen eral Co ndition of the Q

3、uality SystemNo.序号Audit Co ntents审核内容Result审核结果Remark备注Con formity符合Gen eral con formity 基本 符合Uncon formity不符合NA 不适 用1Orga ni zati onal structure, dep artme nt fun cti ons and res pon sibility 组织机构图及各部门职责权限2Quality Po licy and Objective 质量方针、目标3File list of quality con trol docume nt 质量体系文件清单4Log li

4、st of quality con trol record 质量体系记录清单5List of refere nee sta ndard参考规范、标准清单6List of the seeds and p roducts 种子、产品清单7List of p esticide 农药清单8List of fertilizer 肥料清单9Equi pment list, equ ipment maintenance ann ual plan and equi pment maintenance record设施清单、设施年度维护保养计划、设施维修记 录10Measuri ng equi pment li

5、st and calibrati on p la n测量设备清单、测量设备年度校准计划11Ann ual training plan and recorder 员工年度培训计划、员工培训记录12Staff ann ual medical recorder 员工年度健康检查记录表13P roduct traceability 产品可追溯性14Farm layout (serial n umber, water source, warehouse, pr ocess area, lavatory etc.) 种植地块平面图(地块编号、灌溉水源、各仓 库、加工区、洗手点、厕所等)15P est co

6、n trol虫鼠害控制16Report of the en vir onment 产地环境质量监测报告17Rep ort of the audit (third-p arty) 产品检测报告(第三方)累计No.序号Co ntrol Poi nt控制点Con formity Sta ndard 符合性标准Level水平Result 审核结果Remark备注Co nfo rmity 符合Gen eralCon formity基本 符合Unconf ormity 不符合NA不 适 用3.1.1 . 1Selecti on of variety and rootstock 品种和母本的选 择The f

7、arm shall adop ti ng the planting tech no logy and measures to decrease the usage of p rotect ing pr oducti ons and fertilizer应对“母本作物”采取栽培技术和措施,以减少植保产品 和肥料在注册产品的用量。3级3.1.2 . 1Quality of the seeds or rootstock种子和(或)母本 的质量The certificati on or record of the quality of seeds, p urificati on of the vari

8、ety, n ame of the variety, batch n umber and ven dor of the seeds shall be available.应有种子质量、品种纯度、名称、批号和销售商的“种子 记录或证书”。3级3.1.3Prop agati on Material繁殖材料Plant health certificate shall be available complying with the n ati on al legislati on or sector orga ni zati on guideli nes应有符合国家法规或行业组织规定的植物健康证明。2

9、级Measures shall be take n whe n there app ears the evide nee of in sect con tam in ati on on the material surface (ex. the tim ing of use the plant pr otecti on material)材料外观上具有已经感染病虫害迹象时,应提供处理措施 (如:使用植保产品处理的时机等)。3级The record shall be p rovided to show prop agati on material is fit for the purpose i

10、.e. quality certificate, terms of delivera nee or sig ned letters. Import prop agati on material shall comply with the releva nt laws and regulati ons.应有证实繁殖材料满足预期目标的记录,如质量保证书、 交货条件或确认书。进境繁殖材料应遵照相关法律法规执 行。2级A quality con trol system shall be in p lace that contains a mon itori ng system on visible s

11、ig ns of p est and diseases is in p lace and curre nt records of the mon itori ng system and record rema in ed.应有包括监控可见病虫害的质量控制系统,且保持最新的 记录。2级Records of crop p rotecti on treatme nt app lied duri ng the plant prop agati on p eriod for in house plant n ursery prop agati on shall be available and in c

12、lude pr oduct n ame, app licati on date and doses.室内种苗繁殖期间,如果使用了植保产品处理,应有记 录;记录的内容包括:植保产品名称、施用时间和剂量。2级321Site history and site man ageme nt 种植基地的历史Before use of the land, food safety, op erati ng personal safety and the en vir onment shall be evaluated in writte n form in cludi ng the soil type, the

13、 erosi on, the grou nd water quality, the availability of susta in able water sources, and imp act on and of the adjace nt area.在使用土地之前,应对食品安全、操作人员安全和环境进 行书面的风险评估并记录,其中应考虑土壤类型、侵蚀程 度、地下水质和水位,水源的持续供给,及其与周边区域 的相互影响。1级Corrective acti on shall be take n to reduce all the defi ned risk in n ewly plan tati

14、 on. The severity and the p ossibility of defi ned risks shall be in dicated and the p reve ntive measures shall be take n. 应有纠正措施以减小新种植基地所有确定的风险。对每项确定的风险都应标明其严重性和发生的可能性,以 及有预防或控制风险的措施。2级322Site Man ageme nt 种植基地的管理All farming activities on each cultivated area relate to the GAP docume ntary regulat

15、i ons shall be recorded.对每块种植区上与良好农业规范文件要求相关的所有农事 活动应有文件记录。1级3.3.1Soil fumigati on土壤的熏蒸Writte n evide nee shall be available to show the use of soil fumiga nts in cludi ng locati on, date, active in gredie nt, doses, method of app licati on and op erator.应有使用土壤熏蒸剂的书面证据。熏蒸证据应包括熏蒸地点、日期、有效成份、剂量、使用 方法和操

16、作人员。2级The farmer shall be able to dem on strate assessme nt of alter natives to chemical soil fumigati on through tech ni cal kno wledge, writte n evide nee or acce pted local pr actice农场应能够证明其通过技术知识、书面证明或当地可接受 的习惯性的操作措施来评估替代土壤熏蒸方法的其他方 法。3级3.3.2Substractes基质The farmer shall kee p the records with qu

17、a ntities recycled and dates or in voices/loadi ng dockets. The justificati on shall be made if there is no recycli ng p rogram available.应有基质循环数量及日期的记录,也可接受收货发票或装 载记录。如果没有实施基质再循环计划,应做岀合理的解 释。3级Use of fertilize equi pment 施肥机械的使用When the substractes are sterilized on the farm, the n ame or refere ne

18、e of the field, orchard or gree nhouse shall be recorded, if the sterilized off farm the n the n ame and locati on of the company shall be recorded.如果在农场进行基质消毒,应记录农田、果园或温室的名 字或编号;如果是在农场外进行消毒,应记录对基质消毒 的公司名称及地点。1级The contents of the follows should be correctly recorded: date of the dis in fecti on, n

19、ame of the chemistry, method of disi nfectio n and the op erator (con figure chemistry and n ame)应对以下内容正确记录:消毒日期、化学品名称及有效成 份、机械类型、消毒方式和操作人员(配置化学品和消毒 人员)的名字。2级When the substractes are reused, there shall be a docume ntary evide nee to p rove that steam method was con sidered for first choice.当基质被再次使用

20、时,应通过书面证据证明曾优先考虑了 蒸气法。3级The origi n of the substractes shall be record. The substractes shall not be from the appoin ted con servati on regi ons.有记录证实正在使用基质的来源,且不许来自于指定的保 护区域。3级The fertilizati on equi pment shall be in good con diti on. The record of the maintenance and p arts p urchas ing in voice

21、shall be maintain ed.施肥机械应处于良好的状态。 应有维护记录或购买施肥机械的零配件发票。2级341With in 12 month p eriod, the equ ipment shall be calibrated by the sp ecialised company, supp lier of the fertilizatio n equ ipment or tech ni cally respon sible person. The calibrati on shall verificati on the fertiliz ing qua ntity per t

22、ime and per area.在最近12个月内,由专业公司、施肥机的供应商或技术负 责人员对施肥机械进行校准,并提供书面记录。对校准的检 定包括单位时间和面积的施肥量。3级342Fertiliser 化肥The docume ntary evide nee shall be available to in dicate the details of the chemical comp ositi on in the fertilizer used for the rece nt 12 mon ths.最近12个月内,种植的农作物上施用化肥的详细化学成份 应有书面证明。3级3.5.1Requ

23、est of forecast irrigati on 预测灌溉的要求Systematic methods shall be used to calculate the water requireme nt of the crop.Calculati ons shall be available and supp orted by data in clude the rain gauges, dra in age trays, for substracte, eva po rati on meters, water tension meters and soil maps.系统的预测方法计算农

24、作物的需水量。应提供计算工具并有支持性数据记录,包括雨量计、基质 排水量测试仪器、蒸发计、土壤水分张力计和土壤形态 图。3级Docume nted records shall be available for p redicted and actual rain fall.在计算灌溉量时,应考虑预测的降雨量。 应有预测和实际降雨量书面记录。3级Take eva po rati on into con siderati on duri ng the water con serva ncy. Docume nted record shall be available to show how and

25、 which data are used to calculate the eva po rati on.在计算灌溉量时,应考虑蒸发量。 应有文件证实如何和用哪些数据来计算蒸发率。3级3.5.2Method of irrigati on and(or)fertilizati on灌溉和(或)施肥 的方式3.5.3Quality of irrigati on water 灌溉水的质量Use the most efficie nt and commercially pr actical water delivery system to make the best use of the water

26、resource .应使用最有效和经济实用的供水系统,以确保最佳利用水资 源。感官评估,所用的灌溉系统是高效的。3级There shall be a plan of water man ageme nt in order to op timize the amou nt and reduce the waste.A docume nted plan shall be available which outl ines the ste ps and acti ons of the water man ageme nt plan. 应有水管理计划以优化水的用量并减少浪费。应有书面的计划,并列岀水管

27、理的方法及步骤。3级Irrigati on water shall be tested at least one time every year.每年应至少分析一次灌溉用水。3级Relative docume nts or recorder p rove that the lab is able to an alysis N,P K, Ec and pH应有相关文件或记录证实实验室有能力分析氮、磷、钾、 电导率和pH值。3级Accord ing to the risk an alysis, there should be a docume ntary recorder of microbial

28、 con tam in ati on. 根据风险分析,对相关微生物污染应有书面记录。3级Accord ing to the risk an alysis, there should be a docume ntary recorder of relative chemistry p olluti on.根据风险分析,对相关化学品污染应有书面记录。3级Accord ing to the risk an alysis, there should be docume ntary recorder of relative heavy material con tam in ati on.根据风险分析,

29、对相关重金属污染应有文件记录。3级Corrective acti on shall be take n and recorded whe n there is an irregular result.应对岀现的异常结果采取措施。 对采取的措施及结果应有记录。3级361362The equ ipment used 使用的设备3.6.3The IPM tech nologist of the farm shall receive the formal docume ntary trai ning an d/or the exter nal IPM services can pr ove their

30、 qualificati on.农场的技术负责人接受正式书面培训和(或)外部病虫害 综合管理的咨询服务,能够证实技术负责人的资格。2级There shall be relative record to p rove the farm take part in the plan of calibrati on and detecti on independen tly.应有相关记录以证明农场参加了独立的校准或检定计划。3级The farm shall have the MRL in formatio n of the dest in ati on market domestic or aboar

31、d. The MRL sta ndard shall be con firmed through the custom or n ati on al legislati on. If the pr oducts are sold on many markets, the MRL shall accord to the strictest sta ndard.农场应掌握国内或国际最高残留限量(MRL标准。最高残留限量(MRL应通过与顾客确认沟通或通过产品预期销售 的特定国家的法规要求来确定。如产品销往多个市场时, 残留检查系统应满足最严格的最高残留限量(MRL要求。1级If the MRL st

32、a ndard on the market is stricter tha n the one in the p rove nan ce, the farm or other con sumers shall p rove that man ufacturer has take n the MRL into con siderati on. (That is to say the using method of plant p rotecti on pr oducts has bee n altered an d/or the residue tested)当产品销售市场的最高残留限量(MRL

33、严于生产地的要求时,农场或其顾客能够证实,在生产周期内已经考虑最咼残 留限量(MRL的要求(即,修订植保产品使用方法和(或)采取农残检测结果)。1级Corp pr otecti on eleme nt 作物保护的基本要素Corp pr otecti on p roduct residue an alysis植保产品的残留分 析3.7.1Harvest ing hygie ne 采收卫生There shall be docume nted andup to dated (reviewed ann ually) risk assessme nt(n ati on al, i ndustry-wid

34、e, or in dividual) that covers the hygie ne asp ects of the harvesti ng op erati on as detailed in the follow ing con trol poi nt.应有书面且最新的(每年评审)风险评估,其中包括采收操 作的卫生要求(国家、行业和个人),详见下一个控制点。1级As a direct result of the harvest and pre-farm gate transport hygie ne risk an alysis, a docume nted hygie ne p roc

35、edure shall have bee n impl eme nted.根据采收和离开农场前运输的卫生风险分析结论,执行书面 的卫生规程。1级Reusable harvesti ng contain ers, tolls (i.e. scissors, kni fes, pruning shears, etc) and harvesti ng equ ipmen t (machi nery) shall be clea ned and maintain ed, and a clea ning and dis in fecti on schedule shall be in pl ace (a

36、t least once a year) to p reve nt p roduce con tam in ati on, in accorda nee with the harvest hygie ne risk assessme nt results.根据采收卫生风险评估的结果,应制订清洁和消毒方案(每 年至少一次),重复使用的采收容器、工具(如剪子、 刀、修枝剪等)和采收用的设备(机械)应得到清洁和维 护。1级All pr oduce p acked and han dled directly in the field, orchard or gree nhouse shall be r

37、emoved from field over ni ght, i n accorda nee with the harvest hygie ne risk assessme nt results. All field p acked pr oduce shall be coved to p reve nt con tam in ati on once p acked and duri ng transp ort (from the fields or outly ing farms to where it is stored), i n accorda nee with the harvest

38、 hygie ne risk assessme nt results. If harvested and on farm p acked pr oduce are shored on farm, storage areas shall clea ned, and if app licable, temp erature and humidity con trol maintained and docume nted, in accorda nee with the harvest hygie ne risk assessme nt results.根据采收卫生风险评估结果,所有直接从农田、果园

39、或温 室里包装和处理的农产品应当天运岀。所有在农田包装的 农产品应遮盖,以避免包装后和在运输过程中(从农田或 偏远的农场到存放处)受到污染。如果采收后在农场包装 的农产品就地存放,存放区应保持清洁。需要时,根据采 收卫生风险评估结论对温度和湿度应加以控制并保持记 录。Farm vehicles used for tra nsport of harvested pr oduce that are also used for any purpose other than transport of harvested pr oduce, shall be clea ned and maintain

40、ed, and a clea ning schedule to pr eve nt p roduce con tam in ati on is in p lace (i.e. soil, dirt, orga nic fertilizer, sp ills, etc.), in accorda nee with the harvest hygie ne risk assessme nt results.当运输收获农产品的车辆,还用于其它目的时,应根据采收 卫生风险评估结论,有计划地做清洁保养,避免农产品受到 污染(如土壤、灰尘、有机肥、泄漏等)。Fixed or mobile hand was

41、hi ng equ ipment shall be accessible to harvest workers withi n at least 500 meters and they are in a good state of hygie ne.在采收作业的员工工作场所至多500米附近内,应有固定的或移动的洗手设施,且卫生状况良好。1级Fixed or mobile toilet facilities shall be accessible to harvest workers within at least 500 meters and they are in a good state

42、of hygie ne在采收作业的员工工作场所至多500米附近内,应有固定的或移动的厕所,且卫生状况良好。2级3.7.2P ackagi ng/Harves ting Containers on Farm农场的包装和采收 容器Produce containers shall be only used to contain p roduce (i.e. no agricultural chemicals, lubrica nts, oil, clea ning chemicals, plant or other debris, l unch bags, tools, etc.).感官评估,存放农

43、产品的容器是专用的(即不存放农用化 学品、润滑油、汽油、清洁剂、植物或其它废弃物、餐 盒、工具等)。3级3.7.3Produce p acked at point of harvest农产品在采收点的 包装Any ice used at point of harvest shall be made with po table water and han dled un der san itary con diti ons to prevent p roduce con tam in ati on.所有在采收点使用的冰必须由饮用水制成,且在卫生条件下 处理,以免农产品受到污染。3级3.8Pr o

44、duce Han dli ng 农产品的处理3.8.1Hygie ne卫生Toilets in a good state of hygie ne with hand washi ng facilities, containing non-p erfumed soa p and water shall be accessible and close by, but must not open directly onto the p roduce han dli ng area uni ess the door is self-clos ing.工作地点附近应有带洗手设施、能方便使用的卫生间,且

45、卫生条件良好,提供无香味的肥皂和水,卫生间若无自动 关闭的门则门不应开向农产品处理区域。2级There shall be evide nee (i.e.: sig ned atte ndance registrati on, exter nal certificates) that the workers have received verbal and docume nted un dersta ndable in struct ions in the releva nt asp ects of p roduce han dli ngHygie ne in cludi ng: persona

46、l clea nii ness i.e. hand wash ing, weari ng of jewellery and fingern ail len gth and clea ning, etc; cloth ing clea nIi ness; personal behaviour, i.e. no smok ing, spitting, eati ng, chew ing, p erfumes, etc.应有证据(如签到薄、外部的证书)表明员工接受了有关 农产品处理卫生问题的口头或易理解的书面指导证据,其 中包括个人卫生,如洗手、配戴首饰、指甲的长度和卫生 等;着装卫生;个人行为,即

47、禁止吸烟、吐痰、吃零食、 嚼口香糖、涂香水等。There shall be evide nee that the workers are complying with the hygie ne in struct ions regard ing personal clea nii ness and cloth ing, i.e. hand wash ing, weari ng of jewellery and fingern ail len gth and clea ning, etc.; personal behaviour, i.e. no smok ing, spitting, eati

48、 ng, chew ing, p erfumes, etc.应有证据表明员工遵守了卫生培训中关于个人卫生和着装 的要求,如洗手、配戴首饰、指甲的长度和卫生等;个人 行为如禁止吸烟、吐痰、吃零食、嚼口香糖、涂香水等。3.8.2P ost-harvest wash ing 采收后的清洗With in the last 12 mon ths a water an alysis has bee n carried out at the point of entry into the washi ng mach in ery. The levels of the p arameters an alyse

49、d shall be with in acce pted n ati onal drinking water thresholds or be acce pted as safe for the food in dustry by the comp ete nt authorities.应在最近12个月内,对清洗农产品的水源进行水质分析。水 质报告分析结果应达到国家饮用水相关要求,或被有资质的 权威机构认定在食品业中应用是安全的。Where water is re-circulated for final p roduce washi ng, it shall be filtered and

50、dis in fected, and pH, concen tratio n and expo sure levels to dis in fecta nt be routi nely mon itored, with docume nted records maintain ed. Filteri ng shall be done with an effective system for solids and sus pensions that have a docume nted rout ine clea ning schedule accord ing to the usage and

51、 water volume.应有以下内容的书面记录:当最终产品的清洗用水循环使 用,需经过滤和消毒,且pH直、消毒剂的浓度和与终产品的接触水平需例行监测。根据水的用途和用量,过滤时应 具备有效去除固体及悬浮物质的系统,并有书面例行的清 洁计划。The water an alysis for the p roduct wash ing shall be un dertake n by a laboratory curre ntly accredited to GB/T 15481 or its natio nal equivale nt or that can dem on strate via

52、 docume ntati on that it is in the p rocess of gaining accreditati on.对清洗产品的用水进行分析的实验室已得到GB/T 15481检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求的认可,或有文件 证实其正处于接受认可的过程中。3.8.3Floors shall be desig ned with i.e. slop es, drain age cha nn els and kept free and clear, to en sure dra in age.地面设计有斜坡并保持清洁、通畅的排水通道。3级P roduce han dli ng f

53、acilities and equipmen t (i.e. pro cess lines and mach in ery, walls, floors, storage areas, p allets, etc.) shall be clea ned an d/or maintained accord ing to a clea ning schedule, to p reve nt con tam in ati on, and docume nted records are kept.应有以下内容的书面记录:按清洁方案清洁和保养农产品处 理设施和设备(即生产线和设备、墙面、地面、存放区、货 架等)以避免污染。2级Rejected p roduce and waste material shall be stored in desig nated areas, which are routi nely clea ned and dis in fected, to prevent p roduce con tam in ati on, and docume nted clea ning records are kept.被拒收的农产品和废弃的原料存放在专设区,并进行例行清 洁和消毒,以避免污染农产品。应有清洁消毒记录。3级


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