



1、第七节:成语的挑战征服成语,让英语形同母语!【疯狂星级】 五星级大学英语专业本科级外交家级【疯狂讲解】美国人说话时,总会很自然地说出一些固定习语我们中国称之为“成语”。大多数英语学习者听到这些话都是一头雾水;要么就不懂装懂,傻乎乎地跟着人家笑。能够用成语与外国人交流,绝对是一大挑战!下面这段对话里面就包括了好几个成语。我们在对话后面帮你把所有成语都总结出来了,把它们变成你真正的财富吧!WERE ON THE SAME WAVELENGTH我们非常投缘Tracy: How are you getting along with your new manager?你和你们新上任的经理相处得如何?Da

2、vid: Just great! We work really well together. Hes got some really modern ideas about how to organize the work. What impresses me most is that he manages to cut through the red tape1 and get things done very fast.非常好!我们俩合作得很好。对于如何组织工作他有一些非常时髦的观念。给我印象最深的是他设法简化了拖拉的公事,工作完成得很快。Tracy: Sounds like you two

3、 are on the same wavelength2.听上去你们俩非常投缘。David: Right! He is a knowledgeable person and has lots of experience on developing new software. We are going to do a research program together. Im all about3 this work because this is the way life is going to be in the future.是的!他是一个知识渊博的人,在开发新软件方面经验丰富。我们将一起

4、合作一项科研项目。我对这个项目有很大的兴趣,因为这个项目与未来生活方式密切相关。Tracy: Im glad to hear that. It sounds like the new manager has a different working style from the former one.听你这么说我很高兴。听上去好像你的新上司与以前的上司在工作方式上有很大的差别。David: Definitely. The former manager lacked honesty. He sometimes only paid lip service4 to some work. But the

5、 new one does what he says. In fact, hes doing all the things I always said we should be doing. Hes set an example for our staff, and were following suit5. He takes great pains6 with everything he doses.的确如此。以前的上司缺乏诚意。他有时只是口头上对某些工作表示支持。但是这个新老板说到做到。事实上,我时常说我们应该做的那些事情他都在着手做。他为我们这些职员树立了榜样,我们都在向他学习。他做每一

6、件事情都下了很大的工夫。Tracy: Do you still have to work overtime?你还是要像以前那样加班吗?David: Not at all. The new manager expects us to work hard but when the end of the day comes he understands that we have a private life to get back to. I dont have to rush, rush, rush all the time as I did before. Its a nice change f

7、rom the rat race7.根本不会。这个新上任的经理希望我们努力工作,但他理解我们下班后有自己的私人生活。我不必像以前那样老是赶啊,赶啊,赶啊的。能从那种疯狂竞争的工作环境中解脱出来真是一件好事。Tracy: Good luck!祝你好运!David: Thank you!谢谢你!财富大检阅第一笔财富: cut through the red tapeRefuse to use official methods which waste time and effort; shorten official procedures摆脱繁琐的、浪费时间的手续或公文;简化拖拉的公事【成语溯源】

8、该成语中的“red tape”原指律师、政府官员等用来系文件用的“红带”,这里引申为“繁文缛节”。1He managed to cut through the red tape and get me a new passport in a couple of hours.他设法简化了繁琐的手续,只用了两三个小时就为我拿到了护照。2Lets cut throught the red tape and take your request right to the director.让我们摒弃繁琐的公文程序,把你的要求直接反映给领导。第二笔财富: on the same wavelengthTwo

9、people have the same sort of ideas, share the same interests and understand each other very well两人趣味相投;观点一致;互相非常了解;有共同语言【成语溯源】 此成语中的“wavelength”是指物理学中的“波长”。波长不一样,波的形式就不一样,譬如,声波和光波的波长是相差很远的。大家还知道,太阳光是由七种颜色的光组成的,不同颜色的光,其波长也是不一样的。“on the same wavelength(处于同一波长范围)”引申为“趣味相同;观点一致;有共同语言”等意思。相反,还可说以“on a di

10、fferent wavelength(趣味相异;观点不一;没有共同语言等)”。1Jack and I are on the same wavelength.我和杰克彼此非常投缘。2Nowadays, many young people and their parents are not on the same wavelength.眼下,许多年轻人和他们的父母没有共同语言。第三笔财富: be all aboutBe enthusiastic about something; like something or someone very much对极感兴趣;热衷于;非常喜欢某物、某人1Im al

11、l about my new job.我对我的新工作非常感兴趣。2Shes all about you. Dont you know that?她非常喜欢你,你难道不知道吗?第四笔财富:pay lip serviceShow support by words only and not by actions只是口头上表示赞成或支持1Its not enough to pay lip service to that project. We have to do something about it.只是口头上支持那个项目是不够的,我们应该拿出些行动来。2He only paid lip servi

12、ce to our research program. He didnt even give us permission to use the lab.他对我们的科研项目只是口头上支持,他甚至不允许我们使用实验室。第五笔财富: follow suitDo as someone else has done; follow someones example效仿某人;以某人为榜样,跟着做【成语溯源】 这个成语源自纸牌游戏,“follow suit”是“跟牌”的意思,譬如:人家出方块,你跟着出方块,就叫做“follow suit”。1If youre going there on foot, I th

13、ink Ill follow suit.如果你步行去那儿,我想我也步行去吧。2When the president came into the classroom, the professor stood up, and all the students immediately followed suit.当院长走进教室时,教授站了起来,所有的学生也都马上跟着起立。第六笔财富: take painsMake a great effort to do something; work carefully and conscientiously。费心,费力;下工夫做某事1She always takes pains with her appearance.她很注重自己的外表。2Were very grateful to you for taking pains to make us comfortable here.你如此费心地为我们作了舒适的安排,我们非常感谢。第七笔财富:rat raceThe working world in which people compete fiercely with each other to be successful; a busy an


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