



1、第四部第五节 一个成功的演讲家必备时代呼唤演讲家李阳克立兹教你一步登天,成为驰聘商界的演讲高手下面是一个成功的商业演讲所必备的四个重要环节。李阳老师根据多年的演讲经验,分别对每一个环节做了深入的研究,总结出一套适合商业演讲的完整体系,并配以例句,以飨那些想借助英语优势来战胜商家对手(而且是国际商家)的有志者。Mr. Li is going to give a presentation of a new idea/project/product/proposal to his clients/colleagues/customers/investors/shareholders/the boar

2、d of directors. He has drawn up a rough plan of the presentation. The plan shows the sequence of his talk and some of the phrases he intends to use.第一标准步骤Introducing Yourself/Starting the Meeting/Opening Remarks自我介绍会议开始开会致辞*Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen.(女士们、先生们:早上好/下午好/晚上好!)*

3、Good morning, everyone.(各位,早上好!)【适用于所有演讲】*We havent all met before, so Id better/like to/want to introduce myself, Im Li Yang from LYCE Co./First let me introduce myself. Im.(我们以前从未会过面,还是让我先来做一下自我介绍。我是李阳,来自李阳克立兹文化传播有限公司。/首先让我来做个自我介绍,我是)【最常用的自我介绍】*I hope youll excuse my English. Im a little out of pr

4、actice/nervous./Please excuse my poor English.(我好久不说英语/我有些紧张,英语讲的不好之处请大家多多包涵。)【超级谦辞】【疯狂联想】This is so much more professional than“My English is poor”.(这种说法比说“我的英语很糟糕”要专业/体面多了。)第二标准步骤Preparing the Audience鼓动听众*Im going to be talking about/Id like to talk about(我今天要讲的是关于)【开门见山,观点明确】*Ill start with.and

5、then move on to.Finally, Im going to./Ill begin by describing.then go on to.and Ill end with.(我将以开始,然后转向,最后,以作为结束)【先总后分,条理清晰】*I think, if you dont mind, well leave questions to the end./If you have any questions Ill be glad to answer them.(我想如果你们不介意的话,我们将把问题留到最后来解决。/如果你们有问题,我很高兴为大家解答。)【主次分明,以“礼”服人】*

6、Please hold/save any questions until the end.(请把所有的问题留到最后。)第三标准步骤Delivering the Message(提供信息)*Firstly.Secondly./First of all.Next.(首先,其次)*This Brings me to my next point./Feel free to interrupt if you have any questions.(这正引出了我下面要讲的一个/如果你们有问题请尽管打断我。)*I must emphasize/stress/make clear/Id like to tur

7、n to/Id like to stress(我必须强调/重点指明/我要转向/强调)*At this point we must consider./At this point we have to bear in mind.(在这一点上我们必须考虑)*Now, to digress for a moment./Now to change the subject for a moment(现在,我们暂时撇开这个话题/现在我们临时换一个话题。)*To go back to my earlier point./To return to the point I made earlier.(还回到我先

8、前的话题)*Finally./In conclusion(最后)第四标准步骤WindingUp(结束演讲)*Before finishing/closing Id like to summarize the main points again/Before I finish, Id like to run through the main points again.(在结束之前我要将我的要点再总结一下。)*Thats all I have to say for the moment./now/today/That brings me to the end of my presentation.

9、(这些就是我今天/刚才要讲的一切。)*Thank you for listening/coming/being here/Thank you for your attention.(谢谢大家前来听我的演讲。)*Now if there are any questions. Ill be happy to answer them/Ill be glad to take any questions./If you have any questions Id be glad to answer them.(如果有任何问题,我将非常乐意为大家解答/我很高兴为大家解答问题。)掌握了以上关于演讲的框架,想

10、必你已对自己的演讲能力有了一半的信心。下面我们再给出一篇范文,李阳老师将化装成一个产品开发人员,向你亲自展示商业演讲的技巧。记住,当你被台下雷鸣般的掌声所陶醉时,别忘了喝上一听“疯狂可乐”!【绝对经典模范演讲】1Good morning ladies and gentlemen; we havent all met before so Id better introduce myself. Im Li Yang from the Development Department of LYCE Co. I should say before we start that I hope youll e

11、xcuse my English, Im a little out of practice. Anyway, Im going to be talking this morning about a new product which we are planning to launch将投放市场in two months time; its called Crazy-Cola, and its a cola flavored drink.【李阳克立兹“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为:12秒】1女士们,先生们,早上好!我们都未见过面,因此我最好自我介绍一下。我是来自疯狂英语公司开发部的李阳。在开始之前,

12、我应该说一下,好久不练了,我对英语有点生疏,讲得不好之处,请大家多多包涵不管怎样,今天上午我打算讲一讲我公司将在两个月后投放市场的一种新产品。它的名字叫“疯狂可乐”,是一种可乐型的饮料。2Well, Ill start with the background to the product launch; and then move on to a description of the product itself; finally, Im going to list some of the main selling points that we should emphasize in the

13、advertising and sales campaign. I think if you dont mind, well leave questions to the end.【李阳克立兹“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为:7秒】2好,我们将从投放该产品的背景开始,然后描述一下新产品的本身。最后,我会列出在广告和销售活动中我们将强调的销售点。我想,如果你们不反对,我们将把提问放在最后。3Now firstly, as you all know, we have had a gap in our soft-drink product range for the last two years; we

14、have been manufacturing mixedfruit drinks and orange drinks for the last ten years, but we stopped producing cola two years ago; I think we all agreed that there was room on the market for a completely new cola flavored drink.Secondly, the market research indicated that more and more consumers are u

15、sing soft drinks as mixers with alcohol so, in other words, the market itself has expanded.【李阳克立兹“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为:15秒】3现在说第一点,就像你们所有人了解的一样,过去两年在软饮料产品系列方面,我们有一个空缺。我们过去10年一直生产混合水果饮料和橙汁饮料,但我们于两年前停止了对可乐的生产。我想我们都同意市场上有生产全新可乐饮料的余地。第二点,市场调研表明,越来越多的消费者正将软饮料作为与烈性酒的混合物。因此,换言之,市场本身已经扩大。4This brings me to my next

16、point which is that we have a rather new customer-profile in mind; I must emphasize that this product is aimed at the young-professional, high-income market and not the traditional consumer of old-fashioned soft drinks. At this point we must consider the importance of packaging and design, and if yo

17、u look at the video in a moment, youll see that we have completely re-vamped翻新the container itself as well as the label and slogan.Now to digress离题;背离for just a moment, the more sophisticated packaging means a high unit cost, and this may be a problem in the selling area, but well have a chance to d

18、iscuss that aspect later.so.to go back to my earlier point, this is a totally new concept as far as LYCE Co. is concerned; as you see we are using both the new-size glass bottle and the miniature metal cans.【李阳克立兹“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为:24秒】4这使我要说另一点。这就是:我们脑海中有一个相当新的消费者形象。我必须强调一下,这种产品瞄准的是年轻的高薪职员,而不是传统的老式的软饮料消

19、费者。在这一点上,我们必须考虑包装和设计的重要性。如果你们一会儿看录相,将发现我们的容器和商标以及口号已经完全翻新。现在我说点题外话,更加高级的包装意味着单位成本的提高,这可能成为销售领域的一个问题。以后我们将有机会对这方面的问题进行讨论因此让我再一次回到我在此之前讲的,就李阳公司来说,这是一个全新的概念。正如你们会发现的一样,我们正在使用新尺寸的玻璃瓶和微型的金属罐。5Finally, lets look at the major attractions of the product. In spite of the higher price it will compete well wit

20、h existing brands; the design is more modern than any of the current rival竞争对手products, and incidentally the flavor is more refreshing and natural.Its low calorie, too.【李阳克立兹“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为:7秒】5最后要说的一点是,让我们看一下该产品主要能吸引人的地方。尽管价格较高,它将与其他现有的牌子进行有力的竞争,其设计比现在任何竞争对手更加现代化。顺便说一下,该产品的味道更加新鲜醇正。卡路里含量也低6O.K., so j

21、ust before closing, Id like to summarize my main points again.We have Crazy Cola, a new design concept, aimed at a relatively new age and income group; its designed to be consumed on its own, as a soft drink, or to be used as a mixer in alcohol-based drinks and cocktails. It comes in both bottle and can and this will mean a slightly higher selling price than we are used to; but the improved flavor and the package design should give us a real advantage in t


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