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1、My five senses,Task,Make a picture book,about senses with your,group members.,(,小组合作制作一本关于感官的图书。,),S,e,n,s,e,s,Smell,Taste,Hearing,Touch,Sight,see,smell,sense of hearing,hear,sense of taste,taste,sense of touch,touch,sense of sight,sense of smell,Discuss with your group members .,(,和组内的小伙伴一起讨论,),I c

2、an see.,I see with my eyes.,I use my eyes to see.,I like to see stars in the sky at night.,Can you make some sentences about the senses?,(,你能说出一些有关感官的句子吗?,),I like to,see .,Choose one of the senses and make at least 5,sentences.,选择其中一个感官造句。(至少,5,个),Think,pairs,share,square,(独立思考,两人合作,相互分享,集体讨论),A Re

3、ading A,Z Level D Leveled Reader ? Word Count: 113,Senses,Written by Cher yl Ryan ? Illustrated by Chris Grine,L E V E L E D R E A D E R ? D,Senses,I like to learn about things.,How do I learn about things?,I use my five senses.,3,4,I use my eyes to see.,I see bees and birds.,I use my ears to hear.,

4、I hear birds singing.,I,hear bees buzzing.,Each member chooses one of the picture ,write,something about it with the senses.,(,每位小组成员选择其中一幅图片并用有关感,官的词句为其配上合适的文字。,),Think,pairs,share,square,(独立思考,两人合作,相互分享,集体讨论),Word bank,tongue,sweet,pretty berries,fuzzy caterpillar,(毛毛虫),fingers flowers,buzzing(,蜜蜂

5、嗡嗡声,),E.g.,I use my eyes to see.,I see birds and bees.,5,I use my nose to smell.,I smell pretty flowers.,6,I use my tongue to taste.,8,I use my fingers to touch.,I touch the fuzzy caterpillar.,7,I taste sweet berries.,I like to go to my garden.,I use my five senses.,I use them to see and hear.,9,I use them to smell and taste.,I learn a lot from my senses.,10,I use them to touch.,Homework,Finish the writing , share in the,ne


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