Influence on teachers and teachers formation and the role of prestige(影响教师和教师的角色形成和威望)_第1页
Influence on teachers and teachers formation and the role of prestige(影响教师和教师的角色形成和威望)_第2页
Influence on teachers and teachers formation and the role of prestige(影响教师和教师的角色形成和威望)_第3页
Influence on teachers and teachers formation and the role of prestige(影响教师和教师的角色形成和威望)_第4页
Influence on teachers and teachers formation and the role of prestige(影响教师和教师的角色形成和威望)_第5页
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1、 Influence on teachers and teachers formation and the role of prestige Abstract This paper discusses the influence of teacher authority and teacher, the relationship between teachers prestige, the prestige of teachers in the formation and role of teachers in high prestige, is an important factor aff

2、ecting students, once formed, in teaching and education will play a huge role. Keywords prestige of authority influence 1 the influence of the teachers authority is a prerequisite for teachers Teachers authority refers to teachers in a particular academic field to master a wealth of knowledge, his a

3、cademic accomplishments in the deep, is the academic experts in the field, he also has some kind of recognition that others can not have know the capabilities to deal with problems and problem-solving skills. Therefore, the teachers authority is more of a knowledge of the authority. In traditional e

4、ducation and examination-oriented education system, is the absolute authority of teachers in the classroom, the teachers authority is mainly reflected in the teachers who play a strong role is to dominate, and students who can only play a subordinate role of the vulnerable. Today, the quality of edu

5、cation China has become the consensus, the traditional authority of teachers, is facing unprecedented challenges. the classroom teacher is no longer the soloist and mouthpiece, dominated by the teachers role gradually evolved into the organizer, guiding role. Students are also masters of the classro

6、om! Between teachers and students is a two-way communication relationship so the teachers authority gradually extended to the field of influence of teachers. Teachers influence is mainly a teacher control and childrens psychological and behavioral changes in the ability of teachers to influence the

7、size ultimately depends on the size of the teachers charisma, knowledge, and teaching art to how much the level of the teachers influence are of two parts: First, the power of influence: This is given by the teachers themselves the role of the teacher on behalf of the community and schools responsib

8、le for students in education, organization and leadership, especially head teachers, this influence becomes a greater power of the teacher with their own teaching position in education, especially in front of students of special status and power, through the rigid requirements and mandatory directiv

9、es to achieve the education and teaching purposes, to complete the task of education and teaching, this influence is equivalent to the teachers authority. Two non-power influence: from the teachers moral character, knowledge, skills, emotions, personality and other personality traits influence gener

10、ated by it is a natural influence, business expertise and rely on teachers to win student of moral factors respect and trust, and not directly related to power the teacher than by rigid requirements and mandatory instructions to achieve the education and teaching purposes, but with their own inner s

11、trength to encourage students to complete educational tasks conscientiously, this influence is the real meaning of teacher influence. Power influence and establish the authority of teachers, the impact on students is short, but not the power of influence can have a profound impact on students, and t

12、his influence will grow as students age, more and more intense, increasingly play its due effect in the power of influence and non-power influence, the influence of teachers play a decisive role in the non-power influence. In real life, also in the teaching position, there Student teachers can be we

13、lcomed and loved, and some teachers are still not high prestige, lack of influence in the students, a very important reason is that teachers of non-power influence is not the same. As the teachers authority to implement and complete the education of teachers and teaching an important guarantee, so t

14、he teacher must establish his authority. Teachers must be student-oriented, to respect the students personality and individual development, but can not be swayed by the students, only students from, and when students consciously or unconsciously imitate the teachers time, this influence will have a!

15、 2 teachers prestige is the inevitable result of the influence of teachers 2.1 prestige of teachers Wilson is a teacher of teachers to enable students with dignity, worth convincing, psychology and behavior of students to produce a spiritual inspiration. The prestige of teachers, teacher education i

16、s that students are willing to accept the basis and premise is the impact on students is very important factor the student of the prestigious teacher lectures, will be very attentively, the prestigious teachers to teach, willing to accept the contrary, on the authority of the teachers who do not wil

17、l be very offensive. Teachers influence the formation of 2.2 Teachers should establish credibility, of course, have to rely on the teachers influence, this influence to establish the credibility of teachers may be subtle, but this influence is to establish the credibility of teachers for life. Teach

18、ers can become influential teachers need to have the following qualities: First, there must be a noble character. The sacred duty of teaching and educating teachers, teachers should have a love of education, teaching and belief, with its word, rigorous and realistic style, with a progressive, innova

19、tive spirit of teaching, ( transfer under section 103 (on the next page 91 with love of students, teachers and quality. Links to free download Second, there must be a broad range of knowledge knowledgeable, knowledgeable teachers, students easy access to the trust and respect, an

20、d then into a powerful influence. Third, there must be superb and it covers the ability to command, decision-making ability, organizational skills, coordination, language skills, resourcefulness, innovation ability, the strength of teachers in order to determine teachers level of trust in the minds

21、of students is directly related to the size of the influence of teachers. Fourth, the inherent emotion. As the saying goes there is no love, no education, teachers, students love, care, trust, understanding, respect, and can cause emotional reactions of students, teachers and students love to play a

22、 role as a bridge of communication and into the ideological driving force for student behavior, resulting in cohesion, this influence its radius greater. 2.3 The formation of the prestige of teachers In general, the prestige of teachers, mainly from the following three aspects: First: knowledge pres

23、tige. Profound profound knowledge, informative, humorous lectures of teachers in the students an important source of prestige in winning the same time, teachers profound profound knowledge itself can dispel uncertainty, to gain the respect of others, the psychological benefits it brings is one of pr

24、estige. The second aspect: the prestige of personality. Good teachers out of the pragmatic performance, dedication of a human ladder reflecting the spirit of charisma is an important source of prestige of teachers, teachers in the teaching and performance of everyday exchanges out of a serious and r

25、esponsible, to maintain and uphold the truth, not flattery, do not flatter those of upright character and set a good example of the behavior, not only will give students a subtle influence, and will bring a sense of trust and credibility. Third: the emotional credibility. It comes from the feelings

26、of teachers to students blend into each others feelings and the teacher through the equal treatment of students, from students academic, and life, care for them, will enable students to teachers have a sense of trust. From a teachers humble and kind, sincere attitude of the students, the students wi

27、ll feel a sense of order for teachers to bring prestige. Overall, the development of education law is bound to the authority of the teacher to teacher influence, and thus establish the true teacher credibility. 3 teachers, the role of prestige Prestige that affect student teachers very important fac

28、tor, and its role mainly for the following four areas: First: the prestige of teachers is a prerequisite students receive their education, students believe that teachers teach prestigious authenticity and correctness, therefore, they will actively accept their teachers. Second: the prestigious teachers request easily be converted to the needs of students. This will help teachers to students with good quality training. Third: the prestigious teachers very easy to arouse students words and deeds of the corresponding emotional experience, thereby


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