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1、婚礼设计师的英语简历范文模板 英语是婚礼设计师外企求职者求职应聘的第一道门槛,下面第一给大家分享一些婚礼设计师的英语简历范文模板,大家快来跟一起欣赏吧。 Basic CV Name: Mr. Xie Nationality: Chinese Current location: Guangzhou National: Han Exit and Entry: Guangzhou tall: 185 cm ? 80 kg Marital Status: Single Age: 28-year-old Training Certification: integrity badge: Job searc

2、h intention and work experience Personnel types: ordinary job ? Position: Design / ad categories: furniture design, product design, Work Experience: 8 Title: No Title Job type: may be reported for duty date: 1 weeks Monthly requirements: 3500 - 5000 the hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou Personal

3、 experience: Company Name: Halo Asia Ltd beginning and ending date :20xx-06 20xx-07 Company nature: wholly foreign-owned-owned industries: timber, furniture Positions: Product Development Job Description: The main for all types of British furniture products (solid wood furniture, sofa, stainless ste

4、el furniture, etc.) the effect of design and 3D mapping. Reasons for leaving: Company Name: Guangzhou Office of the United States AWA beginning and ending date :20xx-04 20xx-05 Company nature: in their respective professions: an integrated industrial and mercial enterprises Positions: designer Job D

5、escription: The main kitchen cabis for the American, pet supplies, hardware, plastic products, designs and so the effect of design and 3D mapping. Reasons for leaving: Company Name: Yi-hua of the kitchen equipment factory start-stop date :20xx-01 20xx-01 Company nature: private enterprises in their

6、respective professions: Machinery and equipment Positions: designer Job Description: The main restaurant kitchen equipment for drawing and design, and office software. Reasons for leaving: Company Name: Gabriel cultural Limited beginning and ending date :20xx-01 20xx-12 Company nature: private enter

7、prises in their respective professions: timber, furniture Positions: designer Job Description: The office furniture design, production drawings, painted, as well as the drawing changes. Reasons for leaving: Educational background Graduate institutions: Guangzhou Radio and Television University Highe

8、st level of education: college graduation date: 20xx-09-01 Studies by one: Computer Science II applications: By education and training experience: the termination of the start date school years (institutions) to obtain a certificate of professional certificate number Guangzhou Radio and Television U

9、niversity 1999-09 20xx-09 college diploma puter application Language ability Foreign Language: English Excellent Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: Excellent The ability to work and other expertise Proficiency in the use of various types of mapping software (such as: CAD, 3DMAX, Rhino, Pho

10、toshop, AI, etc.), years of design experience, good English reading and writing, aording to customers request product design. Detailed personal autobiography Personal Contact Address: Guangzhou City Road drains Dade Lane Contact Tel: Home Phone: Phone: _ number: 顾太健 三年以上工作经验|男|27岁(1989年7月15日) 居住地:南京

11、 电 话:131*(手机) e-mail: 最近工作1年7个月 公 司:XX有限公司 行 业:公关/市场推广/会展 职 位:婚礼会展策划师 最高学历 学 历:本科 专 业:艺术设计 学 校:东南大学 自我评价 本人性格随和乐观,积极向上,爱好广泛,喜欢钻研,工作认真负责,拥有较强的组织能力和适应能力,并具有良好的身体素质。乐于沟通,易于融入集体,乐于助人,学习能力较好,注重理论与实践相结合,同时也在不断地提高做人、做事的的能力,争取将工作做得更好,争取做更好的自己! 求职意向 到岗时间:可随时到岗 工作性质:全职 希望行业:公关/市场推广/会展 目标地点:南京 期望月薪:面议/月 目标职能:婚

12、礼会展策划师 工作经验 20xx/3 20xx/10:XX有限公司1年7个月 所属行业:公关/市场推广/会展 策划部 婚礼会展策划师 1. 接单时了解客户的真实想法和对婚礼的构想; 2. 针对客户制定适合客户自身的婚礼策划方案; 3. 订单后与客户保持良好的沟通,确保策划方案的准确性。 20xx/6 20xx/11:XX有限公司1年5个月 所属行业:公关/市场推广/会展 策划部 婚礼会展策划师 1. 监督、核实各部门配合与婚礼准备情况; 2. 负责与客户、酒店等各环节人员沟通; 3. 婚礼当天协调各个环节与调配各方面工作人员。 教育经历 20xx/8 20xx/6 东南大学艺术设计本科 证书 20xx/12 大学英语四级 语言能力 英语(良好)听说(良好),读写(良好) 姓名:diyi (女,23岁) 求 职 位:婚礼策划师助理 期望薪资:面议 目前职位:化妆师 学 历:高中 工作经验:1-3年 现居住地:北京朝阳望京 _: 电子邮箱: 自我评价 热爱化妆事业,为人热情开朗,有团队精神。能吃苦耐劳对工作认真有上进心,善于人际交往希望能找到一份适合


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