



1、GRE考试写作桩体解析 GRE写作题库之GRE题目: 87In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to _ke important discoveries. GRE写作精讲之提纲解析: 87 beginner会有一些发现优势,但专家的发现更有价值 1、承认beginner因 curiosity 和 courage,容易比保守专家发现问题,innovate, critical thinking Watson and Crick, the discoverers of DNA structure, a

2、re the beginners in biology. Einstein published four most famous papers in his twenties. And on _ he said,” when I first touch the theory of classic mechanic, I feel that there are some problems in it. It is his ability of critical thinking and not to agree the authority blindly, that finally result

3、s that he put forward to the famous theory of relativity and lead the people to explore the world of microco _ic and high-speed. 2、beginner要有更多积累,系统 The institute of _the _tics in Chinese Academy of Scien _ re _ives hundreds of letters from _s every year, each of them claims that he has proved Goldb

4、achs conjecture. But the _the _ticians find that most of these demonstrations lack the elementary knowledge of the number theory, and none of so-called demonstrations can be verified. Newton on _ said :If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants., and theseshoulders of giant

5、s are knowledge, methods, experien _ that had been passed down from our ante _ssor, and these are the foundations of _ a discovery. 3、专家 ready to _ke significant discoveries Darwin, for instan _, devoted himself in biology sin _ he was a child, and after long time investigation and researching, he f

6、ound that all species were evolved by natural selection from _ and preliminary conditions, and wrote his famous book The Origin of Species. Another, Einstein, who found the special and general relativity, the theory that revolutionized modern thought on the nature of spa _ and time, based on decades of working in physics. Even in art world, the discoveries are still _de upon long time studying. A case in point is Mo, a famous painter known as the founder of impressioni _, spent most of his life examining the effect of changing light and atmosphere on a subject. 在研究领域中,新手比老手更容易获得发现、成就 研


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