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1、How many parts/elements does an academic paper include,title, Authors name, affiliation, abstract, keyword, body of the paper, acknowledgement, references, appendixes,Theory of Circuit Analog Electronics Technology Digital Electronics Technology Electromagnetic Field Electric Motor and Electric Driv

2、e Electric Drive Automatic Control System Automatic Control Theory Modern Control Theory Intelligent Control Principle of Microcomputer Building Automation,Computer Interface Technology Computer Control Technology Automatic Regulators Process Control System Process Measurement and Instrument Princip

3、le and Application of Single-chip Computer Programmable Logical Controller System Embedded System Power Supplying Technology Computer Simulation Signal Analyzing and Processing,Titles general functions,Generalizing the text Attracting the reader Facilitating the retrieval,Titles linguistic features,

4、Using more nouns or noun phrases Using an incomplete sentence,Titles writing requirement,Be brief and concise Be specific Avoid question titles Being standard,Sample analysis,On learning foreign languages and cultural background teaching A research on the artificial neural network applied in the ana

5、lysis of structural mechanics(结构力学) Developing computer internet and the the spread of culture and information,Please write the following paper as your papers reference part in correct form,Abstract1topic sentence,By answering the question of “What”, the topic sentence always goes straightforwardly

6、to the subject or the problem and indicates the primary objectives of the paper. The propose of this paper is The primary goal of this research is In this paper, we aim at The chief aim of the present work is to investigate the features of The author attempted the set of experiments with a view to d

7、emonstrating certain phenomena,Abstract2supporting sentence,Research methods, experiments procedures, investigations, calculations, analyses, results and other significant information item will be provided in this part. The method used in our study is known as The technique we applied is referred to

8、 as The procedure they followed can be briefly described as The research has recorded valuable data using the newly-developed method The formula is verified by,Abstract3concluding sentence,The ending part of an abstract. Analyze the results, explain the application, point out the significance of the

9、 research. In conclusion, we state that In summing up it may be stated that The data obtained appear to be very similar to those reported earlier by Finally, a summary is given of This fruitful work gives explanation of,Five steps for abstract writing,Underlining key words and sentences Listing esse

10、ntial points of the paper Boiling down each section to a sentence or two Drafting the abstract Checking the final draft,Before writing your abstract, you need to answer some basic questions,Q1:What is the general knowledge of your topic in the academic field?-background Q2: what research topic is th

11、e paper to focus on?main topic Q3:what method or material do you use to support your main point of view?specific investigations Q4:what conclusion will you draw?results and suggestion Q5:What is the main contribution of the paper?conclusion and contribution,Translate the following sentences into chi

12、nese, paying attention to the sentence structure of each,1.Strategy is an art of planning the best way to gain an advantage or to achieve success. 2.It is concluded that some of the parameters cannot be obtained by using the method shown in Section 4. 3.This formula is developed on the basis of the

13、previously discussed theory. 4.Connect the equipment to the machine. Turn off the switch. Adjust input voltage to 10V. And note down the output current. 5.Other technologies that have made slow progress are modern windmills and photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight directly to electricity,Put the

14、 following into English,1.从上例可以看出,作者通过气候和地理方面的比较,客观地描述了这两个试验现场。 2.见第七页图三,1.From the example above, it can be seen that the author described the two testing sites objectively by comparing the two sites climatically and geographically. 2.See Figure 3 on page 7,General Functions of introduction,Introdu

15、cing the subject Limiting the research scope 1) the problem is within the scope of 2)The problem under discussion is within the scope of 3)Our studies with this technique are confined to only one particular aspect Stating the general purpose Showing the writing arrangement,Structural Features,Starti

16、ng with the research background Transiting to the existing problem Focusing on the present research Showing the writing arrangement,Some useful expressions in the section of result,The research we have done suggests an increase in As a result of our experiments we concluded that This fruitful work g

17、ives an explanation of Our experimental data are briefly summarized as follows Figure 3 shows the results obtained from studies of,Useful expression in writing conclusions,On the basis of,the following conclusion can be made From, we now conclude To sum up, we have revealed We have demonstrated in t

18、his paper The results of the experiment indicate In conclusion, the result shows The research work has brought about a discovery of These findings of the research have led the author to the conclusion that,Acknowledgment,Acknowledgment is mainly used to extend the authors indebtedness to helpful sup

19、port or concern from his colleagues (institutions) in offering any useful material, specimen, technical know-how, suggestions, or any other kind of enlightenment, etc. to author,The author is grateful to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for its financial support for th

20、is project. The author wishes to express his most sincere appreciation to Prof. Zheng Ying, who read the manuscript carefully and gave valuable advice. Tremendous thanks are owed to Mr. Wu Xing and Li Lanhui for helping him with the chemical analysis. The author is also indebted to the Beijing Beer

21、Factory for offering some samples,Formalized expressions,wishes to express his sincere appreciation to somebody for The author is indebted to for We wish to express our thanks to gratefully acknowledge to for This work was supported in part by Acknowledgments are made tofor This investigation receiv

22、ed financial assistance from The above research was made possible by a grant from,Typical Thesis Layout,abstract: set the problem statement. introduce the structure of thesis, and then state contributions Introduction/Background: demonstrate wider appreciation and provide motivation. Analysis, desig

23、n implementation and interpretation of results Critical assessment of ones own work Future work Summary conclusions Restate the contribution appendix,Classification of professional journal,Journal期刊: usually sponsored and published by learned societies in countries monthly, bi-monthly. Take the famous journal Transactions for example.


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