高一英语(下)必修四Unit 5 language study1_第1页
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高一英语(下)必修四Unit 5 language study1_第5页
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1、Learning about,Language,Period 2,1, provide “提供,供给,为某人配备”,常用的结构为: provide sb. with sth. 或 provide sth. for sb. On sundays his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast. The school provided food for the students. = The school provided the students with food,Language points in the passage,2, amuse

2、 “使发笑,使开心,给娱乐(消遣)” His silly jokes amused the children. The children amused themselves by playing games. 另外,amuse还常用其过去分词形容词或-ing形式形容词,其名词为amusement。 The audience was amused by Jiang Kuns cross talk. It was amusing to watch the trained elephant performance. To our amusement, the actor jumped on and

3、off the stage,3, escape 既可用做不及物动词,做“逃脱,逃走”解,常接from介词短语;也可用做及物动词,当“逃避,避开”解,后接名词或动词ing形式。如: Make a hole and let the water escape. They manage to escape form the burning building. You were luchy to escape punishment/being punished. How did he escape death/ being killed in the fire? We go south to escap

4、e the winter,4, a bit “一点儿,一会儿”,放在形容词、副词前,相当于a little。如: Wait a bit, please. Come and rest a bit. Your article is a bit too long for our paper. I am thirsty. I want to have a bit of water. 注意:not a bit = not at all not a little = very much He is not a bit tired. He is not a little tired,5, charge “要

5、价,收费,索取”,可作及物或不及物动词,常与for连用。如: How much do you charge for mending a pair of shoes? They charged me 100 yuan for a single room for one night. 另外,也可用作名词,意为”价钱,费用“ Is there any charge for having the goods delivered,6, involve “牵连,牵涉;包含,需要”,一般不用进行式,常与in, with连用。如: The problem involves us all. Dont get y

6、ourself involved in their problems. This job involves traveling abroad most of the time. He is involved in his study all day long,7, come to life ”苏醒;恢复知觉;恢复生气;活跃起来;活了;兴奋起来“。如: When he came to life, he found it was dark. Everything cane to life whey the fairy waved her hands,provide,amuse,escape,a b

7、it,charge,involve,come to life,Try to make up a story by using as many of the following expressions as possible,Find words and expressions that mean the same,a main subject or idea set of thinks needed for an activity shoes used for sports and outdoor activity people going to live in a new area with

8、 a small population unlimited imagination a careful test to try out an idea a small number or part; less than half become real; become alive,theme,equipment,sneakers,settlers,fantasy,experiment,minority,come to life,Find words with similar meaning to replace the underlined words,1, The sides of the

9、theme park kept Teresa entertained all the afternoon. 2, It has been raining in different parts of the country. 3, When we left the hotel, they made us pay for two days even though we only stayed for one. 4, This ticket will give you free permission to go into the theme park. 5, the telephone compan

10、ies are making large amounts of money every day. 6, When he went on a tour to Hainan he brought home some pictures as objects to remind him of the holiday,amused,various,charged,admission,profits,souvenir,When I was young my _ made me feel cool. When I wore them I imagined being part of a _ and goin

11、g to a _ park. In this dream I would do an _ trying every ride to see which was the most exciting, when I did finally go to a theme park, I found that it was very different. They showed me wonderful _ as well as life of the early _ in America. This seemed so real that this period of history _ for me

12、. As a result I became very interested in history and studied it at university. Now I advise them parks to introduce more history of the _ peoples in America, like the native Indians. This is all because of the way I felt about my sneakers,Complete the passage,sneakers,fantasy,theme,experiment,equip

13、ment,settlers,came to life,minority,英语中有派生、合成和转化三大构词法。合成词是把两个或两个以上的自由词合并在一起构成新词,1, 合成名词 1)名+名: woodcraft, daybreak, handwriting 2)形/副+名: software, swimming-pool, upland 3)词组: makeup, breakthrough,2, 合成动词 1) 名+动: sightsee, mass-produce, spotlight 2)形/副/介+动: ill-treat, broadcast, overcome, underline,D

14、iscovering useful structure,3, 合成形容词 1) 名+形: world-famous, worldwide 2) 名+过去分词: man-made, horse-drawn 3) 名+现在分词: English-speaking, 4) 形/副+形/分词: outstanding, widespread 形+名词+ed: cold-blooded, middle-aged, old- fashioned 6) 介/副+名/副: underwater, indoor,4, 合成副词 inside, downstairs, upwards, moreover, oth

15、erwise, however, whenever,5, 合成代词 Somebody, anything, another, whoever,6, 合成数词 Twenty-five, nine-tenths, thirty-first,7, 合成介词 Throughout, without, within, upon,water,kind,down,souvenir,life,hard,hand,worth,Make compound words,town,phone,some,melon,cream,shop,size,ice,mobile,working,hearted,while,downtown,mobilephone


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