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1、a,1,牛津初中英语9B Unit 3 Asia Reading,a,2,简要提示 一、年级:九年级 二、教学内容: 9B Unit 3 Asia 三、课型:Reading 四、教学目标 1.知识目标 掌握本课时的四会单词、词组和句型,a,3,2.能力目标 通过阅读了解北京和桂林的一些景点, 理解并运用本课所学的主要词汇、句型。 3.情感目标 通过对北京和桂林的了解,引导学生体 验祖国河山的美丽,培养学生热爱祖国的 情操,a,4,五、教学重难点 理解和掌握下列句型,Unless you have a map, you will get lost easily. The emperors of

2、the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live here. , so that they can watch the It is the biggest square in the world and is always filled with tourists. It lies on the two sides of Li River,a,5,Beijing,Part One,The _ City (紫禁城) is very famous. Many _(皇帝) in different _ (朝代) lived there. Every year, man

3、y visitors _(聚集) there to visit it,emperors,dynasties,Forbidden,gather,Task One New words,a,6,It is one of the seven _(奇迹) of the world. It is near the northern _(边界) of China. If you think it is tiring to climb it, you can _(雇用) a bike,wonders,border,hire,a,7,New words,emperor dynasty forbidden gat

4、her wonder border hire,皇帝 朝代 禁止 聚集 奇迹 边界 雇用,a,8,Welcome to Beijing,the Forbidden City,Tiananmen Square,the Summer Palace,the Great Wall,Task Two Skimming,a,9,the Forbidden City Tiananmen Square the Summer Palace the Great Wall,The emperors spent the summer there. We can watch the raising of the nati

5、onal flag there. The emperors used to live there. It could protect our border in the past,Task Four Knowing about the four parts,a,10,Lets go,Guilin,Part Two,a,11,Task One Reading and answering,1 Where is Guilin? 2 What is the name of the famous cave? 3 How can you visit Li River,It lies on the two

6、sides of Li River. The Reed Flute Cave. You can take a boat trip along Li River,a,12,The mountains stand in _ _, you may have seen some Chinese _ of the _,different,shapes,paintings,landscape,Task Two Further reading Reading the 1st paragraph,a,13,The Reed Flute Cave is in the _of the city,The rocks

7、 there are in _,north-west,different shapes,Reading the 2nd paragraph,a,14,It is great fun to _ around Guilin. You can _ a bike,You can also take a _ trip along Li River,cycle,hire,boat,Reading the 3rd paragraph,a,15,) 1 Beijing is in southern China. ( ) 2 Tiananmen Square is close to the Forbidden

8、City. ( ) 3 The Great Wall was built around the Forbidden City. ( ) 4 The Reed Flute Cave is in eastern Guilin. ( ) 5 You can find nice rocks in the cave. ( ) 6 We can take a boat trip along Li River,F,F,T,T,F,northern,T,across northern China,north-west Guilin,Task Four Reading and judging,a,16,Fini

9、shing the exercises on page 44 and page 45 Keys B 1 b 2 e 3 d 4 c 5 a C 1 palace 2 dynasties 3 museum 4 raising 5 gather 6 mountains E 1 c 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 c 6 a,a,17,Part Three,Write me an email about the two cities,a,18,Dear Millie, Beijing is a big place. Unless you have a map, you will get lost eas

10、ily. The _is the place where the emperors used to live. Tiananmen Square is very beautiful, it is filled with tourists. People get there early so that they can watch the raising of the _. _ is a nice city, too. It lies on the two sides of _. You can enjoy the mountains and the caves there,Forbidden

11、City,national flag,Guilin,Li River,a,19,今天我们学习了有关中国的两个城市北京和桂林的文章,了解了北京和桂林的一些著名景点,还学习了描述这些景点的词汇和句型。希望同学们回去后能复习今天所学的内容,尝试着用英语向朋友介绍这两个城市,小结,a,20,Homework,1 Copy the new words and expressions. 2 Find some information about other cities in China,a,21,1 除非你上课认真听,否则你不会通过考试的。 You wont pass the exam _you lis

12、ten _ in class. 2 他过去常常一个人晚上出去看电影。 He _go to the cinema alone at night. 3 这个超市里常常挤满了人。 The supermarket is always _people. 4 为了感觉到暖和一点,他穿了很多衣服。 He wore many clothes _he could feel warmer. 5 上海坐落在中国的东部。 Shanghai _in eastern China,Additional exercises,carefully,used to,filled with,so that,lies,unless,a

13、,22,本课是9B Unit 3的Reading。通过阅 读,要求学生了解一些关于北京和桂林的知识。教师在教学时可以先让学生分别阅读北京和桂林的相关信息,在学生了解了这两个城市的信息后整体阅读全文。在语言点的讲解中教师应注意设计一定的情境,并让学生在一定的情境中运用所学的语言知识,说 明,a,23,还应注意将所学的新的知识和前面学过的相关知识进行比较,帮助学生构建知识网络。由于文章比较长,在教学中教师可以按照其内容的大致含义分成几块帮助学生理解,这样学生可以很清楚地掌握文章的脉络,a,24,The Forbidden City 1 The Forbidden City is _ 2 _ use

14、d to live there. 3 It is used as _ now. 4 What may be the attracting things to us? _ _,at the centre of Beijing,The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties,as a museum,The beautiful buildings, the clothes and the furniture used in the past,Task Three Further reading,a,25,1 What does the word “Tianan

15、men” mean? _ 2 Is it the biggest square in the world? _ 3 What can we watch there? _ 4 What do the local people like to do there? _,It means a gate of heavenly peace,Yes, it is,The raising of the national flag,They like to take a walk and fly kites there,Tiananmen Square,a,26,The Summer Palace The S

16、ummer Palace is in the _ of Beijing. Its a _ garden. The emperors used to spend the_ there. It is still very nice and attractive for the _ and a _,north-west,Chinese-style,summer,hill,man-made lake,a,27,The Great Wall runs more than _, and it was built with _ and _. The Great Wall was used to _ the

17、country. It is one of the seven _ of the world. It is very tiring to reach the top _,5,000 km,stones,bricks,protect,wonders,step by step,The Great Wall,a,28,Unless you have a map, you will get lost easily. unless=if not, 意为 “除非,我不去那里,除非他邀请我。 I will not go there _ he invites me,你必须到这儿来, 除非天下雨。 You mu

18、st come here _it rains,unless,unless,a,29,The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live here,used to, be used to) I _getting up early. His grandfather _ take a walk after supper,used to,used to do sth. (过去经常做某事,be used to doing sth. (习惯于做某事,am used to,a,30,It is the biggest square in the world and is always filled with tourists. be filled with意为 “充满着, 挤满了”, 它的同义短语是 be full of,Jim: Is the room crowded? Lucy: Yes. Its filled with students,is full of,It _ students,a,31,Every day many tourists gather here early in the morning so that they can watch the raising of


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