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1、成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,人教版 必修3,Astronomy:the science of the stars,Unit 4,第四课时Unit Revision,Unit 4,system,systematic,religion,religious,violent,harmful,harmless,exist,puzzle,puzzled,puzzling,gravity,gentle,carbon,atmosphere,fundamental,chain,multiply,physicist,climate,spaceship,harmful,in,birth,turn

2、,prevent,block,cheer,now,break,What,until,when,What,that as,whether,will,whether,can,Before,that,that,解决问题类作文 一、写作指导 解决问题的说明文写作,多采用一般现在时态,同时要注意人称和数的变化。一篇好的解决问题的说明文一般需要三个步骤:Raise the question (提出问题);Analyze the question (分析问题);Solve the question (解决问题)。并注意在写作过程中务必边打草稿边修改,句子的连接与句式的转换要确保准确,最后完成定稿并认真抄写,

3、保证卷面整洁书写规范,二、常用句式 1表示关切和安慰: You neednt worry too much about. Your problem is common among. From your letter I learned that. I can understand how you feel. 2给出建议: Id like to make some suggestions on. In my opinion, you should. Maybe the following advice can help you,3表达祝愿: I do hope you will. Hoping

4、that you will. I sincerely hope that. Wish you success/good luck,三、范例展示 题目要求 登上月球,探索宇宙的奥秘是很多人的梦想。然而,真正登上之后,会遇到很多困难,例如保护皮肤、防止食物飞走、身体失重、行走困难等,请选取你可能遇到的一个难题,并根据所学知识找到克服的办法,构思谋篇 关键词语,连词成句 1如果我访问月球的话,可能存在的一个问题是如何阻止我的食物飘走。 If I visited the moon, here is a problem I might have: how to stop my food floating

5、 away. 2如果我去月球的话,我得将所有食物随身携带。 I would have to take all my food with me if I went to the moon. 3我必须确保这是经过特殊加工的液体太空食物。 I must make sure that it is specially made as liquid space food. 4这将解决这一问题。 It would solve the problem,连句成篇 If I visited the moon,there would be a problem I might be faced with: how t

6、o eat and drink. On the earth, it is easy for us to eat and drink. But on the moon,the gravity is so weak that the food will float around. I would have to take all my food with me if I went to the moon. So it could be put in a tube and then I would be able to suck it more easily. Perhaps I would use

7、 a straw to do it. It can prevent the food from floating away. Only in this way would the problem be solved. I will have a try in time,假设你是李华,你在你的博客里看到一条署名为Worried Jerry的留言。请你根据留言内容写一封建议信。 How wonderful the world is! I want to travel in the winter holiday, but I dont have enough money. What should I

8、 do? Worried Jerry 注意:1.词数100左右; 2信的格式已给出,不计入总词数,Worried Jerry, _ _ _ _ Yours, Li Hua,答案: Worried Jerry, You neednt worry too much about that. Its a good idea to travel around in the winter holiday. You should relax after a long period of study; besides, you may pick up lots of useful knowledge while travelling,In my opinion, you should tell your parents about it first. They will offer you some suggestions. If they dont give some money to you, it doesnt matter. You can do some parttime jobs to make money. Its very interesting and meaningful! Whats more, you can also invite your friends t


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