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1、Lockout/Tagout Training for Authorized Employees授权员工的上锁挂牌培训,Injuries Occur During the Maintenance维修过程的伤害,Injuries while servicing equipment revealed: 80% failed to turn off equipment 10% equipment activated by someone else 5% failed to control potential energy Most of remaining 5% disconnected power

2、 but failed to verify effectiveness,维修过程发生的伤害 80% 设备没有关断 10% 设备意外由他人启动 5% 潜在的能量释放 5% 没有有效的验证能量隔离,What is LOTO? 什么是上锁挂牌,LOTO” is a technique used to prevent energy from being released during the servicing of equipment. This is accomplished by placing locks on energy isolation devices prior to startin

3、g work. 上锁挂牌:在维修工作开始之前,锁定能量的隔离装置,防止维修过程中的能量意外释放,Studies have shown that Hazardous Energy Control Programs can reduce injury rates by 25 to 50 percent. 研究表明危险能量的控制程序可以减少25-50的伤害,Types of Hazardous Energy危险能量的形式,What types of hazardous energy are subject to LOTO? 需要上锁挂牌的能量,Electrical 电能 Pneumatic 气动系统

4、 Hydraulic 液压系统 Mechanical 机械能 Thermal 热能,Chemical 化学能 Radiation 辐射 Steam 蒸汽 Spring-Driven 弹性势能 Suspended Parts 悬空部件,Potential Energy vs. Kinetic Energy势能与动能,Potential energy can be converted to kinetic! Goal of LOTO is to achieve “Zero Energy State” 势能可以转化为动能,上锁挂牌的目的就是达到能量的“零”状态,When is LOTO applie

5、d?适用范围,Adjusting 调试 Inspecting 检查 Modifying 维修,Lubricating 润滑 Cleaning 清洗 Replacing parts 更换零件,during the servicing of equipment”. 设备的维修保养过程,Exceptions to LOTO 无需上锁挂牌的工作,Normal production operations 正常运转 Routine, repetitive to production 日常/重复性的维修活动 Guards/safety devices not bypassed 安全保护装置没有取消 Body part not placed in the point of operation or other dangerous area during machine cycle 设备运行时,身体的任何部分不会暴露在危险中 Need to use alternative measures for protection 有替代的保护措施 Cord open circuit breaker; close valve, etc. 关断完毕,用隔离装置将设备与能量源隔离。 电气隔离装置位于“停”的位置,电路断路器打开,关闭阀门,Step 5:


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