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1、坛镇小学 孙国选,Unit 3 Festivals,考眼力,What festival is it,万圣节前夕是西方人年年都会庆祝的重要节日。它的意思是“神圣的夜晚”,在每年的10月31日,也就是万圣节前夜,Halloween,Halloween is an important festival that westerners celebrate every year.It means “holy evening,” and it comes every October 31st,the evening before All Saints Day(万圣节,The eve All Saints

2、Day,AllHallowEve,Halloween On 31st October,children in Britain and the USA dress up as witches ,monsters or ghosts . They go from house to house and ring the doorbell. When the door opens, they call out , “Trick or treat .” Most people give the children a treat , often chocolates or other sweets. So

3、me people dont give the children anything. Then the children play a trick. They come back, ring the doorbell again and run away,Tips:Find the key words.(找关键词,Listen , read and answer,When is Halloween,Which countries celebrate Halloween ,Answer the questions,How do the children dress up ,庆祝,装扮,Hallo

4、ween On 31st October,children in Britain and the USA dress up as witches ,monsters or ghosts . They go from house to house and ring the doorbell. When the door opens, they call out , “Trick or treat .” Most people give the children a treat , often chocolates or other sweets. Some people dont give th

5、e children anything. Then the children play a trick . They come back, ring the doorbell again and run away,2、How do the children dress up ,Tips:Find the key words.(找关键词,1、When is Halloween,Listen , read and answer,Halloween,10.31,Halloween is on the thirty-first of October,Halloween is on October th

6、e thirty-first,witches,monsters,ghosts,The children dress up as,女巫,3、What do the do the children do then,4、What do they say when the door opens,Answer the questions,Intensive reading(精读,Halloween On 31st October,children in Britain and the USA dress up as witches , monsters or ghosts. They go from h

7、ouse to house and ring the doorbell. When the door opens, they call out , “Trick or treat .,Tips:Find the key words.(找关键词,3、What do the do the children do then,4、What do they say when the door opens,i,Read the 1st paragraph,大声呼叫,go from house to house,挨家挨户,ring the doorbell,silver bell,Halloween Mos

8、t people give the children a treat , often chocolates or other sweets. Some people dont give the children anything. Then the children play a trick. They come back, ring the doorbell again and run away,5、What do people usually do,Listen to the 2nd paragraph,A give the children a treat,C get chocolate

9、s or other sweets,D dont give the children anything,Work in groups: (小组合作,A give the children a treat B play a trick C get chocolates or other sweets D dont give the children anything E come back F ring the doorbell again G run away,提示: 在合作学习的过程中,选择正确的答案完成表格,如果你有任何疑问(如生词或不理解的地方等),你可以采用下面的方式:1、尝试猜测 ;

10、2、互帮互学,解决疑难 3、大胆提问,B play a trick,E come back,F ring the doorbell again,G run away,Read the 2nd paragraph,choose the answers,then fill in the form,5、What do people usually do ,People usually give the children a treat ,often chocolates or other sweets,插入视频,play a trick,When is Halloween,How do the ch

11、ildren dress up ,What do the do the children do then,What do they say when the door opens,What do people usually ,Answer the questions,Read the text and the mind map . Then put the sentence in the correct order . 提示:自读短文和思维导图。 给句子排顺序,完成3c,Practise,They go from house to house,When the door opens,they

12、 call out , “Trick or treat .,They dress up as monsters or ghosts,What do the do the children do on Halloween,They ring the doorbell,They get some chocolates or other sweets,2,1,5,4,3,Halloween On 31st October,children in Britain and the USA dress up as witches , monsters or ghosts . They go from ho

13、use to house and ring the doorbell. When the door opens, they call out , “Trick or treat .” Most people give the children a treat , often chocolates or other sweets. Some people dont give the children anything. Then the children play a trick . They come back, ring the doorbell again and run away,Listen and repeat,Trick or treat (不给糖就捣乱,Jack -O-Lantern (杰克灯即南瓜灯,Bobbing for apples(咬苹果游戏,Greenwich Village Halloween Parade(格林威治村的万圣节巡游,The customs of the Halloween,Jake -O-Lantern,Bobbing for apples(咬苹果游戏,Greenwich Village Halloween Parade,Ha


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