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1、be动词讲解,在以下词的后面,be要用原形 , 表示将来时态的 will , 情态动词 can/must / should 等 介词 to 的后面 祈使句,用be的适当形式填空 p37,It will rainy tomorrow. You must here. I am going to a teacher . I want to a driver in your school. Please quiet, the baby is sleeping. Dont late tomorrow. Lets friends,常见的含有be 的句子,主系表结构的句子 我是一名学生。 I am a sd

2、udent 珍妮很勤奋 Jenny is hard-working. 我们在教室里 We are in the classroom,常见的含有be 的句子,1主系表结构的句子 表示是什么,怎么样,在哪里的句子,什么叫介词短语,介词+名词 =介词短语 在学校 乘公交车 在教室 在晚上 作为晚饭 在家 在墙上,at school by bus in the classroom at night for supper at home on the wall,译一译 P38,1) My number is 940-0038 表示 表示是什么 2)China is a very interesting

3、country. 表示 是什么 3) 丹尼在操场上。Dannys on the playground .表示 在哪里。 4 )我们的汽车旧了。Our car is old. 表示 怎么样,常见的含有be 的句子,2 现在进行时 结构主语 + be + 动词-ing 特别注意 现在进行时 一定要有be 我在学英语 I am studying English. 他正在学英语 He is studying English 我们在学习英语 We are studying English,译一译P39,你在做什么? What are you doing? 我在做作业 I am doing my home

4、work 她在做什么? What is she doing? 她在听广播 She is listening to the radio. 李明的妈妈在做什么? What is LiMings mother doing,她正在为晚餐洗蔬菜。 She is washing vegetables for supper 电话响了。 The phone is ringing,常见的含be的句型,3 一般将来时 结构 主语 + be + going + to + 地点/do Be going to 在一般将来时里和will 的用法相近,to 的后面要用动词原形 我将去北京 I am going to Bei

5、jing. 他准备去吃早饭 He is going to eat/have breakfast,译一译p39,你将去做什么? What are you going to do? 我将去看电视 I am going to watch TV 他们将去做什么? What are they going to do? 他们将去打扫房间 They are going to clean the house,译一译,珍妮和我将去公园 Jenny and I are going to the park 明天我将要去北京 I am going to Beijing tomorrow 李明将要去挂断电话 LiMin

6、g is going to hang up the phone,常考的含Be的句子,4 there be 结构 表示某处、某时有事物. 结构 there be +某物+某地/某时 教室里有16个学生 There are 16 students in the classroom. 桌子上有本书 There is a book on the table,一句话语法,There is /there are表示“有”,放在前, 某物放中间, 某处/某时放后面, 单不可数用is, 某物复数要用are, 多物放一起,be看最前线,用be的适当形式填空,p40,Be 的用法口诀,我(I)是am ,你(you

7、)是are, is连着他(he)、(她)she、(它) it; 单数用is,复数are. 变疑问,很简单,be需大写来提前, 变否定,更轻松,be后not记心中,练一练,变疑问,很简单,be需大写来提前 Lucy is a new student .改一般疑问句 Is Lucy a new student? The basketballs are on the sofa. Are the basketballs on the sofa? There is some juice in the bottle . Is there any juice in the bottle,变否定,更轻松,be后not记心中,1This is a backpack. This is not a backpack 2My favourite sport is soccer My favourite sport is not soccer 3 Jenny is doing her homework Jenny is not doing her h


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