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1、Unit 3 The History of UK,Objectives,Be familiar with the history before the Norman Conquest Understand the feudal system after the Norman Conquest Learn about the history of the English Reformation and Renaissance Know the English Civil War and its consequences Know the major advancements in the Ind

2、ustrial Revolution Be familiar with the Victorian Age Be familiar with the situation of Britain in the two world wars,A brief timeline of British history,Questions: 1. The earliest known settlers on the British Isles were _. 2. The most famous / biggest relic left by the earliest settlers on British

3、 Isles is _,I. Early Britain (Before 1066) Prehistoric times,Iberian, Celt, Stonehenge,The best evidence that the primitive people had showntheir own civilization is the Stonehenge. (史前巨石柱,Questions: 3. Christianity was first brought to Britain by _. 4. The Romans left behind on Britain three things

4、 of value, they are _, the _ and _, especially _,Roman Britain,55BC - 410 AD, Welsh Christianity, roman roads, cities, Hadrians wall, Roman Baths,Roman Britain,Roman Army, commanded by Julius Caesar, invade England in 55BC. The invasion marked the beginning of the English Recorded history. The succe

5、ssful invasion of England by the Roman Army, headed by Emperor Claudius was in 43AD. They built two great walls (the Hadrians Wall mined iron, lead, tin and manufactured pottery. Brought new religion-Christianity Treated the Britons as slaves and there was no intermarriage,Roman Baths,Questions: 5.

6、The three Teutonic groups began to migrate from the region of Denmark and Low Countries (Holland, Belgium and Luxemburg) and settled in Britain. The three groups are _, _ and _. From the _ conquerors came the name “England” and “English,Anglo-Saxon Britain Anglo-Saxon Conquest: Saxon : Essex(埃塞克斯),

7、Sussex(苏赛克斯), Wessex(威赛克斯); Angles: East Anglia(东盎格利亚), Northumbria(诺森布里亚), Mercia (麦西亚); No possession of Scotland, Wales and Ireland, still by Celts,The legend of King Arthur,King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table were romanized Celts trying to hold back the advances of the Anglo-Saxons,Th

8、e Viking Britain (793) Another wave of Germanic invasion came in the eighth century. These invaders were known as Vikings, the Norsemen or Danes, who came from Scandinavia. In the ninth century they conquered and settled the extreme north and west of Scotland, and also some coastal regions of Irelan

9、d. Their conquest of England was halted when they were defeated by King Alfred of the Saxon kingdom of Wessex. This resulted in an agreement in 878 which divided England between Wessex in the south and west, and the “Danelaw” in the north and east,Viking Invasion,The name Viking comes from my langua

10、ge which is called Old Norse. It means a pirate raid,Alfred the Great Alfred the Great,Father of British Navy; the Danelaw (eastern part of England for the Danes); established schools and brought churchmen to teach Latin; his writings and translations (beginning of prose literature in England,Howeve

11、r, fewer differences existed between Anglo-Saxons and Danes. By the end of the 10th century England was one kingdom with a Germanic culture throughout. Most of modern-day Scotland was also united by this time in a Celtic kingdom,The Norman Conquest,Facts The Battle of Hastings in 1066 made William,

12、the Conqueror the first Anglo-Norman king of England. Significance It is the last invasion of England by foreigners while English history regards it as a hidden blessing,Questions: 6. Norman Conquest, by _, beginning from the year _, established _ in Britain. 7. King William made a record of each ma

13、ns property, which was called “_”. 8. The Great Charter signed in _ was made in the interest of the _, it had a progressive significance. 9. The first parliament was called in 1265 under the leadership of _,II. Medieval Britain (1066-1485,Doomsday Book King John and the Great Charter in 1215 and Rob

14、in Hood King Henry III and the beginning of parliament Sir De Montfort and the Great Council and All Estates Parliament in 1265 Edward I and the model parliament in 1295 and William Wallace,Britain under the Norman kings William the Conqueror,replaced the English bishops with Normans and made himsel

15、f Head of the Bishops; completed the establishment of the feudal system in England, Sent his clerks to compile a property record known as Domesday Book in 1085. (The book stated the extent, value, population and ownership of the Land,Feudal System,Influence,It has speeded up the development of Feuda

16、lism in England. Feudal aristocracy developed and resulted in the appearance of noble titles. This sophisticated medieval form of government was handed over to the Normans and grew stronger. The Doomsday Book (末日审判书) exemplifies the practical codification. Tower of London (the White Tower) served as

17、 the administration of justice. Witan was replaced by the Great Council led by the head of bishops. The Norman vs. Anglo-Saxon relation became that of the master vs. servant,England was civilized by Norman way of living, particularly reflected by the language. It is a bi-linguistic period with Frenc

18、h as the official language, Latin as the church language while the Middle English, as that of the lower class. However English regained the position of dominant speech by the end of 14th century,King Henry II and his reforms,Henry House of Plantagenet (金雀花王朝,Henry II reformed the courts and the laws

19、: introduced the jury system (陪审团制度) institutionalized common law Great Council,Royal line,Richard I,Richard I succeeded Henry II in 1189. known as Richard the Lion- heart (狮心王)even before his accession, because of his reputation as a great military leader and warrior. While he spoke very little Eng

20、lish and spent very little time in England (he lived in the southwest of France). He was busy with the Crusade(十字军东征) in his lifetime. He remains one of the very few Kings of England remembered as an enduring, iconic figure in England,Robin Hood,While King Richard I was fighting in the crusades, Eng

21、land was governed by his brother John, who imposed all the taxes. Robin Hood lived with his band of “merry men” in Sherwood Forest, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor,Decline of Feudalism,The Greater Charter (1215) Beginning of Parliament(1265) The Hundred Years War (1337-1453) The Black

22、Death ( 1348-1349) The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485),King John was demanding more feudal taxes and army service, and then an army of angry lords marched to London. King John was forced to sign the charter the lords had prepared in 1215,The Great Charter (The Magna Carta)大宪章,Contents: no tax should b

23、e made without the approval of the council no freeman should be arrested or imprisoned except by the law of the land If the king attempted to free himself from law, the vassals(封臣) had the right to force the king to obey it. Significance The Great Charter was made in the interest of the feudal lords

24、, great and small. It had a progress significance. It granted to the towns people freedom of trade and self-government. The merchants and craftsmen in England appeared for the first time as a new political force,Beginning of Parliament,Henry III heavily taxed the lords to pay tributes to the Pope to

25、 defeat the lords. Simon de Montfort, defender of the Great Charter, reformed the Great Council with two knights each county and two representatives each town. It later developed into the House of Lords (上院)and the House of Commons.(下院) The Earliest English Parliament (All Estates Parliament) was su

26、mmoned in 1265 in Westminster after the capture of Henry III,In 1295, King Edward I summoned the “All Estates Parliament” more than 400 hundred members in all. As that parliament was followed as a model, it became known in history as the “Model Parliament”. Edward I was also famous for his invasion

27、of Scotland fighting with William Wallace in the first war of Scottish Independence,The Hundred Years War (13371453) Joan of Arc (1412-1431), the leader of the French peasants against the English. she was later tried for heresy(异端邪说) and sorcery(巫术) and was burned at the stake in Rouen,Result of the

28、 war: By the time the war was concluded, the English had lost all the territories they had gained during the war except the French port of Calais. Consequence of the war: The war accelerated the breakdown of feudal society and put the money class, the new bourgeoisie in a more important position in

29、Britain,The Black Death (1348 - 50): killed nearly half of the European population,Consequence of the Black Death The lords was in shortage of the labor Wage labor demanded higher wages and greater freedom. The paradox led to the hatred and conflict between the two classes,Wars of the Roses,The Wars

30、 of the Roses (14551485) were a series of civil wars fought over the throne of England between adherents of the House of Lancaster (兰开斯特)((feudal landowner) and the House of York(约克) (commercial- minded). Both houses were branches of the Plantagenet royal house, tracing descent from King Edward III.

31、The name Wars of the Roses has its origins in the badges associated with the two royal houses, the Red Rose of Lancaster and the White Rose of York,Questions: 10. The _ Monarchy was in a transitional stage from feudalism to capitalism. 11. In 1533, Henry VIII repudiated papal supremacy over English

32、Church and declared himself _ of the Church of England by the Act of Supremacy. 12. During the Renaissance period, the greatest of the English humanist was Sir Thomas More, with his classical work _. 13. The greatest dramatist _ lived in the age of Elisabeth I. 14. The “Glorious Revolution” was so c

33、alled because it was _,The Tudor Britain (1485 1603), Henry VII and the Tudor Rose, Henry III and the Reformation, Elizabeth I and the Renaissance and the Maritime War and the foundation of the British Empire The Stuart (1603 ) and the Civil war (1642 1646) and the Restoration in 1660 and the Glorio

34、us revolution in 1688,III.Transition to the Modern Age(1485-1688,Renaissance,The Renaissance began in Italy in the early 14th century, with Leonardo Da Vinci as its representative figure. In England, the Renaissance began with the accession of the House of Tudor to the throne in 1485. The date was c

35、lose to that of the introduction of printing into England by William Caxton,Self portrait Of Leonardo da Vinci,Mona Lisa,The last supper,Reformation and renaissance England under the Tudors (1485-1603) Henry VII gained the throne when he won over the War of the Roses and created the Tudor rose, cont

36、aining both the White Rose of York and the Red Rose of Lancaster. It symbolized the end of a struggle between York and Lancaster England became a national state with an efficient centralized government. It was in the transitional stage from feudalism to capitalism. It reformed church in England and

37、tolerated enclosures. America was discovered and the Renaissance spread into England. It stimulated English commercial and maritime enterprise,Henry VIII (reigned 1509-1547) He is one of the most well-known monarchs in English history. He had six wives. It was during his reign that the Reformation t

38、ook place,Henry had six wives because. He had the first wife because he was betrothed to her by his father. He had the second wife because he fell in love and also needed a legitimate male heir. He had the third wife because he still needed a male heir. He had the fourth wife because of diplomatic r

39、easons. He had the fifth wife because he fell in love again. He had the sixth wife because he was old and sick and needed a companion and nurse who wouldnt give him too much trouble. Henrys Six Wivesfate was like the order of divorce, being beheaded, death, divorce, being beheaded, survival,The Global Reasons for the Reformation in England,Encouraged by Martin Luther, many English people demanded reform of the church. The privilege and wealth of the clergy were resented


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