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1、Lesson 31 What strange weather ! 一、教材依据 冀教版七年级下册第六单元第一课 二、设计思想 (一)指导思想 通过复习天气的描述,来提高学生的学习热情,同时以旧带新,学习感叹句及四个季节中的不同活动,让学生在整个情景活动中自然过渡,最后上升到能力角度,以自我反馈总结得失,让孩子轻松愉悦,大胆地展现自我,最大限度调动孩子全员参与,来培养他们听说读写译的能力。 (二)设计理念 发挥学生主体作用,让学生全员参与,在玩中学,在学中玩。 (三)教材分析 本单元主要讲各季节及不同季节的不同活动,本节课在本单元起了非常重要的作用,在四季天气的描述同时还有感叹句的学习,活动的表

2、达。 (四)学情分析 各季节的天气相对简单但各季节活动学生描述困难,能全面根据不同天气对应描述更是有困难,感叹句也是不容易理解。 三、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1.Use the exclamatory sentences. 2. Phrases: strange. notice. become .wake up .go skiing . have snowball fights (二)能力目标 Can describe the weather and activities of different seasons (三)情感态度价值观 Love speaking in English 1 四

3、、教学难点 Can describe the weather and activities of different seasons 五、教学重点 Can use the exclamatory sentences. 六、教法选择 情景教学,启发式,引导式 七、学法选择 自主学习,合作学习,任务型学习,探究学习 八、教学准备 多媒体 九、教学过程 Step 1 : Greeting and lead in. T: Whats this ?(展示一张太阳的图片) S: Its the sun . T: Whats the weather like today ? S: It s sunny. T

4、: Today we will learn lesson 31What strange weather (展示课题及教学目标) Step 2.1:To review the old with the new weather raises exclamatory sentences(以旧带新复习天气引出感叹句) s the weather ? s the weather like /How-What)1(-Its hot and sunny. -How do you feel? -I feel hot. -What a hot day (it is) ! 多热的天呀! (2)-Whats the

5、 weather like /Hows the weather ? -Its cold and snowy. -How do you feel? -I feel cold. -What a cold day (it is) ! 多冷的天呀! 2.2 让学生找出规律,总结what引导的感叹句的结构。 一.what引导的感叹句的构成: (一)1.What a tall tree ( it is)! 多么高的树啊! 2.What a big apple (it is)! 多么大的苹果啊! 3.What an interesting story (it is)! 多么有趣的故事啊! 学生总结:What

6、 +a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+(主语)+(谓语)! (二)1.What beautiful flowers (they are) ! 多么漂亮的花啊! 2.What kind women ( they are) ! 多么善良的女人啊! 3.What old bikes (they are)! 多么旧的自行车啊! +(主语)(谓语)!学生总结:What +形容词+复数可数名词 +1.What strange weather (it is)! (三) 多么奇怪的天气啊!2.What delicious meat (it is)! 多么美味的肉啊!3.What white snow( it i

7、s)! 多么白的雪啊! !(主语)+(谓语) +What +学生总结:形容词+不可数名词2.3 Match the pictures with the exclamatory sentences. What a snowy day! What beautiful flowers they are! What a hot, sunny day! What cool weather it is! 2.4连词成句 1.what girl a lovely (!) What a lovely girl ! 2.what weather fine is it (!) What fine weather

8、it is ! 3.beautiful what kites they are (!) What beautiful kites they are ! Step3.1New words: 1.strange adj 奇怪的 2.notice v.注意到 n. 布告 3.wild adj 怪异的 4.wake v.(woke/woken)醒 5.surprised adj 感到惊讶的 6.dark adj & n 黑暗的 7.become v. (became/become) 变得;成为 8.ski v. 滑雪 9. snowball n. 雪球 3.2 练习:从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空 n

9、otice, become, wake, strange, dark 1. I heard a _ voice just now. 2. Did you _ the old man in the park? When did she _ a dancer? 3. About two years ago. 4. Im afraid to go out in the _ . school get to morning. So I didnt early 5. I _ up in the late. 3.3 New phrases: 2. go away 叫醒消失 1.wake up 醒来; 去滑冰

10、去游泳 3. go swimming 4.go skating 打雪仗 6.have snowball fights 5.go skiing 去滑雪! 做得好 7.Good /Great work! 3.4 Pratice:短语连线。 1. wake up A. 滑冰 2. go away B. 出来 3. go skating C. 消失 4. have snowball fights D. 醒来 5. come out E. 打雪仗 step 4.1 What are the students favourite seasons? Listen and fill in the table.

11、 Name Favourite Season Steven Jenny Kim Danny 4.2 What was the weather like that day? Read the dialogue and put the sentence in the correct order(work in groups) 1.Right now the sky is dark. 2.All the snow went away. 3.The sun came out and it became warm . 4.What a snowy day ! 5.Its going to rain .

12、The correct order is_ Step5.1 Language points: The weather turns hot and I can go swimming. 天气变热了,我可以去游泳。 (1)这里turn作系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。 In spring, trees turn green.春天,树变绿了。 (2)go swimming去游泳。类似短语还有: go shopping 去购物;go boating 去划船; go fishing 去钓鱼。 5.2 Notice the sentences 1. Did you notice the wild weathe

13、r ? 2 .I woke up this morning (wake-woke -woken ) 3. All the snow went away. 4 .You can go skating/skiing ( go swimming/fishing/shopping) 5. You can have snowball fights 6. What strange weather ! 5.3 Practice. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases in the box. notice dark strange wild wake up

14、1. The man always sleeps in the day and works at night. That is very_. 2. Its getting_. I must go home. 3. What time do you usually _every morning ? 4. Our teacher changed her hair style. Do you_that ? 5. Sometimes the sea is quiet and sometimes its very _. 5.4 单项选择 1. Mum, _ before 5: 30 tomorrow m

15、orning. A. wake up me B. wake me up C. woke up me D. woke me up 2. My father _ a worker in 1993. A. becomes B. became C. turns D. turned 3. _ Yeah! Lets have snowball fights. A. What a snowy day! B. What snowy day! C. How a snowy day! D. How snowy day! 4. Tom works hard, but he didnt pass the exam.

16、I was very _ . A. excited B. glad C. surprised D. proud 5. Open the window, and the bad smell will _ . A. go out B. go off C. go down D. go away Step 6 Homework 你最喜欢哪个季节呢?为什么?请你写出来和大家分享一下吧。60个词左右。 板书设计:Step 7 感叹句: What +a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+(主语)+(谓语)! What +形容词+复数可数名词+(主语)+(谓语)! What +形容词+不可数名词 +(主语)+(谓语)


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