



1、单元教学设计框架课题:牛津英语小学三年级下册 Module 3 Unit7 Hobbies Period 3设计人/单位:深圳市龙岗区布吉木棉湾小学 吴秋菊第三节本节与上节相关性分析:(本课教材分析)学生通过前面两个课时的学习,大部分学生能熟练掌握了表示动作的动词,并且能熟练地把这些动词运用到句型I like ing表达自己的爱好。本课中的这个故事讲述的是Ben and Bob这两个卡通人物在四季喜欢做不同的事情,本课继续沿用前面学过I like ing的句型来表达个人兴趣爱好。学生通过这个故事的学习,学会思考不同的动物在四季交替中喜欢做的事情,学会思考不同的行为会带来截然不同的结果。最后在小

2、组合作学习环节,鼓励学生大胆想象和创作,续写Ben的故事,想象Ben在第二年的四季中,他的行为会发生什么样的变化,他的爱好会发生什么样的变化,这些变化会给他的生活带来什么样的影响。这个小组合作学习的环节旨在培养学生善于观察,富于想象,敢于创造的能力。教学内容: 学习新知识:Enjoy a story:Ben and Bob教学目标: 能熟练运用I like ing的句型来表达个人兴趣爱好。 熟练运用旧句型Look at the . ItsTheyre来复习如何表述自己所看到的场景和物体特征。 能根据图片复述故事,并能演一演; 能根据提示续写故事,并能生动地讲述故事。教学重难点: 重点:准确运用

3、句型“I like ing in springsummerautumnwinter.”表达个人兴趣爱好; 学习新词汇:work, worker, at home, come in. 难点:在特定的情景下续写故事,并生动地把故事表演出来。教学过程:步骤目的教师活动/教法学生活动/学法条件/手段组织教学及复习活跃气氛同时复习相关知识,使学生快速进入学习状态。复习旧知,引出新知,为下面的学习作铺垫。1. Sing a song.播放儿歌four seasons。 2. Think and say: Talk about your hobbies.教师展示自己的四个季节的照片并介绍自己在四季喜欢做的事

4、情,然后鼓励学生进行介绍自己的四季爱好。1. Sing a song.学生跟唱,复习四季单词,为故事学习做好铺垫。2. Think and say: Talk about my hobbies.学生用句型I likeing in springsummerautumnwinter.介绍自己的四季爱好。多媒体课件新知识呈现与归纳认识故事的人物,引入主题。学习新单词,用已学句型操练巩固,为学习故事作铺垫。通过听读,熟悉课文内容,并学习新词汇,能回答问题。 通过听读,熟悉课文内容,并学习新词汇,能回答问题。引出故事的结局,延伸故事1. Listen and guess.播放故事人物蚱蜢Ben和蚂蚁Bo

5、b自我介绍的录音,引导学生认识Ben 和Bob,并引出课题。(1) T: Today, Im going to introduce two new friends to you. Now, listen to them. (2) Guess and know.(播放故事录音1,提供谜语让学生猜并认识人物Ben。)T:Its an insect. Its small. Its green. It can hop in the grass. Whats it?(展示图片,引出并教授grasshopper)T:Its a grasshopper. Whats its name?(3) Guess a

6、nd know.(播放故事录音2,提供谜语让学生猜并认识人物Bob。)T: Its an insect. Its black. It likes living and working together. Whats it? (展示图片,引出并教授单词work, ant)T:Its an ant. Whats its name?(4) Get to know the title of the story.2. Lets know about Ben and Bob.播放故事录音1,2并让学生跟读,齐读,引导学生思考并回答What do Ben and Bob like doing in spri

7、ng , summer and autumn?(1) Listen, follow the tape and read together.(2) Put the pictures into the right order and talk about the pictures.e.g. Look at the . Its .What does like doing in spring, summer and autumn?(3)教授生词worker.(4) Think and say.T: Look at Ben. Does Ben like working? Is it a good wor

8、ker?3. Lets know about Ben and Bob.播放故事录音3,4并让学生跟读,齐读,引导学生思考并回答下列问题:Do Ben and Bob like winter? Why?(1) Let the pupils listen, read follow to the tape and read together.(2) Ask some questions and let the pupils answer.e.g. Does Ben like winter? Why?(引导学生说出多个原因。) What does Bob like doing in winter?(3

9、)引出at home 并教授.T: I like singing at home. What about you?4. What happened to Ben?播放故事录音5并让学生跟读,齐读,引导学生思考并回答问题。(1) Let the pupils listen, read follow to the tape and read together.(2) Ask some questions and let the pupils answer.e.g. What happened to Ben? Is he die?(教师做动作提示。) What does Bob say?(引出新词汇

10、come in 并教授。) What does Bob say?(3) Think and say.T: What do you like? Ben or Bob? Why?1. Listen and guess.听录音,猜猜录音里的人物是谁。S: It a .(允许学生猜测中文名字。)S: Its Ben.S: Its Bob.2. Lets learn about Ben and Bob. 听和读故事录音1,2并回答问题。(1) Listen, follow the tape and read together.(2) Talk about the pictures. Say and ac

11、t.(3)鼓励学生表演,戴上Ben 和Bob的头饰,Say and act.e.g. Hi, Im . I like ing in springsummerautumn.(4) Think and know the words “work” and “worker”.3. Lets know about Ben and Bob.(注意学生的模仿跟读,语音语调是否准确。)S: No. Its cold. He has no food. He has no home.(3) 引导学生说说I like ing at home.S:No.学生读句子:Its cold here. Please come

12、 in.学生读句子:Thank you.(3) 引导学生说说自己喜欢的人物并简单说出原因。e.g. I like . It is a good worker.多媒体课件新知识的巩固与活用通过划出句子,说句子,教授学法,训练学生的观察能力和表达能力。学生回顾并表演已学内容,复习已学小节。运用所学旧知识和已学新知,根据提示编写新故事。演一演,巩固新知识。 1. Circle and say.引导和鼓励学生划出Ben 和Bob在四季的爱好的句子,请学生说一说。2. Lets act依次展示5个情景,请5对学生搭档上台演一演。3. Group work: Make new stories.(1) 引导

13、和鼓励学生大胆想象,以小组为单位创作和续写故事Ben and Bob () or Ben ()(2) 请小组代表分角色读一读。(3) 引导学生选出优秀作品并展示。1. Circle and say.圈出句子并说一说。2. Lets act根据图片的提示,边说边做动作,感受表演的乐趣。(学生戴上头饰。)3. Discuss write and act.学生根据教师的提示,结合课前准备的文本资料讨论,写补充部分并选小组代表表演。多媒体课件归纳知识点,升华教育。What have we learned from this story?1. Summarize the story.2. We know that:Bob the ant is very hardworking and they can help others.Ben the grasshopper is lazy but he is lucky. What have we learned from this story?多媒体课件作业布置综合训练1. Listen, read and act the story. 听读并表演故事。2. Write the worksheet. 填写学习单。 板书设计:Ben BobI like ing in spring. I like ing in spring.I li


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