



1、 小学四年级下册英语综合测试(13单元) 姓名:_ 一 判断下列单词划线部分读音是否一致,一致的打“”,不一致的打“”。10分( ) 1. chick chair ( ) 2. soft dog( ) 3. feel tooth ( ) 4. touch Charlie( ) 5. toy boy ( ) 6. fat hard( ) 7. thick thin ( ) 8. soft does( ) 9. grape cake ( ) 10. juice yummy二选择最佳的答案15分()1._smoothandsoft.A.Isit B.Its C.It()2.Touch this. H

2、ow_itfeel?-Its thin. A.do B.does C.is()3.Icanseethese_. A.trees B.tree C.Tree()4._theclothes,theyresoft. A.See B.Touch C.Hear ()5. The four hear a noise. A, man B. men C. mans()6. I can with my hands. A, smell B. taste C. touch()7. Look at the elephant. ears are big and soft. A, Its B. Its C. It is(

3、)8. Touch this ice cream. How does it feel? - . A, Its hot. B. Its young C. Its cold( ) 9. Touch these toys. How they feel? A, do B. does C. are()10._isit? Itsanapple. A.What B.How C.When( )11. The sun in the morning. A, rises B. goes down C. is ( ) 12. At night, the is high in the sky. A, sun B. st

4、ars C. moon( ) 13. Look, the is like a banana in the sky. A, sun B. moon C. star ( )14. I can my shadow but I cant it. A. touch, smell B. hear, see C. see, touch( )15. When does the sun rise?- . A. The sun rises in the evening B. The sun goes down in the evening C. The sun rises in the morning三根据问句,

5、选择正确的答句。10分( ) 1. Whats this, Peter? - . A. Its a strawberry. B. Its sweet. C. Yes, it is. ( )2. Is it sweet or sour? - A. Its hard. B. Its sour. C. Its soft. ( ) 3. Taste it. How does it taste?- A. Its a strawberry. B. I like watermelon. C. Its sweet. ( ) 4. I have apple. A, a B. an C. some ( ) 5.

6、Dont eat too much , Peter. Its not good for your teeth. A, milk B. candy C. water四选择合适的单词填空。10分1. Can I (taste / drink) the lemon?2. The sun goes (up / down) in the afternoon.3. Henry sees a black shape behind (he / him).4. The ( stars / moon) are like diamonds in the sky.5. This shadow is very shor

7、t (at night / at noon)五将问句和答句配对连线。20分 (一) 1. What is it? A. I can write and draw. 2. How does it feel? B. I see an elephant. 3. Is it an apple? C. Yes, it is. 4. What do you see? D. Its a chick. 5. What can you do? E. Its soft and thick. (二)1. Is it grape juice or apple juice? A. Yes, it is.2. Is it

8、 watermelon juice? B. Its grape juice.3. How does the strawberry taste? C. Its sweet.4. Is it a strawberry or a lemon? D. Its hard.5. How does the stone feel? E. Its a lemon.六根据情景描述,选择正确的答案。10分()1. 你想问:“它摸起来感觉怎么样?”可以说: A. How does it feel? B. How old are you? C. What is it?()2. 你夸奖别人:“干得好!”可以说: A. W

9、ell done! B. Here you are. C. Thank you.()3. 你想问“它是一个苹果吗?”可以说: A. Is it an apple? B. What is it? C. How is it? ( )4. 你想让别人:“等一下”可以说: A. Wait a minute. B. This is a strawberry juice. C. Well done.( ) 5. 你想知道:“它尝起来怎么样”可以说: A. How does it feel? B. How does it taste? C. How big it is!七将所给单词连成完整的句子。10分1i

10、t / orange / is / juice (?) 2. apple / have / here / some / juice / I (.) 3. is / sour / sweet / and / it (.) 4. lemon / please / the / smell (.) 5. fox / grapes / the / cannot / the / get (.) 八阅读短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。10分 A. The moon and the stars are good friends. They live in the sky. They are bright. T

11、hey often play and talk together. The moon is like a mother and the stars are like children. sometimes the moon is thin. It is like a banana. Sometimes the moon is fat and round. It is like a cake. On Mid-Autumn Day, people like to watch the moon and eat moon cakes. The moon is nice and bright. People believe(相信) there is a beautiful woman living in the moon. Her name is Change.( ) 1. The stars and the moon are good friends


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