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1、PDMA NPDP培训交流材料,深圳 杨飞 http:/,NPDP培训内容,PDMA作为一个非盈利、学术性组织,整理了一套新产品开发知识体系NPD-BOK NPDP培训为PDMA新产品开发专家认证的考前辅导(相当于“冲刺班”。因此,其内容主要是介绍NPD知识体系框架,大量的详细的内容仍需要课外自学。 该课程主要讲述了一些概念的理解,由于通用性的考虑,因此,对于如何实现与操作并没有多少涉及 本交流材料主要将该课程所涉及的一些重要概念进行介绍,其中很多内容在IPD、PACE中都有涉及或有相关内容,NPD Process Framework,NPD Strategy,Marketing Resear

2、ch,New Product Process,Lifecycle Mgt,Portfolio Mgt,Tools Business case Development stage proven product prototype; updated (comprehensive) business case Launch stage new product introduction,Product protocol,What needs to be done to do the work Communicates essentials to all players, leading to inte

3、grated actions, providing targets and direction for outcomes Defines the length of the process or cycle times Defines requirements in terms that can be measured,differing processes,Different companies have different process, because they have different _ Organizational culture Pace of market change

4、Capital intensity Technology hurdles (障碍) Some known systems include: Stage gate Phase review PACE process,Tools segments and positioning can be developed in tandem with concept. Disadvantage Some developers refuse to do Results can be mismanaged People find it difficult to react to entirely new con

5、cepts without a learning period Stimulus of concept statement very brief Environment can change by the time product is marketed Certain attributes can not be measured in a concept test Characteristic human behavior can skew (倾斜) results,The advantage and disadvantage of: product use testing,Advantag

6、e: Real environment can uncover product strengths and weakness other methods miss Early seeding of the market Used in selected environments to test internal readiness Disadvantage: Can be disastrous (损失惨重的) if not handled properly Customer schedules can conflict with development schedules Can lead t

7、o one-offs to satisfy test customers,The advantage and disadvantage of: market testing,Advantage: Leads to solid forecasts of dollar and unit sales volume Provides diagnostic information to help improve launch components Disadvantage: Can take more time than some may want to allow in fast launch sit

8、uation Sometimes doesnt provide value proportional (相称的) to investment needed to conduct test,组织结构特点(Team,elements that result in effective teams,The importance of Culture The team assignment and ownership Selecting the leader Selecting team members Roles and participants New product team/network structure Training the team,senior managers influence,推荐的相关书籍,Cooper, Robert G., Winning at New Products Crawford, C. Merle and Anthony DiBenedetto, New Products Management Kahn, Kenneth B., Editor, The PDMA


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