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1、简明英语教程(下) Unit 2,王颖,Unit 2,Dialogue New words Language points in the text Grammar Translation,Dialogue,Excuse me, is this the counter for checking in of the flight 001 to London, please? 请问飞往伦敦的001号航班是在这里办理登机手续吗? check in :登记;托运(行李);在旅馆登记住宿 check out:结帐并且离开旅馆或其它住所; 办妥手续之后取出(某物,Dialogue,Id like to ta

2、ke the seat by the window. 我想要靠近窗户的座位。 take the seat by the window 坐在靠窗户的座位 take the seat by the aisle 坐在靠通道的座位,The New Words,break n. 违背,违犯 The stone broke the window. 石头打坏了窗子。 The cup broke on the floor. 杯子摔碎在地板上了。 to break the law/a rule 犯法/违反制度,The New Words,2) n.暂停,间歇;突变,方法或习惯的改变 a coffee break

3、. 喝咖啡的间歇 Lets have a break. 让我们休息一会儿。 a break from the past 一反过去的做法 Give yourself a break 尝试改变自己,The New Words,Stress n.轻易通过 When he saw us, the master just breezed in and smiled. 主人看到我们后就轻快地走了过来微微一笑。 She breezed through her exams. 她轻而易举地通过了考试,The New Words,illustrate vt. 加插图于;(举例)说明 The book was il

4、lustrated with color photographs. 这本书配上了彩色照片。 The speaker said he would try to illustrate. 演讲人说他将设法举例说明,The New Words,Prioritize v. (把 . )区分优先次序 I now prioritize all of my tasks and create a plan. 现在我会将所有任务排出优先次序然后制定出计划。 How do you prioritize when you are given too many duties to accomplish? 你怎样在一堆根

5、本做不完的工作中区分轻重缓急,The New Words,Leisure n. 空闲,闲暇 leisure time 空闲时间 leisure travel休闲的旅行 at (ones) leisure 当某人有自由时间时;在某人方便时: Ill return the call at my leisure. 我有空就会来拜访,Text A,1. She had left her bed unmade for the first time in 42 years and nothing bad had happened. 42年来她头一回起床后不整理床铺结果一切一如往常。 Leave n. +a

6、dj/ past participle 使某人/某物处于状态,Text A,2. One was discovering that she had choices in her life that she had never seen before. 一是发现原来自己在生活中可以有选择,而以前她从未意识到这一点。 discovering thatbefore是动名词短语作表语,句中的第一个that 引导宾语从句,第二个that 引导定语从句,修饰先行词choices,先行词和定语从句被介词短语in her life隔开了,Text A,3. Each of us has to make cho

7、ices and accept trade-offs. 每个人都必须有所选择,有所放弃。 4. They take better care of their houses and cars than they do of themselves.= They take better care of their houses and cars than they take care of themselves,Text A,5. But most people living that way are wearing themselves out, feeling out of control. m

8、ost people living that way= most people who are living that way: 以这种方式生活的人 但大多数选择这种生活方式的人总是把自己搞得身心疲惫,甚至感觉处在一种失控状态,Text A,6. Whatever makes you feel good about yourself and your life. = you can do whatever makes you feel good about yourself and your life. 凡能让你对自己和生活感到满意的事情都可以去做,Text A,1. What was the

9、 womans problem? A. She had difficulty falling asleep. B. She felt stress in her life. C. She woke up too early in the morning. D. She had to do all the housework by herself. B,Text A,2. Some people put everyone elses needs ahead of their own. What is the authors comment (看法) on this? A. Thats fine

10、if its occasional. B. Thats not acceptable at all. C. Thats too stupid a thing to do. D. Thats exactly what he does. A,Text A,3. “Fortunately, life doesnt have to be like that.” What does “that” refer to? A. Stop exercising or start skipping meals. B. Steal time from ones sleep. C. Stop reading or p

11、laying D. All of the above. D,Text A,4. According to the author, what should be put first in our daily life? A. Regular meals, adequate sleep and time with our family. B. Exercise, leisure and friendships. C. Time to play the piano. D. Keeping our house as clean as possible. A,Text A,5. What attitud

12、e are we advised to take in life? A. Me first. B. Me second. C. Me only. D. Me, too. D,Grammar,现在分词 1.英语动词在句子中不单独作谓语时,称为动词的非谓语形式,不随句子主语人称和数的变化而变化。 英语的非谓语动词有三种:不定式、分词和动名词。其中分词又可分为现在分词和过去分词,Grammar,2.现在分词的形式:v + ing 3.现在分词可以用来和助动词一起构成进行时态,例如: The little boy is reading an interesting book. She was clea

13、ning the room yesterday afternoon,Grammar,4.现在分词仍具有动词的某些特性,可以有自己的宾语、状语等。现在分词连同它的宾语或状语一起构成现在分词短语。 5.现在分词表示主动的意义。在时间关系上,现在分词一般表示正在进行的动作。 6.现在分词的句法作用,Grammar,1) 作定语。作定语时,相当于一个形容词,一般置于所修饰的名词之前;但分词短语作定语时,须置于所修饰的名词之后。例如: Developing countries belong to the third world. 发展中国家属于第三世界。 They are talking about t

14、he young man sitting in the corner. 他们正在谈论坐在角落里的那个年轻人,Grammar,2) 作状语。现在分词作状语时,表示时间,相当于时间状语从句。表示原因,相当于原因状语从句。表示条件,相当于条件状语从句。但是分词短语表示伴随状况时,一般不能改写为状语从句,而是相当于一个并列分句。例如,Grammar,Returning home, she began preparing for dinner. 回到家里,她就开始准备晚餐。(时间) Being sick, he had to stay at home. 因为生病,他只好留在家里。(原因) Working

15、 hard, you will succeed. 只要努力工作,你就会取得成功。(条件) He sat on the ground, reading a newspaper. 他坐在地上看报。(伴随,Grammar,3)作表语。作表语用的现在分词多表示主语所具有的特征。例如: The theory sounds quite convincing. 该理论听起来很有说服力。 The situation is quite encouraging. 形势相当令人鼓舞,Grammar,4) 作补语(主动式中作宾补,被动式中作主补) I saw her crossing the street. 我看见她

16、正在过马路。 She was seen crossing the street. They kept us waiting for quite a long time. 他们让我们等了很长时间。 We were kept waiting for quite a long time,Grammar,7.现在分词的完成式和被动式 现在分词的完成式,即“having过去分词”,主要用作状语,所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作(或状态)之前。例如: Having finished his work, he went to help others. 完成自己的工作后,他就去帮助别人,Grammar,

17、现在分词的被动式,即“being过去分词”,表示一个被动的动作,可以用作定语、状语和补语。例如: Being heated, the water is getting hotter and hotter. 经过加热,水正在变得越来越热,Translation,1.他描述了自己今天在办公室里所做的一切。(describe) He described all the things he had done in the office today. 2.双方在昨天的谈判 (negotiation) 中取得了两项重大突破。(breakthrough) The two parties made two breakthroughs in yesterdays negotiation,Translation,3.有些人说,他们在生活中不得不选择把健康放在最后一位。(putlast) Some people say that they have to choose in ways that put their health last in their lives. 4.我听说她照料那只宠物比照顾自己还上心。(take care of) I learned that she took better care of her pet tha


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