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1、青少版新概念英语1B 阶段测试卷 Unit28-Unit30 姓名_ 成绩_ 第一部分 听力 20% ?听单词,从A、B、C三个选项中找出画线部分发音不同的选项。(5%) ( )1. A. some B. soap C. usual C. machine B. teacher ( )2. A. children C. look B. cook )3. A. cool ( C. after B. parent ( )4. A. hard C. impressive B. mile )( 5. A. Chinese ?听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(5%) ( )1. A. sauce B. sou

2、p C. soap ( )2. A. headache B. toothache C. stomach-ache ( )3. A. make an appointment B. make a list C. hope for the best ( )4. A. Its January the third. B. Is it the third of February? C. Its February the third. ( )5. A. Where does she come from? B. Where is she from? C. She comes from Sydney. ?根据听

3、到的内容选择正确的答案。(10%) ( )1. What doesnt the woman want? A. Tea. B. Vegetable soup. C. Grape juice. s the weather like in winter? )2. What( C. Cold and dry. B. Warm and dry. A. Cold and wet. 3. What nationality is Emma?( )C. Shes Australian. s German. A. Shes American. B. She ( )4. Whats the weather like

4、 today? C. B. A. s birthday? )( 5. When is Tina C. B. A. 80%笔第二部 ? 选择填空。(10%)January is the _ month of the year. ) 1.( C. third B. second A. first They come from _the world ! )( 2. C.all over B.all in A. all on Can you compete_them ? )3. ( C. of B.to A. with B:_. in the bag ? 4. ( ) A: Is there a ru

5、ler t . C. No, there aren B. Yes ,there are . A. Yes , there is . -Does Chinese gymnasts compete _ those races? ) ( 5. -Of course, they can compete _ them. C. in, with B. at, with A. in, to -Luke has got a stomach-ache. Is he miserable? ( )6. s very well now. - Dont worry _ it. HeC. about B. at A. f

6、or -_ )( 7. s Friday. -ItC. What time is it? B. Which day is it? A. What day is it Which _ do you like? B: I like spring. )8.( C. season B. time A. weather s on the sixth of March. _ is your birthday? B: It ) 9.( C. When B. How A. What _ is the race next Monday? B: Fifteen miles ) 10.( C. How many B

7、. How A. How long ?( 10%) Make sentences. 连词成句。country is your what the 1、 weather in like _? like does your friend 2、season which _? in summer always shines 、3sun the _. year month last of the December is 4、 the _. girl where is the 5. from _? ? 根据对话内容,选择合适的词进行提问(5%) How long how many how much how

8、how about 1)-_ - The race is twenty-five miles. Its very long. 2)-_ - He drinks a lot of water in the morning. 3)- _ - There are some bottles of milk in the fridge. 4)- _ -Hes got headache. 5) I like the climate in Beijing. _ - I love it, too. ? Find the mistakes and correct them. 找出错误,并改正。( 10%) (

9、) 1、The girl is come from Australia. 改为:_ A B C D ( ) 2、My birthday is in June the second.改为:_ A B C D ( ) 3、The weather change all the time. 改为:_ A B C ( ) 4、Is it always shines in summer? 改为:_ A B C D ( ) 5、I favourite food is hamburger. 改为:_ A B C D ? (5%) 填空。in或to、past、on用Fill in the blanks. 1、I

10、 have an English lesson _ Monday. 2、Oh, dear, it is ten _ eight (8:10). I am late for school. 3、The appointment is _ the afternoon. 4、He gets up at half _ seven every morning. 5、It is a quarter _ eight (7:45). Breakfast is ready 把左栏的问题和右栏的回答搭配起来。(10%) A Questions B Answers ( )1 How do you feel? 1 Sh

11、es got a very bad cold. ( )2 What day is it? 2 English is at three. ( )3 When can you see the doctor? 3 Hes got flu. ( )4 Whats the matter with Lucy? 4 No, I havent, but Ive got a cold. ( )5 When is your appointment? 5 I feel awful. Ive got a headache. ( )6 What time is your English lesson? 6 Its at

12、 a quarter to ten. ( )7 Whats the matter with William? 7 I can see her at half past three. ( )8 Have you got stomach-ache? 8 Its Wednesday. ( )9 What nationality is she? 9 He comes from Beijing. ( )10 Where does your friend come from? 10 Shes Moroccan. ? 根据图片提示完成对话(10%) A: _1_? s the tenth of Octobe

13、r. B: It 10月s birthday? A: The tenth of October? Oh, _2_ Nancyt. B: No, it isn 日10A: _3_? th of October. B: Its on the 11A: _4_? B: She is nine years old. s already nine. _5_ any presents for her? cant believe it! SheA: Oh, I B: Yes, of course! _ 2. _3. _4. _ 5. _ 1. 20%阅读理解()? A is it very happy. B

14、ut is flies his kite on the playground. He Qiang It is cloudy. Zhang his kite. His shirt and trousers are wet. He doesnt want to go ) raining now. He cant fly(放home. Ten minutes later, the sun is shining. It is warm now and Zhang Qiang has a good idea绳(系)them to the long string (his wet clothes and

15、ties (主意). He takes off(脱下) and there is )of the kite. He flies his kite and clothes. So they are dry. He puts on (穿上)子 !a smile on his face. What a clever boy)1. Zhang Qiang _ on the playground. ( D: plays A: flies his kite B: flies his plane C: runs )2. Zhang Qiang wears _. ( A: a shirt and trouse

16、rs B: a shirt and shoes C: a skirt and trousers D: a skirt and shoes ( )3. Zhang Qiang ties his wet clothes _ to make them dry. A: to a tree B: on his head C: to the kite string D: to his arm ( )4. It is _ that day. A: rainy, foggy and sunny B: cloudy, rainy and foggy C: cloudy, foggy and sunny D: c

17、loudy, rainy and sunny ( )5. Zhang Qiang is a _ boy. A: lazy B: goodlooking C: clever D: tall B I will never forget my first English class. It is very interesting. Its the first class in the morning. The teacher goes into the classroom with a smile on his face. At the beginning(开始), he makes a self-

18、introduction(自我介绍). And he tells us that his English name is John. Then he asks all of us to think of (思考)English names for ourselves(我们自己). We are very excited(兴奋的) to find a good name. Then he asks us to write our names down on a piece of paper. I think about my English name for a long time. Then

19、I come up with(想出) a beautiful name -Shirley. All the students write their names down and give the paper to the teacher. When(当) the teacher calls “Shirley” to answer his question, three girls stand up at the same time.(同时) ( )6. What do we do in the first English class? A. Tell the teacher our Chinese names. B. Find English names for ourselves. C. See an English film. D. Dr


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