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1、astronomy astronomer solar system solar system religion theory Big Bang,n. 天文学 n. 天文学家 adj. 太阳的;日光的 n. 系统;体系;制度 太阳系 n. 宗教;宗教信仰 n. 学说;理论 宇宙大爆炸;创世大爆炸,atom billion globe global violent in time carbon,n. 原子 万亿;十亿 n. 球体;地球仪;地球 adj. 全球性的;全世界的 adj. 猛烈的;激烈的; 及时;终于;迟早 n. 碳,16.nitrogen 17.vapour 18.atmosphere

2、 19.unlike 20.fundamental 21.presence 22.dissolve 23.harmful,n. 氮 n. 蒸气;水蒸气 n.大气层;气氛 prep. 不同;不像 adj. 基本的;基础的 n. 出席;到场;存在 vt. 终于 _ 2. 轮到某人;接着 _ 3. 阻止;制止 _ 4. 感到高兴;感到兴奋 _ 5. 既然 _ 6. 爆发;突发 _ 7. 密切注视;当心;提防 _,watch out,in time,in ones turn,prevent .from (doing),cheer up,now that,break out,8. 依赖;依靠 _ 9.

3、四面八方 _ 10. 摔倒;跌倒 _ 11.lay eggs _ 12.give birth to _ 13.block out _ 14 get the hang of _ 15.cool down _,冷却下来,depend on,in all directions,fall over,下蛋,产生,分娩,挡住(光线),掌握,熟悉;理解,1.astronomy 天文学 2.solar adj.太阳的,日光的 3.religion n.宗教,宗教信仰,astronomer 天文学家 solar system 太阳系 _ 太阳能 adj. _ _ 雄心 野心-_ _小心 -_,solar ene

4、rgy,religious,ambition,ambitious,caution,cautious,4.theory 学说 5.billion 十亿,It seems good_ but it doesnt work in practice. The theory he stuck to _ true. proved B. proving C. was proved 二十 亿 _ billions of hundred, thousand, million,in theory,7.in time 及时 ,终于,The doctor came just in time. You will suc

5、ceed in time. 按时 提前 同时 暂时 立刻 绝不 经过一段时间 有的时候,on time,ahead of time,at the same time,for the time being,in no time,at no time/in no way/ by no means,over time,at times= sometimes,6.violent adj.猛烈的, 激烈的, 暴力的 8.unlike prep.不同, 不像,n. _ a violent storm 惨遭横祸 _ v.不喜欢 _ _ his brother, he has a good sense of

6、humor.,violence,die a violent death,dislike,Unlike,9.presence n.出席, 在场;存在 10.harmful adj.有害的,在 在场的情况下 _ adj.出席的,在场的 _ _ 出席/_ 缺席 Eg: Everyone present at the meeting agreed with his idea. be harmful _ = _ (意外事故)伤害 (战争中刀枪)伤 (晒,烫,烧)伤 (小刀,草叶)划伤 (伤感情 部位)疼,in the presence of,present,be absent from,be prese

7、nt at,to,do harm to,injure,wound,burn,cut,hurt,11.exist vi.存在,生存,exist on 靠生存/生活 There exist =There be 某地有 There _ a king There _ a tree There _ a village,existence,in,lived,stands,lies,_ existence,13.thus adv.如此, 这样,因此,The team won 10 medals, thus _ (rank)third of all the teams. = _ 并且 _ 但是 然而 _ 否则

8、,在其他方面 _ 无论如何 不管怎样 _ 莫名其妙地,不知怎么地 _ 有几分 有点 _ 而是 _,ranking,therefore,besides,however,otherwise,anyway,somehow,somewhat,instead,12.give birth to 产生,分娩 14.in ones turn 轮到某人,接着,She gave birth to a healthy baby last night A baby _ last night. in turn by turns take turns to do sth. Its ones turn to do sth.

9、,轮流,反过来 轮流,交替,was born,轮流做某事,轮到某人做某事,climate 与weather,climate 可数名词 weather 不可数 eg1: _ permitting, well go out for a camp next weekend. eg2: The _ of China is very enjoyable in spring. _ mild climate _ good weather!,Weather,climate,What a,What,15. gentle-) adj.温和的 16. block out 挡住(光线或声音),adv:_ -gentl

10、eman (gentlemen) simple-_ comfortable-_ true-_ fortunate- _ extreme- eg: Black clouds blocked out the sun. 拓展:_ 挡住某人的去路。 _ 让路,gently,simply,comfortably,truly,fortunately,extremely,block ones way,give way to,18. spaceship 宇宙飞船 Cheer up 感到高兴 21. now (that) 既然,(space 太空) 注意:in space, in nature, in soci

11、ety cheer sb. up cheers ! 干杯 eg: Now that youve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.,the pull of the earth,might as well,还是的好,19. pull n./vt 拉;拉力,(近义词) _ (反义词) 推 _ (1) 地球的引力 _ (2) Pull the door open. Dont push it. 拓展:_ 把某人往上拉 _ 停下 _ 渡过难关, (车)停下,draw drag,push,the pull of the earth,pull sb. up,pull up,pull through,pull in,22. watch out密切注视;当心;提防 watch out (for ) 当心 look out


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