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1、4人英语情景对话口语练习 班里聚集4个人来围成一圈,可以进行对话练习口语。下面是 _给大家了4人对话,供大家参阅! A1:Ni _ to see you again,Mr./Miss A2:再次见到你,我很高兴。 B1:见到你也很高兴。 B2: Ni _ to see you,too.Mr/Miss A1:These days,We have talked all of the clause.But I dont think you will refuse to add the arbitration clause into the contract. A2:这些天,我们已经谈论了所有的条款,

2、但是我想你不会拒绝再加上仲裁条款。 B1:当然不会。我们在哪里仲裁呢? B2:I wont.Where do we hold arbitration then? A1:Can we leave the pla _ for arbitration and the arbitral organization open till it is needed?When a disputes arises,we can designate an arbitral body body temporarily through a discussion. A2:我们可不可以留下仲裁条款,在需要的时候再找仲裁 _

3、。当争议出现的时候,我们可以通过协商临时找一个仲裁 _。 B1:坦白地说,我认为那不是个好主意。设想一下,假如争议出现,关于仲裁方面,我们又不能达成一致,那么问题依然存在。根据我方常规的做法,争议通常在中国处理。 B2:Frankly speaking,it is not a good idea.Suppose there is a dispute,and we can not agree on the pla _ of arbitration,the problem will be pending.In our usual practi _,arbitrations are conducte

4、d in China. A1:If it is in China,the arbitration will be conducted aording to China rules.But we know nothing about China rules.May I remended Tokyo? A2:如果是在中国的话,那么争议就会根据中国的。而我方 _的法律规则知之甚少。你看东京怎么样? B1:不如这样,为了公平起见,我们还是按照惯例,采用中日贸易惯例处理。 B2:Well,to be fair,we can adopt the custo _ry practi _ that has be

5、en used in Sino-Japan trade. A1:Yes? A2:那是什么呢? B1:争议在败诉方国家处理。那就意味着如果我方提出仲裁,那么在你方国家处理。 B2:The arbitration should be held in the country of the defendant.It means if I submit the case for arbitration,the arbitration will be conducted in your country. A1:Good.I agree.Then how about the fees for arbitra

6、tion? A2:听起来不错。我完全同意。那么关于仲裁费用方面如何解决呢? B1:我认为那应该由败诉方承担。你认为如何? B2:I guess the losing Party should pay for it.What do you think about that? A1:Thats OK.Lets add it into the contract. A2:好吧!那我们就把它写入合同吧! Tom Brown 美国公司经理 Nancy Wang 公司的采购部业务员 Simon Zhou 公司经理 N: Hello, Mr. Smith, I think we can start by ta

7、lking about the pri _. D: Sure. Id be happy to answer any questions you _y have. N: Your products are very good. But Im a little worried about the pri _s youre asking. D: You think we are asking for more? N: Thats not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what Id like

8、is a 25% discount. D: That seems to be a little high, Mr. Nancy. I dont know how we can _ke a profit with those numbers. N: Well, if we promise future business, it will cut your costs, right? D: Yes, but its hard to see how you can pla _ such large orders. We need a guarantee of future business, not

9、 just a promise. N: We said we wanted 1000 pie _s over a six-month period. What if we pla _ orders for twelve months, with a guarantee? D: If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further. N: Never mind! By the way, our _nager hope to see you, would you like to wait for a mome

10、nt? I will take him to see you. D: thats ok,. S: Hi, Mrs. Smith, Wele to China! I am Simon Zhou, sales _nager. It is a pleasure to see you here .How do you do? D: How do you do, Mr. Simon! S: I am afraid that our costs for the product wont go down much, even with future business. D: Just what are yo

11、u proposing? S: We could take a cut on the pri _. But 25% would cut our profit _rgin. We suggest a promise -10%. D: Thats a big change from 25%! 10% are beyond my negotiating limit. S: I dont think I can change it right now. D: Mr. Tom, it is really beyond my limit, I think we can try to e up with s

12、ome thing else. S: We hope so, Mrs. Smith. Ill try very hard to reach some middle ground D: I understand. We propose a deal. For the first six months, we get a discount of 20%, and the next six months we get 15% S: Mrs. Smith,I cant bring those numbers back to my offi _. D: Then youll have to think

13、of something better, Mr. Brown T: How do you do, Mr. Simon! S: How do you do, Mr. Brown! How about 15% the first six months, and the second six months at 12%, with a guarantee of 3000 units? T: Thats a lot to sell, with very low profit _rgins. S: Its about the best we can do, Tom Brown. We need to g

14、et something out today. If we go back with nothing, we _y be ing back to you soon to ask for a job. T: OK .17% the first six months, 14% for the second? S: Done. Its really very kind of you, I m glad to cooperate with you . A: Hi Julia, I am going to the video shop to buy some movies DVD, would you

15、like to go with me? B: Oh, hi Dianna, Id love to. I also want to buy some DVDs, you know, _ny movies are worth to watch a second time. A: Thats good, thank you. I know you have watched _ny movies, you can give me some ni _ suggestion. B: OK, Im glad to introdu _ the movies which I liked so much. C:H

16、i Dianna,Julia, we are finding you. A&B: Hi , what happened? C: Can you believe? I have won a lottery! B: Really? Congratulations! A: I think you always have good luck. D: I am agree with you. He is a lucky boy. C: ha haha, thank you. The prize is four movie tickets. I have invite David to go to the

17、 theatre with me. would you like to join us? D: Yes, we know you two like watching movies and some new films were shown very often re _ntly. A: Id love to, but I prefer watching a movie than going to the theatre. B: So do I. I feel very sorry. A: Oh, I have never heard you dont like watching movie i

18、n the theatre. Can you like to _ us the reason? A: I think watch DVDs on TV by myself is more relax. For example, I _y be amused by the funny words and actions, but I am unlikely to laugh out loud in the theatre. D: But the artificially produ _d sound effects are much better in the theatre than the

19、DVDs. When you hear guns firing in a theatre, you feel as if you were on a real battlefield. C: Moreover, the presen _ of an au _n _ can create a good atmosphere. You can easily be immersed in the movies. I think when you watch a movie first time, you should go to the theatre, you can understand the

20、 movie better. B: But on the other hand, I can also press the PAUSE button, go to the kitchen or the toilet, and then e back to continue the movie. More importantly, if I dont understand a section of the movie, I can replay it. D: While, what you say is quite right. When we watch some foreign movies

21、, our lack of background infor _tion often requires us to _ke too much inferen _s, and sometimes we cannot understand _rtain parts of the movie. But if you dont understand the movie when you see it in the theatre, you also can buy the DVDs and watch the movie again. C: You can buy the DVDs whenever

22、you want, but you cant see a movie in the theatre if you miss the date. A: Um, what you two said is very reasonable, I think I agree with you. D: Yeah, and you _y laugh heartily when the whole au _n _ bursts into wild laughter. C: We are going to see the new film-, its a perfect movie that suits to watch on the theatre. Come with us, please. A: Ok, Im gla


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