



1、主持艺术专业毕业生的自我介绍 (精选多篇 )给大家一起来分享这一份非常精彩的自我介绍范文,仅供大家参考。i call . , this year * year old. * year july i from * training school graduates at ones own expenses inside plan of major of art division art. because remove a country to allocate to laying a package at ones own expenses no longer from 97 years, ma

2、ke i and below the sun most brilliant profession just miss the opportunity. fortunately, at that time river equestrian factory is over on the west small persons qualified to teach is insufficient, via person introduction, i am over in this small held the position of a year face times class teacher.t

3、hen duan shiguang is really since after-thought already sweet good, although pay of take over a class for an absent teacher is very low, but listening to classmates to be surrounded in beside teacher , teacher call ceaseless, look at that one in pairs to fill trustful eye, the little face that that

4、piece of zhang zhi enrages, all disfort in the life vanished pletely immediately.my former thinks, although cannot bee a full member, want school need only, bee teacher of take over a class for an absent teacher all ones life namely i also be most willing to. unexpectedly, the country since 1998 beg

5、ins clear to remove casual and teacher of take over a class for an absent teacher, after the oral announcement that received the school, i cherish the mood of be reluctant to part with, left the school stealthily.today, the desire that i think to take an exam to be on estrade afresh through this is

6、pressing in that way! my home shares 3 sister, two elder sisters are outer work, already went up to take care of the parents of age, i stay beside them all the time. i ever had opened store, it is management handicraft first, dress is managed again after. but no matter the business is done how handy

7、, being a glorious people teacher is my heart is yearning from beginning to end wish the career that bend uses up lifetime painstaking effort to go after. my ceng duo second to take an examination, but fail as a result of all sorts of reasons to realize a dream, but i am dark be determined, want org

8、anic meeting only, i am taken an examination of all the time go down, e true till ideal till.i nowadays, the test that all previous classics lives, on the age pared with my petitor i already had an advantage no longer, but i am morer than them a love to the child, patience and responsibility heart,

9、more a maturity and self-confidence. teacher this profession is divine and great, he asks the teacher wants to have substantial knowledge not only, have exalted sentiment even. accordingly, when reading normal school, i pay attention to the full-scale development of oneself very, develop oneself int

10、erest interest widely, learn to have special skill or knowledge, acplish except outside be good at brushwork and calligraphy, still can meet sing, can say, can tell. learn to be able to be division high only, body square can is model , in pay attention to the moral sentiment that while knowledge lea

11、rns, i still note him education is exalted, discipline of self-conscious abide by is abide by the law, abide by social morals, without unhealthy addiction and behavior. i think these are a teaching staff should be had most the acplishment of at least.if, i carried interview, bee the member in numero

12、us teacher team, my general learns hard ceaselessly, work hard, for the education of home town the career contributes his force, anything but disappoint the engineer of human soul this glorious title.以下的是播音与主持专业的学生求职的自我介绍: 尊敬的各位评委老师,您们好 !首先,非常感谢各位评委老师,给了我,一个展示自我的机会和平台,来实现我 的理想。我是一个性格开朗,爱好广泛的女孩。从小我就有

13、一个愿望,长大后一定 要做一名优秀的播音主持人,随着岁月的流逝,花开花落,我也慢慢的长大了,而 这种愿望却愈加强烈,就像农者与其锄一样,对播音主持这一工作愈加的痴爱。在 求学的 12 年中,我在学好文化课的同时,又不断的从知识的海洋中广泛汲取营养, 去充实自己,增强自己的能力,提高自己的认识,以更好的把握自己的未来,实现 自己的理想。就像歌者用曼妙的歌声去表达自己的感情,就像舞者用轻盈的舞步去 阐释自己的信念,而我将用我的声音去传递我对播音主持的炽爱。我知道,成功的道路上,并不是一帆风顺,虽布满荆棘,但是我也会:不畏艰难, 勇往直前,紧握着自己的梦想不放,固执的守侯,真诚的期待。,我希望能够给

14、我 一次机会,在更高、更神圣的知识殿堂里深造,破茧成蝶,化蝶成舞,无限接近播 音主持那份光华与荣耀。以我所学,通过我声音,去传达中原人开放的热情,让世 界去聆听新世纪中国的声音和呼声!能来到这里面试是我毕生中的一种幸运,我希望名位评委老师能够给我这一次机 会,提供我这一个平台,让我能够在这个平台上充分展示我的才华。谢谢! 本文由推荐 大家好,我是,所学的是电脑艺术设计专业,我非常热爱设计,希望从每天的 进步中寻找生活的精彩。也希望能借助这个机会,找一个能展现自己实力的舞台。学习中我认真努力,系统学习了 vi 企业形象策划、广告文案写作、图形创意、 招贴设计、包装设计、书籍装帧设计、摄影等专业知

15、识 ; 熟习平面设计软件 photoshop 、coreldraw 、indesign; 制图软件 cad; 影视后期软件 premiere;l 各 门基础课程和专业课程均取得了较好成绩,在我努力下掌握了扎实的专业知识,并 有意识的通过各种实践活动提高自己的动手能力,为今后工作奠定了良好的基础。我注重培养自己多方面的能力,尤其在装潢广告设计专业,熟练的掌握了平面 广告设计、 vi 设计、标志设计、包装设计、书记装帧设计、展示设计等。能熟练 运用 word、excel 、 powerpoint 办公软件, freehand 、 coreldraw 及 photoshop 等 应用软件并且能完成整

16、套 vi 设计,获得中华人民共和国颁发商业美工中级证和 photoshop6 、0 中级证。为适应社会发展的需求,我认真学习各种专业知识,发挥自己的特长 ; 挖掘自 身的潜力,结合每年的暑期社会实践机会,从而逐步提高了自己的学习能力和分析 处理问题的能力以及一定的协调组织和管理能力。在即将进入社会之际,为了更好地适应社会,我希望自己能够做到一种被别人 需要的一种状态,至于做什么,就是在实践中,不断的学习、不断的锻炼。在获知 贵公司正为积极谋求发展招贤纳才。我真诚的渴望能加入贵公司,为贵公司的发展 壮大贡献我的才智。我叫,今年 20 岁,下面就是本人的自我介绍: 大学的四年学习让我思想和知识都得

17、到了进一步的成长。在这知识的殿堂里塑造 了一个健康且充满自信的我,自信来自实力,同时也要认识到,社会是在不断变化 发展的,对人才的要求也越来越高,但自身还有很多的缺点和不足,要适应社会的 发展,得不断提高思想认识,完善自己,改正缺点。我努力的学习基础课,深研专业知识,并取得了优异的成绩,多次名列前茅,连 年获得奖学金。本人系统掌握戏剧、戏曲导演、电影、电视剧导演和表演、戏剧理 论研究等方面的知识,谙透戏剧、戏曲、电影、电视、美术、音乐、戏剧文学等方 面的基本理论和基本知识。我具有较强的组织能力和社交能力,能很好地独立开展工作,并与其他人协手合 作,发扬团队精神,在各项活动中均取得较突出的成绩。

18、我在思想上要求进步, 敬业是我的人生信条, 年轻、可塑性强 是我的资本。我将以饱满的热情、一 丝不苟的态度迎接挑战,并运用自己所学的知识和技能,为公司的发展和祖国的富 强奉献自己的青春。我对贵公司创建以来的业绩和远大的开拓前景仰慕已久。真诚希望成为其中一员。我深信会用自己勤勉的汗水与同仁一道为贵公司的锦绣前程奋斗不息,奉献我的年 轻的热忱和才智,并且在实践中不断学习、进步!大家好,我是,所学的是电脑艺术设计专业,三年的校园生涯即将结束,我一 直信守做事尽心尽力的原则,努力学习文化知识,刻苦钻研专业技能,积极投入实 践,全面充实和发展自己并取得一定的成绩。学习上,认真刻苦,主动好学,求知欲强,成绩始终在班里保持优秀,熟练掌 握了本专业的知识,如: flash 、photoshop 、 dreamweaver、dirctor 、after effects 、 premiere pro 等软件,并将所学的知识应用于实际生活中,而且利用课 余时间自学了 coreldraw 、 illustrator等绘图软件。大学三年里,在提高自己科学文化素质的同时,也努力提高自己的思想道德素 质,使自己成为德、智、体诸方面全面发展适应 21 世纪发展要求的复合型人才, 做一个有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义建


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