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1、大学英语四级考试历年真题听力 四级的真题资料,基本上每一年的听力都会在里面。下面是 _给大家带来历年大四级考试真题听力,供大家参阅! Theres one sound that gets a big reaction fromkids on a hot day, the sound of an i _-cream truck. 在大热天里,有一个声音能让孩子们有特别大的反应,那就是冰激凌车的声音。 Maria McCartney has been in the mobile i _-creambusiness sin _ xx. Maria McCartney从xx年就开始了她的 _冰激凌生意

2、。 When I was a little girl, I saw an i _-cream truck andknew I wanted to have one someday, McCartneysaid. McCartney说:“我小的时候看到冰激凌车,我就知道迟早有一天我自己会有一辆。” During the hot days of summer, Maria and her daughter drive an i _-cream truck throughneighborhoods and parks in Billings. 炎炎夏日,Maria和她的 _就会开着他们的冰激凌车在比

3、令斯走街串巷。 Its not about _ money for this former elementary school teacher. 对于这位前小学教师来说,这并不是为了赚钱。 Rather, she wants to preserve the tradition of the neighborhood i _-cream truck. 她更想保留住街区里这种冰激凌车的传统。 Truly my favorite part is to see the kids jumping up and down and they just get so excited. “我最喜欢的就是看着孩子

4、们兴奋地蹦蹦跳跳。” Its great to build a memory for them too. “这对于他们来说也是一段美好的记忆。” Theres not a lot of these i _-cream trucks around anymore. “现如今已经没有多少冰激凌车了。” The parents e out barefoot and screaming, ready to buy i _-cream; “父母们光着脚叫喊着出门来,准备买冰激凌; they remember when they were kids and they saw a truck, she sa

5、id. 他们还能记起小的时候看到冰激凌车的样子。”她说。 While the treats _y be i _ cold, Maria has a warm heart for little fa _s. 尽管冰激凌冷冰冰,Maria却有着一颗对孩子们温暖的心。 Her truck features a donation bucket for kids who dont have money for i _-cream. 她的冰激凌车还会为那些买不起冰激凌的孩子们有捐款。 When there are three kids and only two of them have money, “比

6、如有三个孩子一起来,两个孩子有钱买, I always _ke sure the third one gets something because I cant drive away and have that thirdone not have something, she said. 我通常会保证另外一个孩子拿点东西回去,因为我不会看着第三个孩子空手而归。”她说。 Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据你刚刚听到的文章回答问题16至问题18。 Question 16.What does the

7、 speaker say about Maria McCartney? 问题16.说话的人怎么说Maria McCartney? Question 17. Why does Maria go into the mobile i _-cream business? 问题17. _Maria会开冰激凌车生意? Question 18. Why does Maria put a donation bucket in her truck? 问题18. _Maria会在车里放一个捐款箱? We know we have to pay for what we get. 我们都知道我们获得的时候得付出点什么

8、。 If we buy food, we have to pay for it. 如果我们买吃的,我们得付钱。 If a doctor treats us, we know there will be a bill topay. These are private bills. 如果医生给我们看病,我们也要付钱。这都是个人账单。 But there are also public bills to be paid. They arepaid by the gover _ent. 但也有公共账单。这些账单由 _买单。 In turn we get the needed servi _s. We

9、pay for theseservi _s through taxes. 作为享受服务的交换,我们赋税。 What would happen if everyone stopped paying taxes? 如果大家都不交税的话,会发生什么? The water supply would stop; the streets might not be cleaned; schools would be closed. 供水会被中断,街道不会再有人清扫,学校会被关闭。 We would not want to live in such a city. 我们不会想要住在一个这样的城市里的。 The

10、 chief duty of every gover _ent is to protect persons and property. 每个 _的主要职责就是保护每一个人及其财产。 More than three-fourths of gover _ent expenses are used for this purpose. 超过 _支出的四分之三都是用于这个目的。 The next largest amount of public money goes to teach and train our citizens. 第二大公共资金支出用于和培养公民。 Billions of dollar

11、s each year are spent on schools and libraries. 每年数十亿美元都用于学校和图书馆。 Also, a large amount of public funds is spent on roads. 同时,还有一大部分用于道路。 Most of the needed funds is raised by taxes. 绝大部分资金都是依靠。 The law orders us to pay taxes. We have no choi _ in the _tter. 规定我们要交税。我们没什么别的选择。 Years ago the gover _en

12、t _de money by selling public lands. 许多年前, _靠出售公共用地换取资金。 But most of the best public lands have now been sold. 但是现在大部分上好的公共用地已经被卖光了。 There are still some public lands that contain oil, coal and other natural resour _s. 还有一些公共用地蕴藏石油、煤矿以及其他资源。 They could be sold, but we want to save them for future ye

13、ars. 它们也能卖掉,但是我们想为了未来保留它们。 So, we all must pay our share for the servi _s that _ke our lives fortable. 所以,我们必须为那些让我们生活更舒适的服务付出我们应付的代价。 Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据你刚刚听到的文章回答问题19至问题21。 Question 19. What does the speaker _inly talk about? 问题19.主讲人主要说了什么内容? Quest

14、ion 20. What is most of the gover _ent money used for? 问题20. _资金最多都用于什么地方? Question 21. How did the gover _ent raise money to pay public bills in the past? 问题21.过去 _怎么筹资公共资金? Did you know that, besides larger pla _s like Fran _ and Ger _ny, Europe is home to several extremely tiny countries? 你注意过吗,除

15、了大一点的国家比如法国和德国,欧洲还有很多非常非常小的国家。 One of these countries contains less than a square mile of land. 有一个甚至不到 _方英里大。 Another is surrounded on all sides by Italy. 还有一个被意大利包围。 Yet each is an independent land, with its own gover _ent, trade, and customs. 然而每一个都是 _的国家,有自己的 _、贸易和关卡。 One of the best known of th

16、ese s _ll countries is Monaco. 其中最著名的就是摩纳哥。 It is situated on the Mediterranean Sea and surrounded by Fran _ on three sides. 它坐落在地中海沿岸,三面被法国环绕。 Monaco became familiar to Americans when its ruler, Prin _ Rainier, _rried the American actress Gra _ Kelly. 当摩纳哥的 _兰尼埃三世,娶了美国女演员格蕾丝凯莉之后, _为美国人所熟知。 Rainiers

17、 family has ruled Monaco almost continuously sin _ 1297. 兰尼埃家族从1297年就是摩纳哥的 _了。 The land has been independent for over three hundred years. _也已经 _了300多年。 Andorra, with an area of some 200 square miles, is considerably larger than Monaco. 安道尔,占地200平方英里,要比摩纳哥大不少。 This country is located in the Pyrenees

18、 Mountains, with Fran _ on one side and Spain on the other. _坐落在比利牛斯山脉,毗邻法国和西班牙。 Potatoes and tobao are grown in Andorras steep mountain valleys. 安道尔险峻的山谷之中主要土豆和烟草。 One of the products it exports is clothing. _的出口产品是布料。 Andorra is also known for its ex _llent skiing locations. 安道尔也作为极佳的胜地而闻名遐迩。 With

19、in the Alps in Central Europe is Liechtenstein, a tiny country of about 30,000 people who speak mostly Ger _n. 在中欧阿尔卑斯山地区的列支敦士登,是拥有30000人口的小国,主要语言为德语。 Liechtenstein uses the same money as its neighbor Switzerland, but it has been an independent country sin _ the 1860s. 列支敦士登的货币与邻国瑞士相同,但是从19世纪60年代它就是一个 _的国家了。 Taxes are low, so _ny businesses have their headquarters here. _税负非常低,所以很多企业在这里都设立了总部。 The country _kes


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