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1、课时分层作业(一)咼考题型练习提能力I 阅读理解A new report shows that there are just 7, 100 of the world s fastest land animals now left in the wild. Cheetahs猎豹)are in trouble now.According to the study,more than half the world s surviving cheetahs live in one population that ranges across six countries in southern Afric

2、a Cheetahs in Asia have been nearly wiped out Its thought that a group with fewer than 50 cheetahs lives on in Iran.Because the cheetah is one of the widestanging animals, it runs across lands far outside protected areas Some 77% of their habitat(栖息地)falls outside these protected areasAs a result,th

3、e animal struggles because these lands are increasingly being developed by farmers and the cheetah s food is decreas ing because of huma n hun ti ng.In Zimbabwe,the cheetah population has fallen from around 1 200 to just 170 animals in 16 years with the main cause being major changes in land tenureR

4、esearcherssay that the threats facing the world s fastest animals have gone unnoticed for far too Iong. “Given the secret nature of the cheeta/it has been difficult to gather hard information on them. ” said Dr. Sarah Durant, the report s leader “ Our findings show that the large space requirements

5、for cheetahs and various threats faced by them in the wild mea n that they are likely to be in dan ger of dying out. ”Ano ther of the big concerns about cheetahs has bee n the illegal traffick in g非 法 交易)of young cheetahs The young cats can fetch up to $10,000 on the black market. Some 1,200 young c

6、heetahs are known to have been trafficked out of Africa over the past 10 years but around 85% of them died duri ng the journeyIf the cheetah is to survive long term, the n urge nt efforts must be made to solve the questi on of protected areas and ran ges【语篇解读】人类活动造成猎豹活动范围的缩小、猎物的减少都是导致猎豹灭绝的原因 , 另外,猎豹

7、幼兽的非法走私也是原因之一。1Where do most of the cheetahs live now?AIn Asia.BIn Africa .CIn Europe.DIn America.B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的 “more than half the world s surviving cheetahs live in one populati on that ran ges across six coun tries in souther n Africa可 知,世界上现存的猎豹中 ,超过一半遍布南部非洲的六个国家。 2What is the main reason of c

8、heetahs in trouble?ASerious illnesses.BPoor health.CClimate changes.DHuman activities.D 推理判断题。 根据第三段可知 ,土地越来越多地被农民开发利用 ,同时 猎豹的猎物由于被人类捕杀而数量急剧减少。 由此可判断出是人类活动导致猎豹 处于灭绝的危险中。 3What has happened to young cheetahs?ATheir population has increased in Zimbabwe.BThey are getting along very well with people.CMa

9、ny of them are sold on the black marke.tDThey have survived longer term than before.C 细节判断题。 根据倒数第二段可知 ,猎豹幼兽的非法走私非常严重 ,在 黑市上猎豹幼崽价值高达 10 000 美金,许多幼崽在运送过程中死亡。故正确答 案为 C。4What s the best title for the text?ACheetahs Are Dying Out.BCheetahs Protected Areas.CThe Secret Nature Of The Cheeta.hDCheetahs Most

10、ly Live In Africa.A 主旨大意题。文章第一段点明文章的主旨:在野外猎豹只有 7100 只, 它们处于灭绝的危险中。故正确答案为A。易错分析】 其他选项在文章中都有提及 ,但都只是文章内容的一部分 ,但不可作为文章的主旨。其实根据首段和尾段就能很容易得出本文的标题【导学号:73752052】BWildlife faces threats (威胁)from habitat destruction, pollution, and other human actions Although protecting wildlife may seem too hard at times e

11、ven small actions in your own neighborhood can help protect many different animals. Here are some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions.1. Create wildlife friendly areas in your backyardWhen trying to make your garden more beautiful you can choose plants that can provide food and she

12、lter to native wildlife . This will also help cut down on pollution. And bird or bat houses to your yard or garden can attract and shelter these species2. Avoid harming the natural ecosystem生态系统)in your area.Some plants from other places can kill or harm native plants that provide food and shelter f

13、or wildlife.3. Have a greener lifestyleBy using less water and fewer fuels, you will be helping to protect the wildlife around you. Take buses or the subway when you can turn off electric devices when you re not using them, take shorter showers and keep your room temperature at or below 68 Fahre nhe

14、it degrees duri ng the win ter4. Buy products that are wildlife friendlyDont buy products that are made from endangered animals Keep in mind that some endangered animals are killed by traps catches or hunters who are after other wildlife within the same habitat.5. Donate money or time to organizatio

15、ns that protect wildlife and their habitats.You can give money to organizations or groups that protect wildlife species in your n eighborhood.【语篇解读】本文主要讲的是保护野生动物,从身边做起。5. We infer that the purpose of this passage is to .A. tell us why protecting wildlife is extremely important now第3页B. suggest that

16、we protect wildlife through actionsC. explain why protecting wildlife is not as hard as people thinkD. give us some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actionsD 写作目的题。根据第一段最后一句和下文的小标题可知D项正确。6. Which of the following threats to wildlife is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Animal diseasesB. L

17、oss of habitat.C. Pollution.D. Hunters.A 细节理解题。根据文中的第一段第一句可知B、C两项提到了; D项是在第四条中第二句提到的。综观全文,只有A项没提到。7. What behaviour do you think the author can disagree with?A . Pla nting right trees in garde nsB . Buying an ivory vase for a gift.C . Don at ing some money to WWFD . Read ing books about wildlife.B 细

18、节理解题。比较选项,并结合常识可知B项就是作者所不能同意的。8 . In which secti on of a n ewspaper would you most probably read this passage? A . En vir onment.B . Teach ingC . Bus in essD . Geography这些建议与环境A 文章出处题。本文主要讲了野生动物保护的一些建议有关系。n.阅读七选五International Womens Day takes place every year on 8 March to celebrate the achievements

19、 of women all over the world. It started with a protest (抗议)that took place in New York City in 1908. The n wome n went out on to the streets to dema nd the right to vote, shorter work ing hours and better pay. Since then it has taken many forms and today it s a global event=1_ln other countries if

20、s an official holiday but only for women.2 If you watch the news you will see women astronauts women prime min isters and wome n leaders in bus in essdowever, if you look at the statistics (统计 数据)you realize there s still a long way to go. The BBC did a report a few years ago that showed that in the

21、 UK women took only 30. 9% of the most senior positions across a range of jobs in areas like politicsbus in ess and polici ng So there is still a lot for us to do. _ 3_4_ There are exhibitions, theatre shows talks, discussions walking tours, films , workshops, fun runs and so much more All the event

22、s are designed to celebrate the role of women in society and to make us all take a step back and think about the progress that has been made 5 The purpose is to make sure the world is a fair and equal place for all peopleA. In some countries March 8 is an official holiday.B. Its important for men an

23、d women to be totally equalC. Thus we will see an equal number of men and women in the top jobsD. They also make us think about the changes that still need to take pla.ceE. In todays world it may appear that women have all the same opportunities as men.F. The role of women has changed in all areas o

24、f their live,both at work and in the family.G. A lot of special eve nts take place in tow ns and cities to celebrate Intern ati onal Women s Day.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍的是国际妇女节,涉及其由来、庆祝方式及该节日的意义等。1. A 根据前面的 its a global even”和后面的 fn other countries”可知,此处为一些国家和另外一些国家进行对比说明。2. E 本段谈论的是“表面看起来现在女人和男人有着相同的机会,但现 实情况并

25、不是这样”,故正确答案为E。【易错分析】有些同学可能会误选 B。B项“男女完全平等是非常重要的”与本段所谈论的内容并不相符,所以不能作为段落主题句。3. C 根据前面的 So there is still a lot for us to do”可知,为了男女在工作方面真正的平等,我们需要做的还有很多。故正确答案为Co 4. G 根据后面的 “There are exhibitions, theatre shows talks. ” 可知,G项“为庆祝国际妇女节在城镇会举办大量的庆祝活动 ”符合语境。5. D 根据前面的 make us., think about the progress th

26、at has been mad可知,这些活动也会使我们思考还要进行哪些方面的改变。故正确答案为D。【导学号:73752053】川.语法填空One night in December 2019, a bear came into the city of Vancouver in Canada It 1.walk) through the city streets past houses, shops andoffices. Then it found some food in bins outside a restaura nt 2.tartedeat ing In the morning, s

27、ome one saw the bear and called the policeThe police came and put the bear in a car and took 3.to the mountains outside thecity. 4.lucky), the bear was safeBig ani mals usually come in to cities 5.find) food. In Moscow inRussia, there are 35 000 wild dogs. The dogs live in parks, old houses markets and train stations Some dogs live in 6.group) and others live alone. Manypeople in Moscow like the dogs. They give them food and water. Some people make small houses 7.he dogs in their garde ns This helps the dogs in win ter,8. he t


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