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1、 Module7 Unit 4 SharingI教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是济贫扶弱、志愿服务、合作共享。教学目的是让学生认识到社会上贫富、强弱的差异和帮助别人的意义,帮助学生树立同情弱者、救困济贫的思想。 Warming Up部分通过对同学进行采访的小组活动,了解同学们平时帮助别人的方式。最后讨论自愿帮助和志愿者的不同,从而引出下文的阅读课文。Pre-reading部分介绍了阅读课文的背景知识。Reading部分是一封家书。作者是一个到巴布亚新几内亚教书的志愿者。文中介绍了巴布亚新几内亚农村的教育和生活状况,描述了到一个学生家做客的经历。Comprehending部分设置了三个练习,目的在

2、于让学生逐层加深对课文的理解。Learning about Language部分突出了词汇和语法的学习与训练。本单元的语法是复习限制性定语从句,特别是用that不用which的情况。Using Language部分中包括了听、读、写三个部分的内容。阅读部分介绍了一个出售特殊礼物、帮助发展中国家的网页。听力部分通过记者对一个志愿者的采访,让学生更多地了解发展中国家,培养学生助人为乐的精神。学习用时间表达法叙述事件是本听力练习的重点。Summing Up部分要求学生对本单元所学的知识进行总结和评价,以找出不足之处,从而改进。 Learning Tip部分建议学生要积极参加小组活动,以练习口语,培养

3、交际能力。II教学重点和难点1. 教学重点(1) 本单元的生词和短语;(2) 系统掌握运用限制性定语从句。2. 教学难点(1) 认识帮助别人的重要性;(2) 学会发表评论和表达自己的看法;(3) 学会以时间为线索,叙述人物生平。III教学计划本单元建议分六课时:第一课时:Words study & Warming up 第二课时:Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending第三课时: Language Points 第四&五课时:Grammar第六课时:Reading and discussing (Using Language)第七课时: Writing task

4、 IV教学步骤: Period 1 Words Study & Warming upTeaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to master some new words and expressions.2.To teach how to use the new words and phrases in the text. 3. To help Ss to learn the importance of helping others and the ways to help others.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Words and ph

5、rases: 1) hear from= hear of /about 2) die v (doing) be dying to be dying for 3) the other day another day one day 4) come across come about 5) relate v adj. be relevant to 6) stick out stick to 7) adjust v. adjust to (doing) sth adjust oneself to sth 8) dry out dry up dry off 9) arrange v. n. make

6、arrangements for have an arrangement with come to an arrangement 10) donate to make a donation to 11) in need in need of in danger in trouble 12) distribute v. distribute to distribute among Step 2. Practice translation:1) 我期望尽快收到你的来信.2) 我迫切想知道发生了什么事.3) 今天早上我偶然遇见了一个老朋友.4) 他无法适应城市的生活.5) 我们应该帮助那些有困难的人

7、.6) 政府正在向村民分发食物.Step 3. Warming Up1) . Lead Ss to the content of this unit. Teacher may say, “We have all heard about Lei Feng, who was ready to help others and set us an example. We live our own lives. Everybody has his own work to do. Why must we help others?” Nobody can do everything alone, no ma

8、tter how powerful he is. So everybody needs others help. But we cannot always receive but never give. So we should return it. We give help today, but we may need help tomorrow. Even if we may not see a person again, by helping him, we can let him know help is necessary and important for those who ar

9、e in need. By helping each other, people can feel that life is full of warmth and friendliness and is worth living. In a word, to help others is to help oneself. 2). Ask Ss to discuss the following question. In what ways do we help the people around?3). Ss work in groups of four and one of them to i

10、nterview the other three. Tell him to ask the questions in Ex1 of Warming Up on P28. Then one pair to act out their dialogues before the class.4). Divide Ss into four groups and ask them to discuss the following question. Can we call the person who helps others a “volunteer”?Conclusion: When one of

11、your parents or friends needs help, you may not be asked to help but you volunteer to help, we dont say you are a volunteer. A volunteer is a person who helps others in or outside his community or in a foreign country.Step4 Exercise 1 &3 on P32 for consolidation.Step5 Homework: 1) Remember the now w

12、ords and phrases for dictation; 2) Preview the reading text. Period 2 Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingStep 1. Pre-reading Purpose: To get Ss prepared for the reading text.1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures on P29P30 and guess what the passage talks about.2. Ask Ss to describe the students and the

13、ir classrooms in the pictures. After that, let Ss imagine their living conditions.3. Read Ss to the reading text. Teacher may say, “Today we are going to read a letter written by an Australian volunteer, Jo, who taught for two years in Papua New Guinea, a country to the south of Australia.”Step 2. S

14、kimming Purpose: To help Ss get the general idea of the letter.1. Ask Ss to listen to the tape and try to get the main idea of the text. Main idea:In the letter, the writer wrote about the educational and living conditions in PNG and her experience of visiting a students village. 2. Play the tape pa

15、ragraph by paragraph and let Ss read after it. Then ask them to sum up the main idea of each paragraph with only one sentence. Para.2: The school is simply built and far away from the students homes.Para.3: The educational conditions are very poor. Para.4: I visited a village of one of my student an

16、d received a warm welcome. Para.5: I stayed with the students family and their huts were poorly equipped. Para.6: I had a meal with the students family and they cooked in an unusual way. Para.7: I returned from the visit and felt greatly rewarded.Step 3. Scanning Purpose: To help Ss get a deeper und

17、erstanding of the text.1. Ask Ss to find out the relationship of the people mentioned in the text. Teacher may say, “There are some persons mentioned in the text. Can you name them? Can you find out who they are?”Jo the writer of the letter.Rosemary the person who Jo is writing to.Tombe one of the w

18、riters boy students, whose family Jo visitedJenny the writers fellow workerKiak Tombes motherMukap Tombes father2. Ask Ss to read the text carefully and ask them the following questions. (1) What is the school like?(2) Is the writer popular with her students? How do you know?(3) What is the writers

19、difficulty in teaching?(4) Was the writer warmly welcomed by the villagers? How do you know?(5) Do Mukap and Kiak usually sleep in the same house?(6) Where did the writer and Jenny sleep that night?(7) Why did Tombe throw away the tin can?Suggested Answers:(1) It is made of bamboo and the roofs are

20、made of grass. It is from away from Ss homes.(2) Yes. When she gets to school, the students all say hello to her.(3) There is no electricity,no water and no textbooks. There is no teaching equipment.(4) Yes. Because Tmbes mother welcomed her by crying “ieee ieee” and the villager all shook hands wit

21、h her warmly.(5) No. They sleep in their own huts.(6) They slept on a newly-made platform in Mukaps hut.(7) Because they think throwing away the tin can is in fact throwing away evil spirits. Step 4 More exercises: Ex1& Ex2 on P31 for further consolidation.Step 5 Conclusion: Comprehension of the rea

22、ding passage.Step 6 Homework: 1) Try to retell the text; 2) Preview the language points. Period 3 Language PointsTeaching Goals:1. To enable Ss to master some useful words and expressions.2. To try to remember the useful words and expressions. Step 1. Check the homework1. Ask some Ss to retell the r

23、eading.2. Check the answers to Ex2 on P32.Step 2. Revision & Consolidation 1. Ss work in pairs translate the following phrases in the text. hear from, be dying to do sth., adapt to, the other day, come across, make a difference to sb., shake hands with sb., stick out of, get through, a couple of, le

24、aveto do sth., dry out, dry up, fall into bed2. Ss fill in the blanks using the above phrases, paying attention to their forms.(1) I havent h_ _ him for a long time. Im d_ to know how he is going.(2) When I was going through my old books, I _ _ an old photo of mine.(3) The earth is actually a water

25、ball with pieces of land s_ _of the water.(4) I think it a p_ to hear Song Zuying sing. Her voice is perfect.(5) You must water the garden often. Never let the soil d_ _.(6) The river d_ _ in spring every year.(7) If everyone does a bit for our society. Well m_ a big _.(8) You must a_ yourself to th

26、e surroundings whenever you are. (9) She walked s_ in order not to wake up her sleeping father.(10) Hot sun and cold winds can soon d_ _ your skin.Keys: (1) heard from, dying (2) came across (3) stick out (4) privilege (5) dry out (6) dries up (7) make, difference (8) adjust (9) softly (10) dry out3

27、. Ask Ss to finish Ex1 of Using Words and Expressions on P71.Step3 More language points1. Lead Ss to deal with some more language points.(1) be dying to do sth (line 2, para1): want very much to do , have a strong desire to do . I am dying to know what has happened. 我迫切想知道发生了什么。 拓展be dying for sth:w

28、ant sth very much I am dying for a glass of water. 我非常想来杯水喝。 (2) picture (line 3, para 1): imagine, form a picture of sb or sth in the mind I can still picture the house I spent my happy childhood in. 我仍能回忆起那间房子,在那里我度过美好的童年。 Can you picture what it is like to live on a lonely island? 您能设想在孤岛上的生活是什么样

29、吗?(3) challenging (line 4, Para.3): difficult to deal withI like to do challenging work. 我喜欢做有挑战性的工作。 To be a teacher is both challenging and rewarding. 教师这个职业既充满挑战也能带来成就感。(4) the other day (line 5, Para.3): a few says ago, recently I saw a person swimming in the river the other day. 那天我看见一个人在河里游泳。(

30、5) make a difference to (line 10, Para.3): have an effect on, be important to The rain didnt make any difference to our football game. 那场雨没有影响到我们的足球赛。 Going to college made a big difference to my whole life. 考上大学对我的一生影响颇大。 (6) stick out (line 2, Para.5): push sth further out Dont stick your arm out

31、of the car window. 不要把手伸出车窗。 She stuck out her tongue at me. 她向我吐舌头。(7) a couple of (line 10, Para. 5): two; a few, a small number of I saw a couple of them get out. 我看见他们俩出去了。 We went there a couple of years ago. 我几年前去过那。 (8) leave sb to do sth (line 4, Para.6): leave sb behind and make him/her do

32、sth All men have gone to town to make money, leaving the women to do the farm work. 男人都去城里挣钱了,把农活都留给女人去做。 (9) prepare sb. / sth. (the last paragraph.): get sb. / sth. Ready Mother is busy preparing dinner in the kitchen. 妈妈正在厨房里忙于准备饭菜。 The teacher stayed late to prepare lessons for the next day. 老师为

33、备课,加班到很晚。Step 4 More exercises for further consolidation. 1) 他在听人们在谈论这起交通事故. He is listening to people . 2) 一定要来参加我周六的生日聚会。 my birthday party on Saturday. 3) 前几天我在这超市偶然遇见一位朋友。 I a friend of mine in the supermarket . 4) 说实在的,难以想象明天9点我们就飞往加拿大了。 , I cant imagine we Canada at 9:00 tomorrow. 5)那就是说我们要和老板

34、在一个办公室办公了? Does that mean we will ?Keys: 1) talking about the traffic accident 2) Do come to 3) came across, the other day 4) To be honest, will be flying to 5) share an office with our bossStep 5 Conclusion: Some useful words and expressions.Step 6 Homework: 1) Try to go over and grasp the above la

35、nguage points. 2) 1. Ask Ss to read the text aloud. 3) Preview Grammar. Period 4&5 Grammar Teaching Goals:1. To enable Ss to approach to the restrictive attributive clause systematically.2. To enable Ss to use the restrictive attributive clause. Step 1 Leading -in1.Ask Ss to translate the following

36、sentences.(1) The man who lives next to us sells vegetables.(2) I have found the book which I lost.(3) I visited the school where I studied.2. Ask Ss to translate the following sentences. (1).挨着我们住的那个人卖菜。 (2).我找到了我丢失的那本书。 (3).我参观了我上学的那个学校。Step 2 presentation1.Ask Ss to observe and answer the followi

37、ng question according to the exercise above.(1) What is the position of the attributive clause?(2) How is it translated?Conclusion:(1).The attributive clause usually follows the antecedent. (2).When an attributive clause is translated into Chinese, it is usually translated into “的”.2. Ask Ss to obse

38、rve the following sentences and answer the following question.What is the relationship between the relative pronouns and adverbs and the antecedent?(1) A plane is a machine that can fly. (that= the machine) (2) The letter which I received yesterday was from my brother. (which = the letter) (3) The b

39、oy who broke the window is called Tom. (who = the boy)(4) Mr Wang is the man whom you should write to. (whom = the man)(5) The boy whose parents are dead was brought up by his grandpa. (whose = the boys)3. Ask Ss to fill in the following form with “” or “”.关系代词指人指物在从句中充当的成分主语宾语thatwhichwhowhomStep 3

40、 Practice1. Ask Ss to join the two sentences by using the attributive clause and answer when the relative pronouns can be omitted. After Ss have finished, tell them when a relative pronoun is used as the object in the attributive clause, it can be left out.(1).The eggs were not fresh. I bought them

41、yesterday.(2).The friend was not hungry. He came to supper last night.(3).He prefers the cheese. It comes from his parents farm. (4).The noodles were delicious. You cooked them. (5).I dont like the people. They smoke a lot.Suggested Answers:(1) The eggs (that/which) I bought them were not fresh.(2)

42、The friend who/ that he came to supper last night was not hungry. (3) .He prefers the cheese that / which it comes from his parents farm.(4) The noodles (which/ that) you cooked them were delicious.(5) I dont like the people that / who they smoke a lot.2. Ask Ss to translate the following sentences

43、into English by using the attributive clause.(1) 跟我说话的那个人是我的英语老师。(2) 我跟他说话的那个人是我的英语老师。(3) 你在大门口见到的那个人是我的哥哥。(4) 我丢了我借的那本书。(5) 我认识那个名字叫张平的男孩。Suggested Answers:(1) The man who spoke to me was my English teacher.(2) The man that I spoke to was my English teacher.(3) The man who you saw at the gate was m

44、y brother.(4) I lost the book that I borrowed.(5) I know the boy whose name is Zhang Ping.Step 4 More restrictive attributive clause1. Ask Ss to observe the following sentences and answer the following question.What is the relationship between the relative adverbs and the central nouns?(1) The schoo

45、l where I study is far from my home. (where = in the school)(2) The day came when I saw her. (when = on the day)(3) The reason why I am late is that my bike broke down on my way .(why = for the reason)(4) I dont the way that you speak. (that = in the way)2. Ask Ss to complete the following sentences

46、 with correct relative pronouns. (1).Ill never forget the days_ we worked together. (2).Ill never forget the days _we spent together. (3).I went to the place _ I worked ten years ago. (4).I went to the place _ I visited ten years ago. (5).This is the reason _ he was late. (6).This is the reason _ he

47、 gave.Suggested Answers:(1) .that / which (2). when / in which (3). where / in which (4). that / which (5). why / for which (6). that / which3. Ask Ss to translate the following sentences into English by using the attributive clause.(1) 在没有词典的年代英语更难学。(2) 我喜欢英语有很多原因。(3) 水稻在下雨多的地方生长。(4) 他没有告诉我他什么时候结婚。

48、(5) 我们在上次见面的地方见面吧。(6) 告诉我你为啥哭。Suggested Answers:(1) In the days when there were no dictionaries, English was harder to learn.(2) There are many reasons why I like English.(3) Rice grows in places where it rains much.(4) He didnt tell me the time when he would get married.(5) Lets meet at the place w

49、here we met last time.(6) Tell me the reason why you are crying.Step 5. Consolidation1. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks with “preposition + relative pronoun”(1) Do you like the book _ she spent $10? (2) Do you like the book _ she paid $10?(3) Do you like the book _ I learned a lot about Zhou Enlai.? (4

50、) Do you like the book _ she often talks? (5) He built a telescope _ he could study the skies.(6) They arrived at a house, _stood a tall tree.(7) China has a lot of rivers, the second longest _ is the Yellow River.(8) The man _ I spoke on the phone last night is very good at wrestling.(9) He paid me

51、 $10 for washing ten windows; most _ hadnt been cleaned for a year.(10) Is this the house _ Shakespeare was born?(11) The wolf _ the sheep had been eaten was killed last night.(12) I cant find the pen _ I often write. (13) Tom is the person_ I often go to school.(14) The Second World War _millions of people were killed ended in 1945.Suggested Answers:(1). on which (2). for which (3). from which (4). of / about which (5). through which (6). in front of which / behind which (7). of which (8). with whom (9). of which (10). in which (11). by which (12). with which (


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