



1、考前提分必刷题(十二)对应学生用书(单独成册)第234页.单词拼写1You must remember smoking in the library will not be tolerated2Dont knock at the door.It is polite to press the doorbell.3Lacking the motivation to study English and interest,you cant learn English well.4His mother approves of teenagers going abroad to study,thinkin

2、g it beneficial to their study.5Im to make an appointment with you.I want to invite you to see a film tomorrow night.6We can use goods made of recycled(可回收利用的)materials to save natural resources.7An optimistic(乐观的)person can always find the good aspects of things.8A man full of curiosity is always e

3、ager(渴望)for knowledge.9He wants to recommend John as your assistant(助手)10I feel guilty(内疚的)to have kept you waiting so long.单句改错(请按照高考要求在原句上修改)1I dont think Bob is equal to be a manager,for he has little knowledge about management.答案:I dont think Bob is equal to a manager,for he has little knowledge

4、 about management.2The government has an interest in bringing in a lot of new equipments.答案:The government has an interest in bringing in a lot of new .3The professor referred to his experience in several foreign countries when he gave us a talk.答案:The professor referred to his in several foreign co

5、untries when he gave us a talk.4Facing with so much trouble,he didnt know what to do.答案: 或 so much trouble,he didnt know what to do.5This dress fits for her in size but not the color.答案:This dress fits her in size but not the color.熟词生义(根据语境写出加黑词的词性及词义)1hand(熟义:n.手)Its really heavycan you give me a

6、hand?n.帮助2hang(熟义:v.悬挂)He was hanged for murder.v.绞死,上吊3head(熟义:n.头)The ship was heading for Shanghai.v.动身去4hit(熟义:v.击中,打击)The video We Are Fighters became a massive hit at the beginning of 2020.n.成功;红极一时的人或事5ill(熟义:adj.生病的)Its no good speaking ill of others.n.坏话.重点句式1假如给予更多的关心和照顾,这个孩子就不会变得如此自私和淘气。(

7、分词短语作状语)Given_more_attention_and_caring,the child wouldnt have become so selfish and naughty.2感到不满意,他决定找到一个解决问题的更好的方法。(形容词化的分词作原因状语)Not_satisfied,he decided to find a better way to solve the problem.3我接到了一个我最喜爱的足球明星的电话,在我生命中我从来没有这么高兴过。(部分倒装)I got a phone of my favorite football star.Never_in_all_my_

8、life_had_I_felt _so_happy对应学生用书(单独成册)第235页.阅读理解(2020郑州质量预测)If there was a subject at school that made me anxious,it was science. Maybe thats because in my tenth grade,I couldnt understand my physics teachers instructions,causing me to accidentally set fire to the classroom.So,when my husband and I d

9、ecided to homeschool our daughters,we made a deal: he would teach science,while I would handle everything else.But thats not how things have been going these past few weeks,since my husband has been too busy to teach the girls.Recently,while out on my morning hike before starting lessons,I noticed t

10、hat the sky was a beautiful,blue,and the air was filled with the sweet smell of flowers.Thats why I decided that the days lessons would be taught outside,although I remembered that my daughters hadnt had any science classes from my husband for a while.I returned to the house to get the girls ready.W

11、e headed up into the forest,settling ourselves by a pond that rarely has any visitors.My daughter Saoirse started to pick up pondweed and catch frogs,while my other daughter Ula looked at me,waiting to be instructed.I handed her a drawing board and colored pencils.“We wait,” I told her,“and see if s

12、omething comes along.In the meantime,just draw whats around you.”We worked for more than an hour,hardly speaking.A bird flew across the water,and then settled in front of a fallen tree.I quickly told Ula,worrying that shed not seen the creature.But she had,and she started drawing itAn hour later,she

13、 finished her picture and I stared down at it.She drew the bird on her paper with amazing accuracy.But there was one other interesting fact about this drawing: she also drew me,sitting beside her.I realized,as I stared at this childs drawing of us watching a bird,how Id lived for 40 years,received 1

14、0 years of higher education,and never understood the foundation of science before this moment.The foundation of science is a sense of wonder;it isnt about accurately reciting words from a textbook.It is first and foremost about stepping outside our busy lives and marveling(惊叹)at the world around us.

15、语篇类型记叙文主题语境人与自我个人经历有关自然科学学习的新认识语篇解读上学的时候,作者总是对自然科学感到担心,然而成年后和女儿们一起到户外学习的经历使作者认识到:学习自然科学的基础是对外界的好奇心。1How did the author feel about science when in school?AShe was nervous about it.BShe was fond of it.CShe was confused about it.DShe was eager for it.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段,尤其是第一句“If there was a subject at scho

16、ol that made me anxious,it was science.”可知,作者在上学时对学习自然科学感到焦虑。答案:A2The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refers to“_”Athe fallen treeBthe forestCthe bird Dthe picture解析:代词指代题。根据第四段第二、三句“A bird flew across the water.worrying that shed not seen the creature.”可知,一只鸟飞过水面,然后停留在一棵倒下的树前,作者赶紧告诉Ula,担心她没有看到那

17、只鸟,并结合画线词所在句中的but she had可知,她看到了那只鸟并开始画它,故代词it指代那只鸟。答案:C3Which of the following best describes Ula?AShes very outgoing.BShes good at observing.CShes very hardworking.DShe shares interests with her sister.解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的“She drew the bird on her paper with amazing accuracy.But there was one other in

18、teresting fact about this draw:she also drew me,sitting beside her.”可知,Ula看到了一只鸟,并把它画在了画里,同时,她还画了许多东西,这都是她观察的结果。答案:B4What is the foundation of science in the authors opinion?AAttention to accuracy.BCuriosity about the outside world.CDetermination to find out the truth.DThe ability to understand teac

19、hers instructions.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“It is first and foremost about stepping outside our busy lives and marveling at the world around us.”可知,首先我们要走出忙碌的生活,对我们周围的世界感到惊奇。答案:B.阅读七选五(2020合肥第二次质检)Leonardo da Vinci and NatureIn the modern world,art and science are two very separate activities,but in Leona

20、rdos time they were closely connected.Science meant mathematics and medical studies._1_ Mathematics included practical work like surveying land for making maps as well as measuring the movements of the stars in the sky.An artist might need to measure the different parts of the body.He could also use

21、 mathematics to place things properly in a drawing or painting so the scene looked correct. _2_Mathematics was also connected to music because musical sounds have a fixed relationship with each other that can be described in numbers._3_More than this,though,Leonardo believed that numbers were a part

22、 of all things in the world,including music,and he said that without them nothing can be done.“Nature has kindly given us things everywhere to copy,”wrote Leonardo.In all his activities,Leonardo was trying to discover the rules that control nature.In his search for those rules,he looked very careful

23、ly at a lot of examples and details.An actual experience was more important to him than opinion,and he worked from facts to ideas._4_His purpose was to examine the world so he could copy it in beautiful paintings and sculptures.He also wanted to learn from the clever solutions of nature._5_His quick

24、 little sketches,often done while wandering outside,helped him to catch a movement or a shape.More careful drawings would be done at a desk with a pen and ruler.In July 2001,a small drawing by Leonardo was sold for $12 million.It was possibly the most expensive drawing in the world then.ALeonardo wa

25、s always drawing.BHow could these be connected with art?CLeonardos ideas were vastly ahead of his time.DMathematicians and doctors worked to discover the unknown.EAbove all,Leonardo wanted to understand how and why things worked.FYou will see a good example of such positioning in the painting of The

26、 Last Supper.GLeonardo himself was a very good musician and liked to play an instrument and sing.语篇类型说明文主题语境人与社会科学与艺术达芬奇与自然科学语篇解读本文主要通过分析科学与艺术之间的关系,介绍了达芬奇是如何将有关科学与自然的知识应用到绘画等艺术创作中的。1解析:根据该空前的“Science meant mathematics and medical studies.”及该空后面所讲的艺术家将数学知识运用到绘画中,并结合第二段首句中的“Mathematics was also connec

27、ted to music”可知,B项与此处匹配。答案:B2解析:根据上文中的“use mathematics to place things properly in a drawing or painting”可知,这里讲的是在绘画中,艺术家用数学知识来恰当地设置画中事物的位置,这与F项中的“such positioning in the painting”相呼应,故选F。答案:F3解析:根据上文中的“musical sounds have.described in numbers”以及下文中的“Leonardo believed that.including music”可知,此处讲的是达芬

28、奇与音乐之间的关系,故选G。答案:G4解析:根据上文中的“Leonardo was trying to.he worked from facts to ideas.”以及下文中的“His purpose was to examine the world.to learn from the clever solutions of nature.”可知,此处讲的是达芬奇想要搞清楚自然界的运作原理,并且他的目的在于把从自然界观察到的东西应用到绘画等艺术创作中去,故E项符合语境。答案:E5解析:根据下文中的his quick little sketches以及more careful drawings可知,本段主要讲的是达芬奇无论是在户外还是在室内总是在画画,故选A。答案:A更上层楼语篇与命题(四)考点规律(7)段首、段尾句处常考在文章中首段首句或末段末句往往是文章中心思想的表达处;有时某一段的段首、段尾句是该段的主题句。因此,命题者常在这些地方出题。题型基本上


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