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1、,Hot work,SNPT HSE Training,.,What is Hot Work?什么是热作业?,A work will generate sufficient energy (e.g. heat, sparks) to ignite flammable or combustible gas which includes welding, cutting, burning, brazing, grinding, and the use of open flame etc. 能够产生足够的能量点燃可燃或易燃气体的工作, 其包括焊接、切割、燃烧,打磨以及使用明火等。,.,Hazard

2、of Hot Work 热作业的危害,Hot Work generate 热作业可能产生: Radiation Energy 辐射能 Temperature 高温 Fumes可能存在易爆气体的储罐或可能有易燃气体、蒸气、液体或粉尘的设备; In areas near the storage of large quantities of exposed, readily ignitable materials大量暴露的,能快速点燃物品区域,.,Combustible gas monitoring 可燃气体检测,Hot work in a classified explosive Area在防爆区

3、域内的热作业; Welding, burning, or use of open flames in a non-explosive area which borders on or has combustibles在接近可燃物或有可燃物的区域进行焊接、燃烧、或使用明火作业;,.,Combustible gas monitoring frequency可燃气体检测频率,At the time of the on-site Safe Work Permit inspection. 现场检查时进行。 When the safe working conditions upon which the S

4、afe Work Permit for hot work are based are not being maintained and/or have changed. 热工作业安全作业许可证确认的安全工作条件不能维持和/或已经改变。 Periodically or continuously as specified on the Work Permit for hot work. 热工作业安全作业许可证指定须定时或连续地进行。 If the Work Permit for hot work is suspended and needs to be re-authorized because

5、of a work stoppage. 如果热工作业安全作业许可证被暂停,并因工作中断需要重新批准,.,Combustible gas test 可燃气体检测,Flammable gas, vapor concentration shall be less than 10% of its lower explosive limit (LEL) 可燃气体、蒸气浓度应小于爆炸下限的10%; Sample test of combustible gas shall be representative; Combustible gas detector shall be calibrated可燃气体分

6、析应具有代表性;可燃气体检测仪应经过校验 The frequency of Combustible gas test during work depends on work circumstance and work risk. 可燃气体分析的频率取决于工作环境和工作风险。可选择连续监测,定时监测;,.,Prior to work 工作前准备,Initial Survey 预先检查 The work area shall be checked and determined to be clear of actual or potential flammalbe atmospheres作业前工作

7、区域必须检查确定无实际和潜在的可燃气体氛围。 If detectable levels are observed, hot work, spark-producing work, or heat-generating work shall not be performed until the source is found and eliminated.如果检测到危害存在,必须找到并消除危害,方可实施热作业,产生火花或放热的作业。,.,Prior to work - Area Preparation 工作前准备-区域准备,Area Segregation 区域隔离 Sparks, slag e

8、tc., will be contained within practical limits. In those cases where sparks, slag, etc., may fall from one level to another, the surrounding area will be火花、焊渣、高温螺栓等应被控制在一定区域内。在火花、焊渣等可能掉落的地方,须采取以下措施: Roped off 设立隔离区 Provided with a Fire Watcher 指定另一消防监护员 Wetted down with water, if needed, and 如有必要,进行

9、洒水; Marked with signs, as necessary设置必要的警示牌,.,Prior to work - Area Preparation 工作前准备-区域准备,Segregation of Combustibles可燃物的隔离 If an object to be welded or cut can be move, move the object to a safe position to do hot work. 如焊接或切割物可移动,移至安全区域从事热作业。 If an object to be welded or cut can not be moved, all

10、movable fire hazards in the vicinity shall be taken to a safe position. 如焊接或切割物不可移动,附近火灾危险物应移至安全区域。 If the fire hazards are not movable, then guards shall be used to confine the heat, sparks and slag, and to protect the immovable fire hazards如焊接或切割物不可移动,附近火灾危险物也不能移动,应采取防护装置来控制热、火花、焊渣以及不能移动的火灾危险物。 If

11、 neither of the above can be accomplished, hot work is prohibited. 如以上均不能满足,禁止热作业。,.,Prior to work - Equipment Preparation 工作前准备-设备准备,When doing hot work on lines or equipment that last contained flammables or combustibles, then the energy sources have been isolated using at least one of the followi

12、ng methods: 在存放过易燃或可燃物质的设备上进行热工作业时,必须至少使用下面所列的一种方法隔离能量源 Disconnection and misalignment of the piping to provide an air gap. 断开并错开管线以存在一空气间隙。 Installation of blinds as close as possible to the equipment with blinds which are appropriate for the chemical, temperature and pressure of the service. 在尽可能靠

13、近设备的一端安装盲板,盲板应该适合隔离的化学品、温度和压力。 Double blocks and bleeds. 使用双重阻断及排放。,.,Prior to work - Equipment Preparation 工作前准备-设备准备,When the clearing of residual contents is not feasible, then line plugs / stopples and purge gases have been used sufficient to remove oxygen to a level such that: 如不能完全清除残留的介质,须使用

14、管塞或净化气体使氧气达到下面的水平: The concentration of combustibles at the hot work point is at 0%. 热工作业点的最低爆炸极限(LEL)是 0。 The concentration of combustibles at the point of exit of the purge gas is less than 10% of LEL 出口处净化气体的可燃气体浓度小于10% LEL。,.,Prior to work 工作前准备,Ventilation通风措施 Nature ventilation 自然通风 Mechanic v

15、entilation 机械通风 Ducts and conveyor systems that might carry sparks to distant combustibles shall be suitably protected or shut down 可能将火花带至较远处的可燃物处的输送系统和送风系统应适当防护和关闭。,.,Pre - work,Electrical safety of the machine or equipment (e.g., welding machine) in classified explosive area 在电气防爆区域使用设备的电气安全 Eart

16、hing 接地 Temporary Use of Power 临时电源 safety system Isolation( dector, sprinkler) 消防安全系统隔离(如火灾报警探头,消防喷淋),.,During work 工作中,The measures used during hot work include:热作业中的控制措施包括: Fire and explosion protection measures: 防火灾和爆炸控制方法有: Continuously or regularly gas test 气体连续或间断地检测 Keep worksite da

17、mp 保持工作场所潮湿 Monitor and maintain inerting process 监测和维持惰性气体保护 Monitor and maintain water filling 监测和维持充水保护 Provide Fire Protection equipment 消防器材 Monitor by firewatcher 消防监护人监护 Ventilation 通风 Nature ventilation or mechanic ventilation 自然通风或机械通风 Extract dust/gas/vapor at its source 在释放源抽走粉尘/气体/蒸汽,.,P

18、ost Work 工作后,Check the workplace after completion of hot work operations, detect and extinguish possible smoldering fires.动火结束后,检查工作场地是否有余烬并消除。,.,Fire Watcher 消防监护人,A fire watcher is required whenever welding or cutting is performed in locations where other than a minor fire might develop, or if any

19、 of the following condition exists:在小火可能扩大的场所进行焊接或切割时,或以下任何情况存在是需要消防监护人: Appreciable combustible materials is closer than 15m to the point of hot work可预知的易燃物离热作业的距离小于15m Appreciable combustibles are more than 15m away but may be easily ignited by sparks可预知的易燃物离热作业的距离虽大于15m但易被火花点燃 Wall or floor openi

20、ngs within 15m radius expose combustible material in adjacent areas including concealed spaces in walls or floors在半径15m以内的地面和墙的孔洞,包括隐蔽空间,有暴露的可燃物 Combustible materials are adjacent to the opposite side of metal partitions, walls, ceilings, or roofs and are likely to be ignited by conduction or radiat

21、ion易燃物很可能被周围的金属分隔物、墙面、天花板或屋顶的反光造成的热传导或辐射点燃,.,Responsibility of Fire Watcher 消防监护人的职责,Constantly observe for changing conditions, the presence of flammable or combustible materials, spark/slag containment, and the recognition of any abnormal events which may affect the ongoing hot work.连续监控工作状态变化、易燃或可燃物


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