



1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级(口试)分类模拟题110公共英语一级(口试)分类模拟题110考生互相问答问题:1. 口试教师对考生A说: (把提问卡递给考生A)A, here is a card for you. You are a shop-assistant. B is a customer. He/she goes to your shop to buy clothes. Please ask him/her five questions according to the card. 口试教师对考生B说: (把回答卡

2、递给考生B)Here is a card for you, B. You go to his/her shop to buy clothes. Please answer his/her questions. You can use what is there on your card to help you. 答案:参考提问答语 1. Can I help you? 2. What size? 3. What colour do you like? 4. How much is it? 5. How do you like it? 参考回答答语 1. Yes. Im looking for

3、a shirt. 2. I think 1 wear the middle size. 3. I like brown. 4. 100 yuan. 5. I think its a little darker. 问题:2. 口试教师对考生A说: (把提问卡递给考生A)A, here is a card for you. B often writes e-mails to his/her pen-friend in America. Please ask him/her five questions about it according to the card. 口试教师对考生B说: (把回答卡

4、递给考生B)Here is a card for you, B. You often write e-mails to your pen-friend in America. Please answer his/her questions about it. You can use what is there on your card to help you. 答案:参考提问答语 1. Have you written e-mails to your pen-friend in America recently? 2. What did you say? 3. Did he write back? 4. What did he say? 5. Whats the weather like in America on Christmas day? 参考回答答语 1. Yes. I wrote him yesterday. 2. I told him that we had a big Christmas. 3. Yes, He wrote me back in no time. 4. He said he also h


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