



1、 20172018 学年 2 学期系部: 公共课部 班 级: 2017中室内班专 业: 服装与艺术 课程: 英语基础模块1 上课周数: 16 周学时: 3 本学期课时分配表教学模式理论一体化实习 考核 机动 合计教 学形 式讲课实验理论讲课实训理论讲课生产实习课 时453048说明:与本课程无关教学模式的各项各打备注:1、本课程以前完成学时数: 无 2、本课程在以后学期尚余留时数: 无 3、本课程本学期列为考试(考查)课程: 理论考试 4、本课程使用教材名称: 英语基础模块1 任课教师: 编写日期: 2018 年 3 月 19 日教研室主任: 审核日期: 年 月 日系 主 任: 审核日期: 年

2、 月 日教 务 处: 审查日期: 年 月 日分管领导: 批准日期: 年 月 日学 期 授 课 计 划 说 明一、教学目的与要求:本授课计划是根据英语基础模块1(西北工业大学出版社)这本教材编写的。共分为十个单元。结合实际课时和能力培养目标,教学时在注重词汇扩展的基础上,更注重口语交流和语法知识的提高。通过本课程的学习要求学生达到高中一年级英语水平,具备一定的听力、口语交流和语法知识,学会常用句型和翻译技巧,同时能撰写简单作文。二、用教材、参考书(书名、作者、出版社)1、使用教材: 英语基础模块第一册 中等职业教育规划教材编委会编写 西北工业大学出版社2、参考书: 知行英语视听说教程 杨治忠 外

3、语教学与研究出版社 新编大学实用英语教程第二册 林立 教育科学出版社三、教学措施 讲解领读词汇;句型归纳总结,口语训练;分析讲解课文;语法、翻译讲解与练习。四、增删内容 本授课计划无增删内容。5、 作业布置 本教材有对应的习题册可作为练习和巩固知识之用。书面作业以单词、短语为主适当进行句型或翻译和写作训练项目。六、本课程与其他课程的关系: 本课程作为基础必修课可以为学生打下良好英语基础,同时也可为二年级开设的大学英语课程做好准备。 周次授课章节内容摘要教 学 要 求教具及实验实习材料作业及参考材料教学时数备注1教师报到备课、学生报到教师备课2Unit 1 Ready for your camp

4、us life? (1)Learn new words and phrases about campusLearn phonetic symbols and practice i: iLearn useful sentences about campus lifePPT一体机教材P2,words 习题册P1-3,words & phrases33Unit 1 Ready for your campus life? (2)Learn how to write a planLearn reading skills and try to understand the passageLearn the

5、 grammar-S+V+PUse the knowledge you learn to finish the tasks on your exercises bookPPT一体机教材P7-8,exercise3习题册P7,comprehensive exercises34Unit 2 This is my family picture (1)Learn new words and phrases about family membersLearn phonetic symbols and practice e、Learn useful sentences for talking about

6、family picturesPPT一体机教材P13,words 习题册P9-10,words & phrases35Unit 2 This is my family picture (2)Explain and analyze the passageLearn the grammar-pronUse the knowledge you learn to finish the tasks on your exercises bookPPT一体机教材P16, comprehensive exercises3清明6Unit 3 Every day (1)Learn new words and ph

7、rases about computer and internetLearn phonetic symbols 、:Learn useful sentences for talking about everyday life PPT一体机教材P25,words 习题册P19-20,words & phrases37Unit 3 Every day (2)Explain and analyze the passageLearn how to write a messageLearn the grammar-Prep.Use the knowledge you learn to finish th

8、e tasks on your exercises bookPPT一体机教材P27-28,Practice习题册3周次授课章节内容摘要教 学 要 求教具及实验实习材料作业及参考材料教学时数备注8Unit 4 Would you like to go shopping with me?Learn new words and phrases about going shoppingLearn phonetic symbols : Learn useful sentences for talking about going shoppingPPT一体机教材P33,words 习题册P24-25,wo

9、rds & phrases39Unit 5 Welcome to my birthday party Learn new words and phrases about birthday partyLearn phonetic symbols u: uLearn useful sentences for talking about birthday partyPPT一体机教材P43 P46,words 习题册P32-34,words & phrases3五一10Unit 6 Keeping fitLearn new words and phrases about keeping fitLear

10、n phonetic symbols p b t dLearn useful sentences for talking about keeping fitLearn the grammar-VerbsPPT一体机Oral practice: keeping fit习题册P45-47,words & phrases311Unit 7 How can I get to the Water Cube?Learn new words and phrases about Olympic GamesLearn phonetic symbols , s,zLearn useful sentences fo

11、r talking about Olympic GamesLearn the grammar-Simple sentence PPT一体机教材P78-79,words 习题册P54-55,words & phrases312Unit 8 Seeing a doctorLearn new words and phrases Learn phonetic symbols k,g f,vLearn useful sentence patternsLearn the grammar-并列句 PPT一体机习题册P62-64,words & phrases教材P89-901,Practice313Unit

12、 9 Holidays and festivalsLearn new words and phrases about holidays and festivalsLearn phonetic symbols ei uExplain the dialogues and learn useful sentencesLearn the grammar-the passive voice PPT一体机教材P100,words 习题册P70-71,words & phrases314Unit 10 Travel around the worldLearn words and phrases about travellingLearn phonetic symbols ai uExplain the dialogues and learn useful s


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