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1、学年度第一学期期终试卷初一英语(考试时间:100分钟;满分:120分) 得分一、听力(25分)内不A)根据所听到的内容,选择正确的选项o (听一遍)(5分)1.A. a coatB. a do I IC. a boatD. a ba I I2.A. 8 studentsB. 18 studentsC. 80 students D. 10 students3.A. seeB sameC sonD. some4.A. lineB. r ightClikeDI ight5.A. al IB. fourCofD.orB)根据所听到的内容.选择正确的答语。(听二遍)(5分)6.A. You are a

2、I I r i ghtB.I mall r i ght.C. That* sal Iright.7.A. It san English carBIt s greenCIts a nicecar.8.A. Thankyou.B. Youre we I comeC.Youare准12345678910111213141516171819202122232425/16. A.9. A. I m Li PingB It s meC Th i s i smy teacher10. A. Come on.B. This way, pleaseC.See you.C)根据所听到的对话,选择正确的选项。(听二

3、遍)(5分)*11. A. on his bikeB. under the treeC.behind the题wrong.door12.A. at 7:30B.at 7:15C.at 6:4513.A. It s red.B.It s blue.C.It s ye I I ow.14.A. Jim is.B.David is.C.Lucy i s.15.A. i n Shangha i.B.near ShanghaiC.in Jiangsu.D)根据所听到的内容.选择意思相近的一次。(听二遍)(5分)s go to schoolB. I can spe I I my name C Wemust

4、 have lunch.17. A. Tim and Tom are in the same row.B Tim i s in Row 3 and Tom i s in Row 4.C Tim and Tom are in different rows18. A. I don t know her B I don t know her cat. C I don t know her cat sn ame 19. A. Tom i s in a b I ack coa t B. Tom i s in a b I ack hat. C Tom s cat is b I ack.20. A. I l

5、ike purpIe very muchB I don t like purpleC You I ike purple very muchE)根据所听到短文内容,选择正确的答案。(听三遍)(5分)21 Our classroom i s A. oldB. smaI IC new22. What * s on my desk A. a footba I IB some English books C a picture23. desk has a foot ba I I under it.A. MineB Li Ming* sC Wang Tao s24. Where is Wang Tao s

6、 desk It s A. beh i nd my deskB bes i de my deskC bes i de L i Ming s desk25. The students play games at about A. 4:15B. 4:45C 4:30二、选择题(25分)题号12345678910111213答案题号141516171819202122232425/答案/1.PleaseA. notlook at the blackboardB. don* t toC. don tD. no2.Thereany money onthe floorA. areB. i sC. isn

7、tD.aren t3.Let me help youthebox.A. to findsB.to seeC.lookD. find4.I can* t speakEngli sh. What sthatEngli shA. /, ofB.i n, i nC./, i nD. the, /5.Are Lily and Lucy inclass No, they are inclasseA. the same, the d i fferentB. a same, a d i fferentC same, differentD. the same, different6. Jim I ikes TV

8、 after schoolA. watchB watchesC to watchD to see7 The clothes are green I want to A. colour it redB. colour it to redC colour them redD. colour them to red8. young man in a bI ack shi rt is A. The, theB. The, aC. An, agood worker.DAn, the9.It s 7 o clock It s time for10.A. get to schoolThesebooks ar

9、eA.B. go to schoolMiss Li s. Please giveB. them to her C. itC. schoolD.schoolss.A.her temtoherD. her it.Smith is forty, but he lookB. looks likeold.Iook Ii ke12.Th i s isn tA. my, MyC herHerveryC. looksD.is on the clothes Iine.B. his, HisD yourYourss your b i ke The green one.准A. WhereB. WhichC.What

10、D.Whatcolour14. Who s thegirlgreen I:s she your sisterA. onB. i nC.in theD ina15. Tom isbrotherA. Lucy sand LilyB Lucy s and Lily s*C Lucy sand LilyD. Lucy and Lilys16.Arent you a Young PioneerA. No, I amB. Yes, Im notC Yes, I amDYes, I m17. This ispicture ofGreen famiIy.A. a, aB. the, /C, a, theD.t

11、he, the18. Can you see the birdtheapple treeA. onB. inC.downD beh i nd13.封footba I I game i n the afternoon.s a19.ThereA.SureB. Come onC. GreatD.Al Iright20.womanin red i s Wu Hua s mot her.21.A. ThatB. aC.TheD.Wha t s the time. PI easeItA. half to eightB.forty to nineC thi rty-five past sevenD.five

12、 to fiveWhat colour is your new coat It s orange. Itorange coatA. the, theB. a, anC. /, aD.22./, an23.Mr Wang, I m veryto see you.to meet you24.A. nice, GladB. f i ne, N i ceC. glad, Gladly D. glad, NiceWhois the girl over theredon* t know Let shim.A. to go and meet内不C.to go and meetD.go and meet25.

13、i s my uncIeA.The man on the brown carB.The man in brown carC.The man in the brown carD On the brown car man单词适当填空(10分)1.Thev are thosebags (chi Id )B. to go and to meet密2. There aren* t pictures in the book (some )3. It* s time up. (get)4. The door is (lock)5. These sweaters are (they) (our)are on

14、the cha i r.6. Sue and I are (woman) teachers7. Let(he) look at the picture8. Mr Green to work at 8:00. (go)9. I a watch, (not have)10. Jim s fat her i s a (work )四、句型转换(11分)1. If s time for lunch.(同义句)It, stime Iunch.2. Are there any American buses in the street (单数) there Amer ican in the street3.

15、 Put on your shoes (反艾句) your shoes.4. The trousers on the bike are father s.(划线提问)are fat her * s.5. There are some bi rds in the sky. (用 some kites) there birds orinthe sky6. I s the nice watch hers (复数)Are the ni ce7. I can see five animals on the hi I I.animalsyou see on the hill.8. It* s five f

16、orty-five (同义句)It,s五、补全对话对话填空,选十个单词,并用适当的形式填空(5分)whatwhose can about ask thanklook at puttherelet IwatchesA: Excuse me, Han Mei. _1_ the time, pleaseB: Sorry I don t know. I _2_ find my_3_ PI ease go and _4_ Mr. Hu.A: Excuse me. What time is it, pleaseC: It s _5_ 3:30.A: Thank you, Mr. Hu.C: _6_ wat

17、ch is that _7_ at it under the tableB: Is it blackC: Yes, it is.B: Let_8_have a look Oh, it s mineC: _9_ you areB:_10_ very muchC: You re we I come 1. 2. 3. 4.5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 六. 完型填空(10分)题号12345678910答案This is 1 bedroo m. It san ice room We can see a bed, two 2, a cha i rand a cat on the floor Wh

18、a t _3_ see on the wall V/e can see some _4_ and a k i te on it. We can a I so (i 丕)see tv/o windows _5_wall. Where* s _6_ compu ter It s on _7_ tableSome f I owersare onthis table,-_8_Where _9_.her peni I-box and books Theyareonthe other(另一个)table. Wecanseea clock ._10_ it. Under the chai r i sherc

19、at. It s averynicebedroom.1.A.KateB.of KateC.Kate sD. of Kate s2.A.tablesB.tableC. tabhes*D. table s3.A.v/e canB.can weC.canD. we4.A.in pictureB.pictureC.picturesD of picture5.A.in theB.i nC.on theD. on6.A.aB.theC.someD. an7.A.the oneB.an oneC.oneD.an8.A.yesB.twoC.tooD.no9. A. isB. areC. beD.the七.阅读

20、理解(15分)题号123456789101112131415答案A10. A. inB underC. onD. ofJim i s an EngI i sh boy. He i s th i rteen He is a middle schooI student. He i s i n Middle School. He i s in CI ass 2, Grade 2. Hi s teacher is Miss Gao.In his ni ce bedroom, you ca n see a bed, at able, a chai r, a clock,a map, a picture,

21、 a cat and some flowers.There is a black catunderthe table There is a blue clock on thetable,and there i sa mapof China and a picture of Jim s famiIyonthewall. Wh i ch isn t r i ghtA. is an Eng Ii sh boy in MiddleSchoo IB.i s th i rteenyearsold.内不C is in Class 2, Grade 2.classroom.2. Miss Gao i sA.

22、Jim s teacherC. Jim s Chinese teacher3. What colour is Jim* s catA. I don t know. B BlackLight black.4.What s on the waI IA. b I ue c I ock.C. A picture of Jim s family.D. hasniceB.C.B.5.How many kin ds (种类)of thingsareA. SevenB. EightBJim s Engl i shD. not Jim sDark blackA map ofD. Boththere i n th

23、eC. N i neChina.teacherteacherB and C.D.passage (短文)D. Ten(商店)I don* tEvery morning I at seven. AfterC in the afternoon D atMy name i s Ted P i ke I am a worker in a big st ore work in the morning. I only work at night (夜H免) come home at abo ut ha I f pas t six I have breakfas tbreakfast I go to bed

24、 I get up at about half past two. I have lunch at a quarter to three and supper at twenty to eight Then I go to work at a quarter past eight I start work (开始工作) at nine. I Iook after the store every night I I ike my job very much6. Ted Pike only works A. in the morningB at noonnight7. When does Ted

25、go home everymorn i ngA. At about half past sevenB. At a quarter to sevenC. At six thi rtyD. At seven8. Ted goes to bedA. at nightB. before breakfastC. before lunchD after breakfast9. How Iong(长)is it between lunch and supperA. Four hours and fifty-five mi nu tes (分钟)B A quarter to threeD Five hours

26、 and fifty一five minutes.10. Which i s wrongA. Ted st arts work at n igh tB.C Ted i s a v/orker i n the st oreC He I Io, fr iend!My name i s Zhou Dan. I m a Chinese gi r I C. Twenty to eightTed starts work at 8:15 p. m.D Ted I ikes hi s work very muchI mt we I ve I m from Zhe ngzhou, Ch i na.Do you k

27、now Zhengzhou It s in the middle of China I m in Middle School There are about nine hundred students and f ifty teachers in our school Ours is a good schooI in Zhengzhou. I m in CIass2, Grade *! There are 49 students in our class29 girls and 20 boys My Engl ish teacher is Miss Zhao Dan. Our names ar

28、e aImost the same, r i gh t She is nice tome. We re good f r i e nds. I I ike English, and I I ike music, too. I want to find a pen friend Please wr i te to meYours,Zhou Dan根据短 /.:iz一has hmch12:00 * .goes to leam to dance丄8goes home17:40bas sniperw19.goestobd-20, :笔试100%一. 单词识记:根据图画内容,选择适当的词(组)并把序号填

29、入相应图画下的括号中(其中有两项是多余的)。(共5分,每项分)TVG. swimH.Sally I Lu Xun J. sweater K. speech contest二选择题。15%you have a Yes, Iat a clothes shop.12.Mar i a Ii kesthr i I I ers,she doesn t likei on mov i es.13.14.15.A16.AA. andPI easeB.ca I IB.but C becauseN i ck758-6584.A. onWhat do you usuaI Iy do A in B on C at D

30、to Jim haveA: Can good Bi nC at D. underSaturdaya new bike.ByouyoubadtheDhas C There i s pI ay the guitarC n i ce D we I I notebook to me br i ngsB:evening,D there areNo, I can*t.pI ay computer games.18-Let * s一一Great! That soundsD. sadyou Ii ke greenNo, I dont My favoriteb I ue.do you go to the mov

31、 i esWe go to the mov i es on weekdays.time He thinksits bor ingA.Likestlike,tIi ke 11i kes22.I usuaI lybooks i nthemor ning.23.Mr Green i sfatherA.Jim and KateB.Jim sandKate sC.Jim s and KateD. JimandKate s24.Do you want to iplaytenni wYes, I ,want, do , does D /, dodoes Tom Ii ke mathBecause fun,i

32、ts , it , Its D. When, it 三阅读理解毎题1分 每题2分共30分)(A)3曲 kind of movies do you li两)(like comcdicp.Do you like comedi)Un(what about yourTim,s, I do And I also like action inovics.What abouyou0 donl like tliem, but I like ihrillcrs)值call、?M、sisicr Jane likes ii. too)He likes Beijing Opera. 1)26 Bi I I think

33、s cornedies are B bor i ngC sadA. action movies()28. Tim IikesA. action movies()29. Jane I ikesA. corned i es()I ikesC comediesOperaOpera()27. Devin doesn t like A. action movies B cornedies and B(B)Katen has two brothes, Dan and Andy, and one s i ster, Tina. Kares mot her gets up at five t h i r ty

34、. She t akes a shower and then she eats breakfast at six o? clock Karen and Tina get up at six thi rty, but Dan and Andy get up at e i ght th i rty. Karen and T i na take showers i n the mor i ng, but Dan and Andy dorT t Karen, her mot her, Dan and Andy watch Tv in the evening Tina does her homework

35、 and goes to bed ear Iy正确的写” A”,错误的写” B” .s mother gets up at six o clockand Tina eat breakfast at six thi rty,her mother, and her sister run in the morning34. Dan and Andy don t take showers in the morningwatches Tv in the eveningMr Cool s Clothes StoreClothesColorPricesockswhite,bIue$4pan tsblack,

36、red$11sweatersred,white$8T-shi rtgreen,bI ack$7hatbI ack,red$6根据表格里的信息,选择答案。()36.()37.Which i s the cheapest (最便宜的)of a I I A. Hat.B. T-shi rt C. Socks.How muchare two pa i rs of pants and ahat1 A. $22. B. $28. C. $14.()38. You can buyin Mr. Cools Clothes Store.A. bI ack pants B a blue sweaterC a gr

37、een hat()39. You Ii ke red and you on Iy have $7. Youcan buyA. a sweater B a hat C socks()40. You only have s i xteen do I Iars You can buyA. a sweater and a pa i r of pantsB. two T-shi rts and a pai r of socksC. two sweatersIt is a f i ne Sat urday morn i ng Lily and Lucy get up a t six t hi r ty.

38、They want to go to the Grea t Wa I I (长城) with t he i r mot her At seven fifty they are in a big bus to the Great WaI I. There are forty peopIe in it. Some of them are Amer icans; some are Engli sh. There are two Chinese in the bus, too. One i s a woman. She i s dr i v i ng the bus The other i s a y

39、oung man He s now ta I k i ng about the Great Wa I I i n Eng I i sh. They are I i sten i ng to him. At about nine o cIock they get to the Great WaI I.41 .Lily and Lucy want to go to the Great WaI IA. in a fine dayB. on Sunday morningC. on Saturday morningD. in a cloudy morning42. There areEnglish pe

40、ople in the bus.A. forty B. twoD. fewB.D.D.ta I king todoingeightJapanese43. The young Chinese man is A. driving the bus the peopIeC I istening to himnothi ng44 They get to the Great WaI I at about A. nine o clock B seven fifty C ten o clock o clock45. There are two in the busA. Amer icans B. Englis

41、h girls C ChineseDgirls四. 完形填空10% oThis i s a pho to 46 a c I assroo m. It s a big the pho to, you can see a table, five 47 .You can see a teacher and two students, 48.Three 49 are on the table A penci I case is on the desk Two pens and two ruIers are in 50 penci I case A backpack 51 behind a chai r

42、The t eacher i s Mi ss Gao. 52 i s Engl i sh t eacher One stu den t is t we I ve The other student is Simon He is _are in Class 2, Grade7 They are good fr i ends 55 math teacher i s Mr. Green He i s not here47.andcha i rand cha i rand cha i rsand cha i rs48.49.booksbook50.D./51.52.B. Shes s53.,s54.i

43、 sB. Shei s C. They re55.D.They五、改错 (4分)把错的选项选在前而括弧里,答案改在后而横线上。()56.What syou famiIynameABc()57.I s this your pen.Yes. it s.ABC()58.What sh i s name Hename is Li Lei.ABC()59.It isa English bookABC六、根据对话情景,完成短文。20%A.:Can / 60 youB: Yes, 61/ want a 62A:What63 do you likeB: Blue.A:64 you are.B:How 65 i

44、s itA: $20.B: / * / / 66 you.A: You * re 67.B.David: What cIub do you want 68 joinLisa: We 69 to join the chess 70.David: Can you 71 chessLisa: No, I 72,cA: 73 this in EnglishB:74 a guitar.A:How can you 75itB:G-U-|-T-A-RA:76 itB:lt s behind the doorA:Can you77the guitarD.B:Yes, I can.七看图写句子。(8分)八 pI

45、 ay,they ,vol IeybaI I ,81. He , at ake , seven , shower , at, a,under, cat, the, box, thet ,basketball ,Jack , Ii ke八.书而表达。8%请以Jane的身份写一封信给Lin Mei,告诉她关于你最喜欢的一天上学的日子 (my favour ite school day)的情况。字数 50 字左右。七年级(上)英语期末考试答题卡听力二三四五六七八总分20%5%15%30H10%4%20%8%8%120%听力20%I.听录音,选择与所听句子意思相符的图画,念两遍(5分)I. 2. 3.

46、5. II. 听录音,选择与所听对话意思相符的图画,对话念两遍。(5分)6. 乙.III. 情景反应 根据你听到的句子内容,从下列每小题的三个选项中选出一个 适当的答语.每小题读两遍.(共5分)IV.请听短文,完成表格。5%16 17 181920笔试100%一. 单词识记:(共5分,每项分)1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 二选择题。15%161718 19 202122232425三. 阅读理解每题1分 每题2分共30分)2627 282930313233343536373839404142434445四. 完形填空10% O46474849505152535455五、改错把错的选项选在前面括弧里,答案改在后面横线上。(4分)(每空分)56 () 57 () 六、根据对话情景,完成短文。(20分)6061626364656667686970717172737475 76 77 7879 七. 看图写句子。(8分)(每题2分)80 81 82


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