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1、Welcome to my class,A Basic Course in Writing英语写作基础教程,lecturer: Cammi Xu telephoneQQ: 2022814001 Email: ,Something you should know.,No cell phone during class. Absentee will inform the monitor ahead. Be punctual Breakfast, snacks or other foods are not allowed in the classroom Notebook,

2、 excercise book, draft paper,Before Each Chapter,preview the content that we will learn Solve the problems of any possible new words in the chapter,While Studying each chapter,Listen patiently, think actively and ask positively. In-class homework Every study group (two students in a pair) will excha

3、nge your homework and check them, sign your name in the end.,After each chapter,In-class quiz After-class homework Correcting and explaining of the In-class homework,教材介绍,英语写作基础教程(A Basic Course in Wring), 主编:丁往道、吴冰等, 高等教育出版社1998年版。 本书是作者在总结自已几十年丰富的英语写作教学经验, 研究近年国内外英语写作教学方法的基础上推出的新作。 全书共分8章,分别讲解了文稿格

4、式和标点符号,选词, 造句,段落,摘要,作文,应用文以及学术论文的写作 的用法。,英语写作基础教程用清晰、浅易的英语写成,宗旨是帮助学生掌握英语写作的基本知识和基本技巧,提高英语写作水平。与同类书相比,本书突出了实用和多举范例的特点,所选范文既有英、美作家的作品,又有中国学生的习作,易于学习模仿。书本中的练习设计更加生动活泼,针对性更强。,教材介绍,本课程的教学目的是培养学生初步掌握英语写作的能力, 学会用英文写叙述文、说明性的短文和一般性应用文。具体要求:(1)要求学生能根据命题列出写作提纲,在约1小时内写出不少于200词的短文, 并做到内容切题、完整,条理清楚,语句连贯通顺, 语法基本正确

5、。(2)要求学生能根据提示写出通知、贺卡、便条、申请书、邀请函、简历等, 并做到格式正确, 语言得体。,教学目的,Content,第一章 文稿格式和标点符号 (Manuscript Form and Punctuation)第二章 用词(Using Proper Words)第三章造句 (Making Correct and Effective Sentences)第四章段落(Developing Paragraphs)第六章完整的作文(Composing Essays)第七章应用文(Writing for Practical Purposes) 第八章:论文(preparing Resear

6、ch Papers),Teaching focus,chapter 2: using proper words chapter 4: Developing parapraphs,学习方法例举,根据自己的情况,选择不同的学习方式:方式一:如果你能够写出语法基本正确的句子和段落,那么,你就可以直接开始学习第六章(完整的作文)或第七章(应用文写作)。将前面四章的学习内容作为自学内容,如:标点符号的运用、信件的格式等;方式二:如果还没有自信能写出语法基本正确的句子和段落的同学,可以从第一章开始逐章学习。基础学习准备好后,对教学重点的内容也就容易把握了。,learning method:,1)多读英文原

7、文:多读什么样的文章呢?一是我们教材中选的短文(新版教材提供了更多英文短文);二是英美文学作品中的短文。2)多做“模拟写作”:在我们学习英文写作的初级阶段,建议同学们注意运用“模拟写作”这个方法,参照同类体裁的范文,谋篇布局和行文的借鉴作用。,some helpful websites,/ http:/www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/ ,/,http:/www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/,Chapter one,Manuscript Form and P

8、unctuation (文稿格式和标点符号),Focus 1 Manuscript Form (P1),Arrangement Word division Capitalization Handwriting,Whats the reasonable arrangement of a standard essay?,Focus 1 Manuscript Form (P1),Arrangement 1. two centimeters at the top 2. two centimeters at the bottom 3.one and a half centimeters on the l

9、eft 4.one and a half centimeters on the right,Arrangement,Arrangement,Are these titles proper ?,i have A dream.,I Have a Dream,i enjoy The book sense And sensibility.,I Enjoy the Book Sense and Sensibilty,Arrangement,Hyphen - Article a/an/the Preposition of/in/at/on Coordinating conjunctions and/or/

10、but. Infinitives to+ Question mark ?,Task 1 P2,where i lived, and what i lived for are transgenic crops safe? well-known dramatists of the ming dynasty a day to remember approaches to teaching english as a foreign language criticisms on the ending of mark twains adventures of huckleberry finn,Attent

11、ion !,The first line (the first word ) Arabic numerals,Putnctuate the following paragragh,Thanks to Jonathan Lighters Historical Dictionary of American Slang we have the activity that coined the phrase Carl Van Vechter one of the earliest modern dance critics and author of the 1926 novel Nigger Heaven a


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