



1、1910年统一船舶碰撞某些法律规定的国际公约简介:为了用统一的法律原则处理因船舶碰撞而发生的法律问题,国际社会于1910年在布鲁塞尔召开了第三届海洋法外交会议。该会议制定了1910年统一船舶碰撞若干法律规定的国际公约(以下简称1910年碰撞公约)。该公约于1910年9月23日颁布,并于1913年3月1日起实施,是有关船舶碰撞问题最为重要 的一个国际公约。该公约得到了世界许多国家的承认和接受,因而在很大程度上统一了各国国内法中有关 船舶碰撞的法律规定。 我国于1994年3月5日加入该公约,除船舶碰撞的适用水域有所不同外,海商法第八章关于船舶碰撞的规定与该公约基本一致。1910年碰撞公约的重要贡献

2、在于促成了以下问题在国际范围内的统一:(1)按过失的比例确定碰撞责任,废除了平分过失原则;(2)实行实际过失原则和事实推定过失原则,废除了一切法律推定过失原则。但该公约并没有解决碰撞损害赔偿的原则以及碰撞损害的计算问题。1910年碰撞公约没有规定互有过失的船舶发生碰撞对第三人财产损害承担连带责任,可能有以下 两点理由:(1)在制定1910年碰撞公约的年代,各国关于共同侵权的理论远远不如现在发达,各国的立法 及法学理论差别很大,比如许多国家对共同过失也构成共同侵权的认识就不一致,如果公约做出此种规定,恐怕难以被各国接受;(2)由于承运人对本船货物因“驾驶船舶和管理船舶的过失免责”是航运界的一贯

3、做法,因此,如果要求本船承运人对他船上的货主索赔承担连带责任,必将使他船承运人本可以因“驾驶 和管理船舶”免去的赔偿责任失去效力,这恐怕是1910年公约没有做岀此种规定的主要原因。值得我们注意的是,美国没有参加1910年碰撞公约,因此在船舶碰撞问题上,美国一直沿袭平分过失原则。直至1975年才第一次出现按过失比例判定碰撞责任的案例,改变了坚持120多年的做法。但这只是美国最高法院的判例,尽管它对下级法院有约束力,但至今美国没有从法律上把这一原则确定下来。截至2007年9月,该公约参加国有:安哥拉、安提瓜和巴布达、阿根廷、澳大利亚、诺福克群岛、奥 地利、巴哈马、伯利兹、巴巴多斯、比利时、巴西、加

4、拿大、佛得角、中国、香港、澳门、塞浦路斯、克 罗地亚、丹麦、多米尼加共和国、埃及、爱沙尼亚、斐济、芬兰、法国、赞比亚、德国、迦纳、果阿州、 希腊、格林纳达、几内亚比绍共和国、圭亚那、海地、匈牙利、印度、伊朗、爱尔兰、意大利、牙买加、 日本、肯尼亚、基里巴斯、拉脱维亚、卢森堡、大阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国、马来西亚、马达加 斯加岛、马耳他、毛里求斯、墨西哥、莫桑比克、荷兰、纽芬兰岛、新西兰、尼加拉瓜、尼日利亚、挪威、 巴布亚新几内亚、巴拉圭、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯、圣基茨和尼维斯、圣卢西亚、圣文森及格 瑞纳丁群岛、所罗门群岛、圣多美及普林西比、塞舌尔、塞拉利昂、新加坡、斯洛文尼亚、索

5、马里亚、西 班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞典、瑞士、帝汶岛、汤加、特立尼达和多巴哥、土耳其、图瓦卢、英国、泽西、格恩 西、马恩岛、安圭拉岛、百慕大群岛、直布罗陀、福克兰群岛、英属维尔京群岛、蒙特塞拉特岛、特克斯 和凯科斯群岛、圣赫勒拿、威海卫、乌拉圭、扎伊尔。正文:第一条 海船与海船或海船与内河船舶发生碰撞,致使有关船舶或船上人身、财物遭受损害时,不论 碰撞发生在任何水域,对这种损害的赔偿,都应按下列规定办理。第二条 如果碰撞的发生是岀于意外,或者岀于不可抗力,或者碰撞原因不明,其损害应由遭受者自 行承担。即使在发生碰撞时,有关的船舶或其中之一是处于锚泊(或以其他方式系泊)状态,本条规定亦得适 用。第三条

6、 如果碰撞是由于一艘船舶的过失所引起,损害赔偿的责任便应由该艘过失船舶承担。第四条 如果两艘或两艘以上船舶犯有过失,各船应按其所犯过失程度,按比例分担责任。但如考虑 到客观环境,不可能确定各船所犯过失的程度,或者看来过失程度相等,其应负的责任便应平均分担。船舶或其所载货物,或船员、旅客或船上其他人员的行李或财物所受的损害,应由过失船舶按上述比 例承担。即使对于第三者的损害,一艘船舶也不承担较此种损害比例为多的责任。对于人身伤亡所造成的损害,各过失船舶对第三者负连带责任。但这并不影响已经支付较本条第1款规定其最终所应赔偿数额为多的船舶向其他过失船舶取得摊款的权利。关于取得摊款的权利问题,各国法律

7、可以自行决定有关限定船舶所有人对船上人员责任的契约或法律 规定所应具有的意义和效力。第五条 以上各条规定,适用于由于引航员的过失而发生的碰撞,即使是依法强制引航,亦得适用。第六条 对因碰撞而引起的损害要求赔偿的起诉权,不以提岀海事报告或履行其他特殊手续为条件。 关于在碰撞责任方面的过失问题的一切法律推定,均应废除。第七条 损害赔偿的起诉权时效两年,自事故发生之日起算。为行使第四条第3款所准许的取得摊款的权利而提起的诉讼,须自付款之日起一年内提出。上述时效期限得以中止或中断的理由,由审理该案法院所引用的法律决定。各缔约国有权以本国立法规定:如在上述时效期限内未能在原告住所或主要营业地所在国家领海

8、内扣 留被告船舶,便应延长上述时效期限。第八条 碰撞发生后,相碰船舶船长在不致对其船舶、船员和旅客造成严重危险的情况下,必须对另 一船舶、船员和旅客施救。上述船长还必须尽可能将其船名、船藉港、岀发港和目的港通知对方船舶。违反上述规定,并不当然地将责任加于船舶所有人。第九条 凡是在法律上对违反前条规定的事例不予禁止的缔约国,应当承担义务,采取或建议其本国 立法机关采取必要措施,以便防止违反上述规定的行为发生。各缔约国应将为履行上述义务而已在国内颁布或在日后可能颁布的法律或规章,尽速互相通知。第十条 在不妨碍将来缔结的任何公约的情况下,本公约的规定,对于各国有关限定船舶所有人责任 的现行法律,以及

9、对于因运输契约或任何其他契约而产生的法律义务,都不发生任何影响。第十一条本公约不适用于军用船舶或专门用于公务的政府船舶。第十二条在任一案件中的所有当事船舶都属于本公约缔约国所有,以及国内法对此有所规定的任何 情况下,本公约的规定适用于全体利害关系人。但是:(1 )对属于非缔约国的利害关系人,每一缔约国可在互惠条件下适用本公约的规定。(2)如果全体利害关系人和受理案件的法院属于同一国家,则应适用国内法,而不适用本公约。第十三条本公约的规定扩及于一艘船舶对另一艘船舶造成损害的赔偿案件,而不论这种损害是由于 执行或不执行某项操纵,或是由于不遵守规章所造成。即使未曾发生碰撞,也是如此。第十四条各缔约国

10、有权在本公约生效三年后,要求召开新的会议,以便对本公约进行可能的修改, 特别是尽可能扩大其适用范围。行使上述权利的国家,应当通过比利时政府将其意图通知其他各国,比利时政府则当进行筹备,在六 个月内召开此种会议。第十五条 未曾签署本公约的国家,可以申请加入本公约。参加本公约,应通过外交途径通知比利时 政府,并由比利时政府通知其他缔约国政府。如此参加本公约,应自比利时政府发岀通知之日起一个月后 生效。第十六条 自本公约签字之日起一年内,比利时政府应与已经声明行将批准本公约的其他缔约国政府 进行联系,以便决定应否使本公约生效。如果决定使本公约生效, 便应立即将批准书交存布鲁塞尔。本公约自交存批准书之

11、日起一个月后生效。交存记录对于参加布鲁塞尔会议各国开放一年,此后,上述各国只能依照第十五条规定参加本公约。第十七条 如有缔约国欲退岀本公约,应自其通知比利时政府之日起一年后生效,而在其他缔约国之 间,本公约仍旧有效。附加条款虽有第十六条中的规定,但已达成协议,各缔约国在就限定船舶所有人责任问题达成协议以前,并不 承担将本公约第五条关于因强制派遣的引航员的过失而造成碰撞的责任方面的规定,加以实施的义务。INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE UNIFICATION OF CERTAIN RULES OF LAW WITH RESPECT TO COLLISIONBETW

12、EEN VESSELS, 1910Article 1Where a collision occurs between sea-going vessels or between sea-going vessels and vessels ofinland navigation, the compensation due for damages caused to the vessels, or to any things orpersons on board thereof, shall be settled in accordance with the following provisions

13、, in whatever waters the collision takes place.Article 2If the collision is accidental, if it is caused by force majeure, or if the cause of the collisionis left in doubt, the damages are borne by those who have suffered them.This provision is applicable notwithstanding the fact that the vessels, or

14、 any one of them, maybe at anchor (or otherwise made fast) at the time of the casualty.Article 3If the collision is caused by the fault of one of the vessels, liability to make good the damages attaches to the one which has committed the fault.Article 4If two or more vessels are in fault the liabili

15、ty of each vessel is in proportion to the degree of the faults respectively committed.Provided that if having regard to the circumstances, it is not possible to establish the degreeof the respective faults, or if it appears that the faults are equal, the liability is apportioned equally.The damages

16、caused, either to the vessels or to their cargoes or to the effects or other propertyof the crews, passengers, or other persons on board, are borne by the vessels in fault in theabove proportions, and even to third parties a vessel is not liable for more than such proportion of such damages.In respe

17、ct of damages caused by death or personal injuries, the vessels in fault are jointly aswell as severally liable to third parties, without prejudice however to the right of the vesselwhich has paid a larger part than that which, in accordance which the provisions of the firstparagraph of this Article

18、, she oughtultimately to bear, to obtaina contributionfrom the othervessel or vessels in fault.It is left to the law of each country to determine, as regards such right to obtain contribution, the meaning and effect of any contract or provision of law which limits the liability of the owners of a ve

19、ssel towards persons on board.Article 5The liability imposed by the preceding Articles attaches in cases where the collision is causedby the fault of a pilot, even when the pilot is carried by compulsion of law.Article 6The right of action for the recovery of damages resulting from a collision is no

20、t conditionalupon the entering of a protest or the fulfillment of any other special formality.All legal presumptions of fault in regard to liability for collision are abolished.Article 7Actions for the recovery of damages are barred after an interval of two years from the date of the casualty.The pe

21、riod within which an action must be instituted for enforcingthe rights to obtaincontribution permitted by paragraph 3 of Article 4, is one year from the date of payment.The grounds upon which the said periods of limitation may be suspended orinterrupted aredetermined by the law of the court where th

22、e case is tried.The High Contracting Parties reserve to themselves the right to provide, by legislationin theirrespective countries, that the said periods shall be extended in cases where it has not been possible to arrest the defendant vessel in the territorial waters of the State in which the plai

23、ntiff has his domicile or principal place of business.Article 8After a collision, the master of each of the vessels, in collision is bound, so far as he cando so without serious danger to his vessel, her crew and her passengers, to render assistance to the other vessel, her crew and her passengers.H

24、e is likewise bound so far as possible to make known to the other vessel the name of his vessel and the port to which she belongs, and also the names of the ports from which she comes and to which she is bound.A breach of the above provisions does not of itself impose any liability on the owner of a

25、 vessel.Article 9The High Contracting Parties whose legislation does not forbid infringements of the precedingArticle bind themselves to take or to propose to their respective legislatures the measures necessary for the prevention of such infringements.The High Contracting Parties will communicate t

26、o one another as soon as possible the laws or regulations which have already been or may be hereafter promulgated in their States for giving effect to the above undertaking.Article 10Without prejudice to any Conventions which may hereafter be made, the provisions of this Convention do not affect in

27、any way the law in force in each country with regard to the limitation of shipowners liability, not do they alter the legal obligations arising from contracts of carriage or from any other contracts.Article 11This Convention does not apply to ships of war or to Government ships appropriated exclusiv

28、elyto a public service.Article 12The provisions of this Convention shall be applied as regards all persons interested when all the vessels concerned in any action belong to States of the High Contracting Parties, and in any other cases for which the national laws provide.Provided always that:1. As r

29、egards persons interested who belong to a non-contracting State, the application ofthe above provisions may be made by each of the contracting States conditional upon reciprocity.2. Where all the persons interested belong to the same State as the court trying the case,the provisions of the national

30、law and not of the Convention are applicable.Article 13This Convention extends to the making good of damageswhich a vessel has caused to another vessel, or to goods or persons on board either vessel, either by the execution or non-execution of a manoeuvre or by the non-observance of the regulations,

31、 even if no collision had actually taken place.Article 14Any one of the High Contracting Parties shall have the right, three years after this Conventioncomes into force, to call for a fresh conference with a view to possible amendments therein, and particularly with a view to extend, if possible, th

32、e sphere of its application.Any Power exercising this right must notify its intention to the other Powers, through the Belgian Government, which will make arrangements for convening the conference within six months.Article 15States which have not signed the present Convention are allowed to accede t

33、hereto at their request.Such accession shall be notified through the diplomatic channel to the Belgian Government, andby the latter to each of the Governments of the other Contracting Parties; it shall becomeeffective one month after the despatch of such notification by the Belgian Government.Articl

34、e 16The present Convention shall be ratified.After an interval of at most one year from the date on which the Convention is signed, the Belgian Government shall enter into communication with the Governments of the High Contracting Parties which have declared themselves prepared to ratify it, with a

35、view to decide whether it should be put into force.The ratifications shall, if so decided, be deposited forthwith at Brussels, and the Conventionshall come into force a month after such deposit.The Protocol shall remain open another year in favor of the States represented at the BrusselsConference.

36、After this interval they can only accede to it in conformity with the provisions ofArticle 15.Article 17In the case of one or other of the High Contracting Parties denouncing this Convention,suchdenunciation shall not take effect until a year after the day on which it has been notified tothe Belgian Government, and the Convention shall remain in force as between the other Contracting Parties.Additional ArticleNotwithstanding anything in the provisions of Article 16, it is agreed that it shall not beobligatory to give effect to the provisions of


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