



1、庖丁巧解牛 知识巧学 生词巧解 发现;发觉 【词析】音析:字母组合 i,o,e,y分别读作 i, ,和i。形析:discover(vt. 发现)+-y(名词后缀) 义析:something discovered 【典句】the discovery of oil on their land made the people rapidly rich. 他们在土地上发现了石油,这使人们很快致富了。【拓展】1)构词:discover vt.发现;发觉 2)注意区别discovery 和invention的用法discovery是指“发现”,强调找寻出原本就已存在但还不为人所知的事物。invention

2、是指“发明”,强调通过研究制造或者设想出原本不存在的事物。call up 给打电话 【词析】义析:make a phone call 【典句】parents should not call up their children while they are listening to the lessons. 当孩子们听课时,父母不应该给他们打电话。【拓展】1)牢记下列短语:call for需要;要求;call off取消;call on拜访;call forth唤起;引起;on call随时待命的;准备妥当的 2)拓展:call up召集;动员;使人想起 (=call upon) now and

3、 then偶尔;有时 【词析】义析:from time to time 【典句】although we are busy doing our lessons,we go to the english salon now and then. 尽管我们忙于功课,但是我们还是不时去英语沙龙。【拓展】牢记相关短语:since then那时以来;till then一直到那时;before then那时以前;but then但是另一方面;by then到那时候;from then on从那时起 显示的差别;使有所不同;辨别 【词析】音析:元音字母 i,i,i分别读作 i, i和i。形析:dis(分开)+s

4、ting(刺)+ish(动词后缀)以刺的记号分开 义析:recognize the difference between sth.;tell the difference between sth. 【典句】the monitor distinguished himself by his performance in the examination. 班长在考试中成绩优异,因而显得突出。【拓展】1)构词:distinction n.区别;distinctive adj.独特的;distinguished卓越的;著名的 2)牢记下列固定结构:be distinguished as辨明为,称之为;b

5、e distinguished by以为特征;be distinguished for以而著名;be distinguished from不同于;与加以区别;distinguish.from.辨别;识别;把和区别开;distinguish oneself使自己与众不同;使自己出名 3)牢记相关短语:distinguish right from wrong明辨是非;distinguish good from evil分辨善恶;distinguish sb.in a crowd在人群中认出某人;distinguish things into classes把东西分成类 set about 开始;着

6、手 【词析】义析:start doing sth. 【典句】if hes set about doing it,nothing will stop him. 他一旦开始做这事,什么也阻挡不住他。【拓展】牢记相关短语:set aside放在一边;驳回;set down放下;搁下;记下;set in持续下去;set off,set out出发;启程;set on攻击;袭击;set out to do认真地开始做;set up建立(事业);set aside 留出 突然的;意外的 【词析】音析:元音字母 a,u分别读作和。义析:sudden 【典句】some car sellers have gon

7、e away from the market in view of the abrupt turn of the prices. 由于价格的突然转变,一些轿车商已退出市场。【拓展】牢记相关短语:abrupt entrance 贸然闯进;an abrupt turn急转弯;in an abrupt manner无礼的态度;an abrupt change in the weather天气的突然变化 便利的;方便的 【词析】音析:元音字母 o,e,字母组合ie分别读作,和。形析:conve(=convey交通)-nient(形容词后缀) 义析:handy;suitable 【典句】our hous

8、e is convenient for the shops. 我们家到商店很方便。【拓展】1) 构词:convenience n.方便;便利;conveniently adv. 方便地 2)反义词:inconvenient adj.不便的;有困难的 3)牢记相关短语:convenience food方便食品;convenience store便民商店;at ones convenience在某人方便时 4)牢记相关句型:sth.is convenient for sb.某事对某人来说是方便的;it is convenient for sb.to do sth.某人干某事是方便的 监控;n.班长

9、;监听器;监视器 【词析】音析:元音字母 o,i,字母组合 or分别读作,i和 。形析:monit(警告)+-or(表示人的名词后缀) 义析:a pupil who assists a teacher in routine duties 【典句】we have been monitoring the enemys radio broadcasts to try to find out their secret plans. 我们一直在监听敌方的电台广播,设法查探他们的秘密计划。【拓展】1)同根词:monitory adj.训诫的;monition n.忠告,警告,告诫书,传票;monitors

10、hip n. 级长的职务 2)牢记相关短语:monitor an examination监考;display monitor监视器;monitor the citys drinking water 测试城市的饮用水中的杂质 放走;释放 【词析】音析:元音字母 e,字母组合ea 分别读作 i和。形析:re(再)lease(=loose 松开的)释放发行承认认出 义析:liberate,publish,loosen,recognize 【典句】the old man persuaded the boy to release the bird and it flew away. 这位老者劝说这个男孩

11、放了这只鸟,让它飞走了。【拓展】牢记相关短语:常与from连用,release sb.from ones suffering免除某人的痛苦;release sb.from ones promise使某人不必履行诺言;a recently released film新发行的电影 声称;n.主张 【词析】音析:字母组合 ai读作。形析:clear(使清楚)+aim(目的) 义析:declare 【典句】his claim about the number of people killed in the coal mine accident was evidently not true. 他所说的煤

12、矿事故中的死亡人数显然是不真实的。【拓展】牢记相关短语:make a claim for 要求;make a claim to认为是属于自己的;claim against damage要求赔偿损失;have a claim on 有对要求权 有效的;确凿的 【词析】音析:元音字母 a,i,分别读作和i。义析:effective 【典句】for some pupils,the little cough is a valid excuse for being absent from school. 对一些小学生来说,小小的咳嗽是不去上学的正当理由。【拓展】1)构词:validly adv. val

13、idness n. 2)牢记短语:a valid objection有根据的反对;valid methods有效的办法;a valid conclusion正确推断的结论;valid evidence确凿的证据;be valid for two weeks有效期两周 in case (以防)万一 【词析】义析:if it happens that 【典句】take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot. 带一顶帽子以防太阳晒。【拓展】牢记相关短语:in case of如果;万一;in any case无论如何;in that case如果那样的话

14、 忍受;忍耐;负担 【词析】音析:字母组合 ear读作。义析:put up with 【典句】he bears a grudge(怨恨)against me because i took his place in the office. 他对我怀恨在心,因为我取代了他在办公室里的位置。【拓展】1)同义词:stand忍受;support承担;give birth to生育 2)比较 bear,suffer和stand 这组动词都有“忍受”的意思。 bear 侧重于表示“忍受沉重或难办的事”。 suffer 侧重于表示“忍受或经受令人不愉快的,甚至于痛苦的事”。 stand表示“忍受令人生厌的事”

15、。dive into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入 【词析】义析:quickly put ones hands into;devote oneself into;to plunge 【典句】he dived from the bridge into the cold water and rescued the drowning child. 他从桥上跳入水中,救起溺水的孩子。【拓展】牢记相关短语:make a dive for向冲去;take a dive突然下降;dive into the water跳入水中;dive into the crowd冲进人群;dive into a purse手伸进

16、钱袋 set out(to do) 开始(做) 【词析】义析:begin to do 【典句】on their arrival,they set out to read the english books they brought with themselves. 他们一到达那里,就开始读随身携带的英语书。【拓展】牢记相关短语:set aside/apart把另外存起来;set back使倒退;拨回(钟表的针);set before把放在面前;set by 把留作将来之用;set down放下;记下;登记;set forward出发,把钟表时间向前拨;set free释放,解放;set off

17、出发,动身;set out出发;开始;陈述;set to认真干起来;set up竖起;建起 (水或气)流;电流;adj.现在的;当前的 【词析】音析:字母组合ur,元音字母 rent 分别读作 和。形析:cur(靠近的)+-rent(形容词后缀) 义析:present 【典句】whoever goes with the current of the times will be respected. 顺应时代潮流的人将受到尊敬。【拓展】1)构词:currentless adj.无电流的;无流的;currently adv.普遍地,通常地; 2)牢记相关短语:current events 时事;c

18、urrent fashions流行时尚;current money通用的货币 in truth 的确;事实上 【词析】义析:in fact 【典句】in truth, some students are only making use of half of the time in class. 事实上,一些同学只利用了课堂的1/2的时间。【拓展】牢记相关短语:seek after truth探求真理;arrive at the truth获知真相;out of truth装配得不精确;to tell the truth说实在话 实际的;实践的;实用的 【词析】音析:元音字母a,i,a分别读作,和。形析:practice(实践)+-al(形容词后缀) 义析:


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