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1、gre阅读中心句常见寻找方法指点 gre阅读中心句常见寻找方法指点 找准核心句式才能看懂*大意gre阅读中心句作用分析之所以强调中心句,主要还是为了应对gre阅读考试的出题思路。大家需要明确的一点是,想要做好gre长篇阅读,考生其实并不需要把整篇*都读懂吃透才能解题。许多类似主旨题态度题的阅读题目,考生只要能够结合*中心句大致理解整体意思就能毫无困难的解题。而*中许多细节案例,其实往往都是毫无用处的过量信息,纯粹是为了消耗大家时间而故意挖下的陷阱。因此,面对长篇阅读,考生首先要做的不是读完全文,而是找到中心句加快理解速度。gre阅读中心句看*结构那么,如何才能快速找到中心句呢?这里建议大家结合

2、gre阅读*本身的类型来寻找,一般来说,gre阅读*可以大致分为三种类型,每种类型的中心句位置各有不同,考生需要根据*类型来寻找中心句,具体如下:a. 现象解释型*开始给出现象,之后必定有解释,中心句在解释给出处。若解释不止一个,中心句则为给予正评价的那个。b. 新老观点型*中心句在新观点处(注意旧观点的取非)。c. 问题解决方案型*中心句位于相应的解决方案处。从常见写法套路找阅读中心句除了根据*套路来找中心句外,大家有时候还可以根据*本身的一些语言现象来找到暗示中心句所在的提示信息。a. 一段叙述后有转折连词but, yet, however, actually, in fact, inde

3、ed, virtually, practically等,中心句位于转折之后作者态度处。b. 设问以及回答作者的自问自答,中心句位于回答处。c. 大段举例举例前的理论说明或者之后的归纳易成为中心句。以上就是在gre阅读中快速找到中心句解决长篇阅读的一些心得经验介绍,希望大家能够通过上文内容有所了解和掌握,结合一些练习熟练定位中心句的方法,提高对gre阅读题的做题正确率和效率,在考试中取得理想成绩。攻破新gre逻辑阅读to watch television with intelligence is a skill that has to be learned, just as the skill

4、of reading a book has to be learned. television, largely because of the illusions inherent in it as a visual medium that relics on both the strengths and weaknesses of the camera, plays tricks that one must learn to make allowance for if one is to recreate the reality of flesh and blood that these t

5、ricks distort.which of the following is the major point made by the passage above?(a) it takes a skillful viewer to extract an authentic picture of the world and of the events in it from the television images that present them both.(b) knowing how to watch a television program intelligently is no le

6、ss important a skill than knowing how to read a book.(c) the makers of television programs possess an arsenal of visual tricks with which they can dupe the unwary viewer.(d) technological innovation in video cameras is frustrating in that it often makes available features for which there is no prese

7、nt need and often does not supply features that could be put to good use.(e) the skill of watching television intelligently is very much like the skill of reading a book in that each requires above all the ability to recognize illusions and distortions for what they are.答案:(a)攻破新gre逻辑阅读because the p

8、rocess of freezing food consumes energy, many people keep their electric freezers half-empty, using them only to store commercially frozen foods. yet freezers that are half-empty often consume more energy than they would if they were kept fully stocked.which of the following, if true, contributes mo

9、st to an explanation of the apparent discrepancy described above?a.a given volume of air in a freezer requires much more energy to be maintained at a temperature below freezing than does an identical volume of frozen food.b.the more often a freezers door is opened, the more energy is required to mai

10、ntain that freezers normal temperature.c.when unfrozen foods are placed in a freezer, the average temperature of a given volume of air inside that freezer rises temporarily.d.a person who normally maintains a half-empty freezer can cut energy costs considerably by using a freezer that is 50 percent

11、 electric freezer can operate efficiently only if chilled air is free to circulate within the freezing compartment.答案:(a)攻破新gre逻辑阅读the existence of which of the following would tend to weaken the support for the hypothesis above most seriously?a.a set of identical twins raised together w

12、ho are shown by appropriate tests to have very similar value systemsb.a pair of identical twins raised apart who differ markedly with respect to aggressiveness and other personality traitsc.a younger brother and older sister raised together who have similar personalities and life experiencesd.a moth

13、er and daughter who have the same profession even though they have very different temperamentse.a pair of twins raised together who have similar personality traits but different value systems答案:(b)问题:下面哪一个削弱上文对假设的支持?读题:研究者研究几组在不同的环境中分开抚养的同卵双生子发现:在每例中,同卵双生子在性格、医疗史和生活经历上非常相似,研究者把这个结果看作一个假说的证实,在决定人的性格和

14、生活史上,遗传比环境更为重要。分析:对于遗传和环境来说,永远是一个对立面,文中要反对遗传比环境更为重要,那么只要说出环境决定就可以。a. 在一起生活的同卵双生子通过合适的测试显示有相似的价值系统。(看见在一起抚养就不对,我们要考虑环境,一定是不在一起抚养 )b. 一对分开抚养的同卵双生子在攻击性和其他人格特点上显著不同。(恰恰说明环境起作用,直接反对)攻破新gre逻辑阅读people often do not make decisions by using the basic economic principle of rationally weighing all possibilities

15、 and then making the choice that can be expected to maximize benefits and minimize harm. routinely, people process information in ways that are irrational in this sense.any of the following, if true, would provide evidence in support of the assertions above except:(a).people tend to act on new infor

16、mation, independent of its perceived relative merit, rather than on information they already have.(b).people prefer a major risk taken voluntarily to a minor one that has been forced on them, even if they know that the voluntarily taken risk is statistically more dangerous.(c).people tend to take up

17、 potentially damaging habits even thought they have clear evidence that their own peers as well as experts disapprove of such behavior.(d). people avoid situations in which they would become involved in accidents involving large numbers of people more than they do situations where single-victim accidents are possible, even though they realize that an accident is mor


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