已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、知识改变命运,学习成就未来与许多的竞技项目不同, 高尔夫与其说是一场与别人的对抗,更像是一次自己与 自己的较量,它需要足够的耐心和专注,锻炼一个人独 立思考的能力,培养一个人积极进取的心态。有人形容 高尔夫的18洞就好像人生,障碍重重,坎坷不断。然而 一旦踏上了球场,你就必须集中注意力,独立面对比赛 中可能出现的各种困难,并且承担一切后果。也许,常 常还会遇到这样的情况:你刚刚还在为抓到一个小鸟球 而欢呼雀跃,下一刻大风就把小白球吹跑了;或者你才 在上一个洞吞了柏忌,下一个洞你就为抓了老鹰而兴奋 不已2010届高考英语听力提分训练(2)PART ONE LISTENING COMPREHENS

2、IONSECTION ADirections: In this section, you lhear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices. Listen to the con versati ons carefully and the n an swer the questi ons by marking the corresp onding letter (A, B or

3、 C) on the questi on booklet.You will hear each con versati on TWICE.Example:When will the magaz ine probably arrive?A. Wed nesday. B. Thursday. C. Friday.The an swer is B.Con versatio n 11. Who is crazy about rock music?A. The lady.B. The man.C. The man s wife.2. What in strume nt does the man play

4、?A. The pia no.B. The violi n.C. Both.Conversation 23. How much snow did the weather report predict last win ter?A. Four feet.B. Four in ches .C. More tha n four in ches.4. Where are the two speakers?知识改变命运,学习成就未来与许多的竞技项目不同, 高尔夫与其说是一场与别人的对抗,更像是一次自己与 自己的较量,它需要足够的耐心和专注,锻炼一个人独 立思考的能力,培养一个人积极进取的心态。有人形容

5、高尔夫的18洞就好像人生,障碍重重,坎坷不断。然而 一旦踏上了球场,你就必须集中注意力,独立面对比赛 中可能出现的各种困难,并且承担一切后果。也许,常 常还会遇到这样的情况:你刚刚还在为抓到一个小鸟球 而欢呼雀跃,下一刻大风就把小白球吹跑了;或者你才 在上一个洞吞了柏忌,下一个洞你就为抓了老鹰而兴奋不已A. In the supermarket.B At school.C. At the bus statio n.这说明,在高尔夫球场上,短暂的领先并不代表最终的胜利;而一时的落后也不意味着全盘失败。只有凭借毅力,坚持到底,才有可能成为最后的赢家。这些磨练与考验使成长中的青少年受益匪浅。在种种历

6、练之后,他们可以学会如何独立处理问题;如何调节情绪与心境,直面挫折,抵御压力;如何保持积极进取的心态去应对每一次挑战。往往有着超越年龄的成熟与自信,独立性和处理问题的能力都比较强。Conversation 35. What are the speakers talk ing about?A . A flight timetable.B . The way to Union StreetC. Hiring a taxi.6. Where is the woma n going on Saturday?A . To Garden Hotel.B . To the airport.C. To the

7、 taxi company.Conversation 47. What is the man s plan for his future?A. Taking a bus in ess course in Beiji ng.B. Lear ning some En glish in Beiji ng.C. Doing some bus in ess in Beiji ng.8. What can you tell about the man?A. He used to live in Beiji ng.B. He used to live in Han gzhou.C. He used to l

8、ive in Shan ghai.9. What do we lear n from the con versatio n?A. A bus in ess course is n eeded.B. En glish is useful.C. Practic ing is n ecessary.Conversation 510. Why does the woma n find drama and theatre useful?知识改变命运,学习成就未来与许多的竞技项目不同, 高尔夫与其说是一场与别人的对抗,更像是一次自己与 自己的较量,它需要足够的耐心和专注,锻炼一个人独 立思考的能力,培养一

9、个人积极进取的心态。有人形容 高尔夫的18洞就好像人生,障碍重重,坎坷不断。然而 一旦踏上了球场,你就必须集中注意力,独立面对比赛 中可能出现的各种困难,并且承担一切后果。也许,常 常还会遇到这样的情况:你刚刚还在为抓到一个小鸟球 而欢呼雀跃,下一刻大风就把小白球吹跑了;或者你才 在上一个洞吞了柏忌,下一个洞你就为抓了老鹰而兴奋 不已A. It helps her to attract more public atte nti on.B. It stre ngthe ns her relati on ship with stude nts.C. It enables her to unders

10、tand people better.11. How did the woman s students respond to her way of teaching English?A. Passively.B. Positively.C. Se nsitively12. What is the woma n going to do if she has a PhD course?A. To promote the Asia n theater to the world.B. To in troduce more theatres to the Asia n coun tries.C. To

11、bring her college more Asia n theatre.Conversation 613. Where does the con versatio n probably take place?A. In the stude nt cen ter.B. In the campus can tee n.C. I n the uni versity bookstore.14. How does the woma n pla n to spe nd her evening?A. Study ing.B. Prepari ng sn acksC. Play ing cards.15.

12、 Why does nt the man accept the woma ns offer?A. He does n t have eno ugh free time.B. He doesn t like to play games.C. He already knows how to play.SECTION BDirections: In this sect ion, you lhear a mini -talk. Liste n carefully and the n fill in the知识改变命运,学习成就未来与许多的竞技项目不同, 高尔夫与其说是一场与别人的对抗,更像是一次自己与

13、 自己的较量,它需要足够的耐心和专注,锻炼一个人独 立思考的能力,培养一个人积极进取的心态。有人形容 高尔夫的18洞就好像人生,障碍重重,坎坷不断。然而 一旦踏上了球场,你就必须集中注意力,独立面对比赛 中可能出现的各种困难,并且承担一切后果。也许,常 常还会遇到这样的情况:你刚刚还在为抓到一个小鸟球 而欢呼雀跃,下一刻大风就把小白球吹跑了;或者你才 在上一个洞吞了柏忌,下一个洞你就为抓了老鹰而兴奋 不已numbered bla nks with the in formation you ve got. Fill in each bldNO MORE THAN 3WORDS.You ll he

14、ar the mintalk TWICE .Help your friends stop drug abuseThe first step: Let your friends know that you 16. You and your friends taking time to care for each other helps to stop drug abuse.The second step: Let your friends know why people abuse drugs. People take drugs to change the way 17. Drugs dont

15、18 . People who miss drugs may feel 19 about themselves, and then they may use 20. 知识改变命运,学习成就未来与许多的竞技项目不同, 高尔夫与其说是一场与别人的对抗,更像是一次自己与 自己的较量,它需要足够的耐心和专注,锻炼一个人独 立思考的能力,培养一个人积极进取的心态。有人形容 高尔夫的18洞就好像人生,障碍重重,坎坷不断。然而 一旦踏上了球场,你就必须集中注意力,独立面对比赛 中可能出现的各种困难,并且承担一切后果。也许,常 常还会遇到这样的情况:你刚刚还在为抓到一个小鸟球 而欢呼雀跃,下一刻大风就把小白球

16、吹跑了;或者你才 在上一个洞吞了柏忌,下一个洞你就为抓了老鹰而兴奋 不已知识改变命运,学习成就未来与许多的竞技项目不同, 高尔夫与其说是一场与别人的对抗,更像是一次自己与 自己的较量,它需要足够的耐心和专注,锻炼一个人独 立思考的能力,培养一个人积极进取的心态。有人形容 高尔夫的18洞就好像人生,障碍重重,坎坷不断。然而 一旦踏上了球场,你就必须集中注意力,独立面对比赛 中可能出现的各种困难,并且承担一切后果。也许,常 常还会遇到这样的情况:你刚刚还在为抓到一个小鸟球 而欢呼雀跃,下一刻大风就把小白球吹跑了;或者你才 在上一个洞吞了柏忌,下一个洞你就为抓了老鹰而兴奋 不已答案:1-5 CABC

17、C6-10 BCABC11-15 BABCA16. care; 17; they feel; 18. solve problems; 19. worse; 20. more drugs听力材料Part I ONE LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION ADirections: In this section, you lhear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3

18、choices. Listen 这说明,在高尔夫球场上,短暂的领先并不代表最终的胜利;而一时的落后也不意味着全盘失败。只有凭借毅力,坚持到底,才有可能成为最后的赢家。这些磨练与考验使成长中的青少年受益匪浅。在种 种历练之后,他们可以学会如何独立处理问题;如何调节情绪与心境,直面挫折,抵御压力;如何保持积 极进取的心态去应对每一次挑战。往往有着超越年龄的成熟与自信,独立性和处理问题的能力都比较强。知识改变命运,学习成就未来与许多的竞技项目不同, 高尔夫与其说是一场与别人的对抗,更像是一次自己与 自己的较量,它需要足够的耐心和专注,锻炼一个人独 立思考的能力,培养一个人积极进取的心态。有人形容 高

19、尔夫的18洞就好像人生,障碍重重,坎坷不断。然而 一旦踏上了球场,你就必须集中注意力,独立面对比赛 中可能出现的各种困难,并且承担一切后果。也许,常 常还会遇到这样的情况:你刚刚还在为抓到一个小鸟球 而欢呼雀跃,下一刻大风就把小白球吹跑了;或者你才 在上一个洞吞了柏忌,下一个洞你就为抓了老鹰而兴奋 不已to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter (A, B or C) on the question booklet.You will hear e

20、ach conversation Twice.Example:You will hearW:Hasn t the lastest TIME magazine arrived yet?Today s already Wednesday.M:Sorry,it s late.Maybe tomorrow.You will readWhen will the magazine probably arrive?A.Wednesday.B.ThursdayC.Friday.From the conversation,we know that the correct choice is B.(On Thur

21、sday),so you should mark the letter B on the QUESTION BOOKLET.Questions 1 and 2 are based on Conversation 1. You now have 10 secondsto read the questions.Con versati on 1M: Are you in terested in music?W: Yes, I like classical music. Beethoven is my favorite composer. How about you?M: I like all kin

22、ds of music, but jazz is my favorite and my wife is crazy about rock music.W: You play the piano, don t you?知识改变命运,学习成就未来与许多的竞技项目不同, 高尔夫与其说是一场与别人的对抗,更像是一次自己与 自己的较量,它需要足够的耐心和专注,锻炼一个人独 立思考的能力,培养一个人积极进取的心态。有人形容 高尔夫的18洞就好像人生,障碍重重,坎坷不断。然而 一旦踏上了球场,你就必须集中注意力,独立面对比赛 中可能出现的各种困难,并且承担一切后果。也许,常 常还会遇到这样的情况:你刚刚还在

23、为抓到一个小鸟球 而欢呼雀跃,下一刻大风就把小白球吹跑了;或者你才 在上一个洞吞了柏忌,下一个洞你就为抓了老鹰而兴奋 不已M: A little bit, but my wife is much better than me. She can also play the violin.W: Really? I hope I can hear her play some day.M: Why not come to our house this weeke nd? We are going to have a party.W: I d love to.Questions 3 and 4 are

24、based on Conversation 2. You now have 10 seconds to read thequestions.Con versati on 2M: Oh, I wish that bus would come! My feet are freez ing!W: Have you bee n wait ing long?M: It feels like hours but I think I ve only been here ten minutes at most.W: That s long eno ugh in this win ter. This is aw

25、ful. I hate win ter.ve got atM: So do I. And this morning the sun was shining and they were predict ing light rain.W: I called the weather report at noon. Theypredict! nge)seilor two in ches but weleast three in ches already and my shoes are full of snow.M: Well, that s com mon. Remember yastr whe n

26、 they predicted four in ches of snow and we en ded up with four feet?W: Well, it s really bad. But I wasn t here last year.M: Oh. I wish I had a cup of coffee right now.W: That s okay. Oh, over there is a cafe .Questions 5 and 6 are based on Conversation 3. You now have 10 seconds to read thequestio

27、ns.这说明,在高尔夫球场上,短暂的领先并不代表最终的胜利;而一时的落后也不意味着全盘失败。只有凭借毅力,坚持到底,才有可能成为最后的赢家。这些磨练与考验使成长中的青少年受益匪浅。在种种历练之后,他们可以学会如何独立处理问题;如何调节情绪与心境,直面挫折,抵御压力;如何保持积极进取的心态去应对每一次挑战。往往有着超越年龄的成熟与自信,独立性和处理问题的能力都比较强。知识改变命运,学习成就未来与许多的竞技项目不同, 高尔夫与其说是一场与别人的对抗,更像是一次自己与 自己的较量,它需要足够的耐心和专注,锻炼一个人独 立思考的能力,培养一个人积极进取的心态。有人形容 高尔夫的18洞就好像人生,障碍重

28、重,坎坷不断。然而 一旦踏上了球场,你就必须集中注意力,独立面对比赛 中可能出现的各种困难,并且承担一切后果。也许,常 常还会遇到这样的情况:你刚刚还在为抓到一个小鸟球 而欢呼雀跃,下一刻大风就把小白球吹跑了;或者你才 在上一个洞吞了柏忌,下一个洞你就为抓了老鹰而兴奋 不已Con versati on 3M: Good morning. City Taxi.W: Good morning . Id like to book a taxi to the airport for Saturday morning, please.M: Where from?W: rm at Garden Hotel

29、 in Union Street . There will be three of us sharing . How much would it be?M: About sixty dollars.W: Sixty dollars? Each or between us?M: Thats all together . What time do you want to leave?W: Seven in the morning.M: Right . Well pick you up at your hotel at seven then . Thank you very much . Good

30、bye.Questions 7 , 8 and 9 are based on Conversation 4. You now have 15 seconds to read the questions.Con versati on 4M: Hi, EmmaW: Hi, Gary. Haven t seen you for ages. Any news?M: I m going to do a bus in ess course whe n I leave school.W: Are you? Very glad to hear it. Then what are you going to do

31、 when finish?M: Oh, I shall go back to Beiji ng to practice there.W: That s a good idea. You know there are more opport un ities for bus in ess there tha n in Han gzhou.And En glish is very useful in the job.M: Yes, I think it ll be very useful in many ways.W: Besides, Beiji ng is an intern ati onal

32、 trade cen tre. En glish is used almost everywhere.M: Then I ll be a promis ing bus in essma n there.知识改变命运,学习成就未来与许多的竞技项目不同, 高尔夫与其说是一场与别人的对抗,更像是一次自己与 自己的较量,它需要足够的耐心和专注,锻炼一个人独 立思考的能力,培养一个人积极进取的心态。有人形容 高尔夫的18洞就好像人生,障碍重重,坎坷不断。然而 一旦踏上了球场,你就必须集中注意力,独立面对比赛 中可能出现的各种困难,并且承担一切后果。也许,常 常还会遇到这样的情况:你刚刚还在为抓到一个小鸟

33、球 而欢呼雀跃,下一刻大风就把小白球吹跑了;或者你才 在上一个洞吞了柏忌,下一个洞你就为抓了老鹰而兴奋 不已Questions 10, 11 and 12 are based on Conversation 5. You now have 15 seconds to read the questions.Con versati on 5M: So, Claire, you re into drama!W: Yes, I have a master s degree in drama and theatre. At the moment, I m hoping to get onto aPhD

34、program.M: What excites you about drama?W: Well, I find it s a com muni cative way to study people and you lear n how to read people indrama. So usually I can un dersta nd what people are say ing eve n though they might be lying.M: That would be useful.W: Yeah, it s very useful for me as well. I m i

35、n English lecture, so use a lot of drama in my classessuch as role plays. And I ask my stude nts to create mi ni-dramas. They really resp ond well. At themome nt, I m hop ing to get on to a Ph.D course. I d like to concen trate on Asia n drama and try tobring Asian theatre to the world s attention.

36、I don t know how successful I would be, but, herehopi ng.M: Oh, I m sure you ll essmlccQuestions 13, 14 and 15 are based on Conversation 6. You now have 15 seconds to read the questions.Con versati on 6W: This food is terrible. I cant even finish my dinner.知识改变命运,学习成就未来与许多的竞技项目不同, 高尔夫与其说是一场与别人的对抗,更像

37、是一次自己与 自己的较量,它需要足够的耐心和专注,锻炼一个人独 立思考的能力,培养一个人积极进取的心态。有人形容 高尔夫的18洞就好像人生,障碍重重,坎坷不断。然而 一旦踏上了球场,你就必须集中注意力,独立面对比赛 中可能出现的各种困难,并且承担一切后果。也许,常 常还会遇到这样的情况:你刚刚还在为抓到一个小鸟球 而欢呼雀跃,下一刻大风就把小白球吹跑了;或者你才 在上一个洞吞了柏忌,下一个洞你就为抓了老鹰而兴奋 不已。M: I know. You think with all the money we pay for room and board, the university could h

38、ire abetter food service. Where are you headed n ext?W: rm going over to the stude nt cen ter to play some bridge.M: You are spe nding your time on a card game?W: Not just any card game. Its one of the most strategic.M: So Ive heard about it. Dont you play with a partner?W: Yeah. Four people play, t

39、wo aga inst the other two.M: So you try to play in cooperati on with your part ner.W: Actually, the cards of one of the four players are turned face up. That player is called the dummy.M: I would nt want to be called that. When you are the dummy what do you do while the cards are being played?W: Any

40、 thi ng you want. Sit there and study, get sn acks for every one. I like to sta nd beh ind my part ner and watch.M: You know, Ive heard that bridge is habit forming. You should be careful not to play so muchthat you dont get your study ing done.W: Dont worry about me. I only play Thursdays after din

41、ner, and sometimes when they need afourth player. If you like, I could teach you.M: Than ks. But I have a pretty heavy work this term. I already spe nd my evenings lear ning thi ngsI dont really know.SECTION BDirections: In this section, you lhear a mini-talk. Listen carefully and then fill in thenu

42、mbered blanks with the information you ve got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN3 WORDS.知识改变命运,学习成就未来与许多的竞技项目不同, 高尔夫与其说是一场与别人的对抗,更像是一次自己与 自己的较量,它需要足够的耐心和专注,锻炼一个人独 立思考的能力,培养一个人积极进取的心态。有人形容 高尔夫的18洞就好像人生,障碍重重,坎坷不断。然而 一旦踏上了球场,你就必须集中注意力,独立面对比赛 中可能出现的各种困难,并且承担一切后果。也许,常 常还会遇到这样的情况:你刚刚还在为抓到一个小鸟球 而欢呼雀跃,下一刻大风就把小白球吹跑了;或者你才 在上一个洞吞了柏忌,下一个洞你就为抓了老鹰而兴奋 不已You II hear the min-talk TWICEThe first step


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