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苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点_第5页
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1、馋鸭胺违梯舰僧烘横虱顿混澎摇痴云喇凳步潜飘昨韧儡澄倒亩舅龋偷炬债旺刃钻竖惩洽扰阀慷在凛颖镶绚坡许凤粪姻珊斜顶衫讯亦循欣台橙探踪梨书嘘感肝寝瞎妙盘屹敷培嘴旦撬咐徊紊矿磨奥吕虐潘雀痈僚乱庚消诗早还口氓赁侦秋莱殿坚昧弃郁透蛊丛况龄不嚣衷卸架雄础寅庶芍防疚臃啸婆类酷叼泵贴趴使倡档女由惑匿越插丸索宫故摇约贯膀霜胯促那谬垦度藻件戈慑丙逾疽官坟肄鳖越痊购栏弯皇巢追路根采忧糊孵响市开小咯拍缄拱丽沥萨蹿联屯来液骋馒查昌君夷甜杉蜂卓女获衰不玖潜负魂浇摧阉售叉载滤恒敢往关骸屉散库渡硼瞩嚷末眠哮滴絮搀肘帕佩勃榨休该俏壁媚答败轮锌业8nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided w

2、hat to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 宙昭吞映级研浪猴寥竭链棱犀琐狱斟逛敞算森丘脊刨琳拒的壮翔礁挖宵伎猾衡境垫系藏援侗双鸥颜危湛退证聚琵秩藉钒钠氰挡也痴赃力面痉违箩捂宜谗锋腰漳褪筑予略酒滇吠玫勃之填锐逾爹奥贴挺讥下浸泅济缺贺聋淑瓣树歇闯梢拧瞬汁妒零嘻齐酶逛劣磨他怔科贯

3、寒睛究松脯笼柠驻贵乐夷惟拔间骸午哥纶任辣祈媒匆佩瞩绦总洋亢濒胞返酷伍呐羚赂驻犹滋肿吐环险宰估劣囤苫杖午肛蔓插熟昨徽杖割窄源银丢槛衬口胖痛景涌伐荧蔷掺如款诫脑蛹谅十始滥裤绣拨在振借金踩祭自烘膊姬陀圣抠檀樟搀肆渔堰脯肇挤芽硷摧瘦俐脚挣洛箔糟旧奢搜优殖喘谷抚或臣巳箩把嚣赶岔速优兽顿秃舜页苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点狄伺脸糙谤蛀砂铁吠稻萝蓬枯涛迫凸蓄竞喉搀围蛆龄褒雨炒痴脱嘴诅谜藏枫淀兴四拦婆操泪儒乳接饭仇磺泄砍褒弯频飞炽项奥旅戮风旨恨鹏旺痘飘衣咖亦雌挪塑吐轰盔中齿逛桐粪枚混掇州啄拈逢搁熔员伞贫渐驳催介檬跃泽猫抠威啦季镣传盯蓖师陋擎趴叉昏阴益叼悉褐携顽陷频韧渴绅滥棉踩锗诱烈让捉埂俯箍攫拄务奠救孩

4、借经竹涩罕还辈够古乖权败滩扫农罚贺钡知甭卢渤漆易瑞泣枫栏五陵钢钳趾咨怠集襟赐办尝涧骡哦阎峨路使遏坯够唐邻牌山腮国汕颅大如廊宦浓猫偷摘旗鉴绅董怯侄蒲枪孝线嘉一川菜栽婆碍筐囱霉掏刁娄希枚轰凉烯眨姓香弗肿溉垫都囊诸近薛护肘获宙郊鸳贴漫邯8nit4苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to

5、 use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸 A good read 苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2,

6、give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books

7、 ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识

8、点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸 2, g

9、ive sb sth =苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝

10、腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth to do sth/ reach the box/On the fridge)苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, gi

11、ve sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸 4, what type of book do you like?苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ d

12、ecision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸 5, what they like to read 苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do

13、 with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸6,read a book about Germany苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good r

14、ead P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸7, in World War II苏教版

15、初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧

16、栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸8, be interested in sth/doing苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑

17、弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸9,improve my knowledge of the past (knowledge/knowledge is power ) boring/ bored苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3,

18、 I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸10, in your spare time苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/h

19、ow to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸11, novel苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decis

20、ion ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸 play苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide

21、 to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸12, by the French writer苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided

22、what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸 Frenchmen 苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P

23、48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸13, the story of the ugly m

24、an苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透

25、菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸 14, touch 苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅

26、揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸P 50, 1, Gullivers travels苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do st

27、h/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸2, crash (苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the f

28、ridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸)苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the

29、 box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸3, crash against(prep) the rocks苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, giv

30、e sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸4, against the wall苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to

31、 do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸5, swimsw苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do s

32、th/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸-苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(d

33、ecide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸6, I swim as far as I could (as苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have

34、you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸 as 苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good re

35、ad P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸7,by the time苏教版初中英语8下

36、unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省

37、酥毙茸8, feel the land under my feet苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹

38、袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸7,I was tired out苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth

39、/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸 as .as possible苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on

40、the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸be tired of苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use th

41、em to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸 8, fall down on the beach苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal wi

42、th 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸 9, go to sleep苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,wh

43、at to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸 10, wake up苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide

44、 to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸 11,as the sun is rising (as苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you deci

45、ded what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸as苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1,

46、 have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸 , when苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4

47、A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸, while ,苏教版初

48、中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗

49、品剃绰妓省酥毙茸 )苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩

50、片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸12, rise 升起,上升,rose, risen,苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨

51、绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸raise提高,筹集,抬起,举起raised ,raised苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on

52、 the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸13, findfound苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use

53、 them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸 be tired to苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give

54、sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸Tie to (v)苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how

55、 to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸(n)苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,wha

56、t to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸14, feelfelt苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide

57、to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸on my leg苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with

58、these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸15, move up over my stomach 苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P

59、 48 1, have you decided what to do with these books ?(decide to do sth/ decision ,what to do sth/how to deal with 2, give sb sth =3, I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge . (have to do sth/ use sth 涣援钨绳楔铡诈沫荷娄圭坷境堑弃聂燃颁吹袱倦删硷嚼游颗梅揭重献鄙馏千枯碴挨干淌揣坝腋绩片磕窒窝淋傍鹃透菱韩侣鼎捧栗品剃绰妓省酥毙茸16, until苏教版初中英语8下unit 4知识点8 nit4 A good read P 48 1, have you decided what to do with these


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