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1、文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.三. 选择合适的选项。(15 分)( ) 1. is it time _ lunch? yes, its time for us _ have lunch.a. to; to b. to; for c. for; for d. for; to( ) 2. does your brother like singing? yes, he does. he wants to be a _ like jay chou.a. dancer b. swimmer c. singer d. player( ) 3. i want to buy

2、a card with best _ for the teacher on teachers day. good idea. lets go and _ one.a. wish; buy b. wishes; to buyc. wishes; buy d. wish; to buy( ) 4. my cousin _ works hard and the teacher likes him. he is a good student.a. never b. sometimes c. often d. always( ) 5. who is that young woman? she is _

3、teacher. she teaches_ english.a. our; us b. us; our c. our; our d. us; us( ) 6. _ are in the same class. and we should help each other. a. you, i and he b. i, you and hec. you, he and i d. he, you and i( ) 7. _ simon _ home after school? _. he takes a bus every day.a. does; walks; no, he isnt b. is;

4、 walk; yes, he isc. does; walk; yes, he does d. does; walk; no, he doesnt( ) 8. _ tom at home? yes, he _ go to school today. a. does; doesnt b. does; isntc. is; isnt d. is; doesnt( ) 9. we will go to beijing next week. _.a. thank you b. you are welcomec. have a good time d. dont forget it( ) 10. the

5、se boys are _ football players. they all play football _.a. good; well b. good; goodc. well; good d. well; well( ) 11. toms father is talking _ the teacher _ toms en glish.a. with, with b. about, aboutc. with, about d. about, with( ) 12. there are two windows _ the wall. _ the wall there are p ictur

6、es.a. on; in b. in; on c. in; in d. on; on( ) 13. my cousin always _ to school.a. by bus b. by a bus c. take a bus d. takes a bus( ) 14. mike is really a polite boy.文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. yes. he _ “good morning” to me every day.a. speaks b. says c. talks d. tells( ) 15. when does your fir

7、st class begin?_7:30_the morninga. at; in b. in; at c. at; on d. on; at四. 完形填空。(10 分)a woman is going shopping. she is going 1 boat. the boat is going acr oss (穿过) the river. her basket is empty (空的). oh dear! look! her basket is in the 2 . “help!” she says. “look! my basket is in the river.”a boy s

8、ees the basket. he says, “dont worry! i can 3 it! im a ve ry good swimmer.” he takes off his shoes and shirt. “look 4 my shir t and shoes, please!” he says and then jumps into the river. a 5 see s the basket. “i can go by basket!” it thinks. it gets into the bas ket. the boy is 6 in the river. “wher

9、es the basket?” he asks. “i ts over there!” says the woman. “its behind you!” its 7 that duck! the boy gets to the basket. “go away!” he says to the duck. t he duck 8 out of the basket and swims away. the boy takes the basket to the land. “oh, thank you!” says the woman. “thank you very much!” “not

10、at all!” says the boy. “would you like to give me my shirt an d 9 ?”“yes, here you are. oh, whats in the basket? its the ducks 10 .” ( ) 1. a. on b. in c. by d. to( ) 2. a. water b. boat c. ship d. tree( ) 3. a. clean b. buy c. do d. get( ) 4. a. after b. at c. for d. like( ) 5. a. dog b. chicken c.

11、 duck d. monkey( ) 6. a. fishing b. swimming c. playing d. flying( ) 7. a. under b. beside c. on d. behind( ) 8. a. climbs b. comes c. jumps d. walks( ) 9. a. basket b. basketball c. shoes d. duck( ) 10. a. meat b. hair c. hand d. egg五. 阅读理解。(15 分)(a)mike is one of my best friends. he is thirteen ye

12、ars old. he comes fr om beijing. mike likes badminton(羽毛球) very much, and he often play s badminton after school. he is good at football, too. you can always see him on the football field. everyone says he is a good player. we go home together every day. sometimes, we play computer games at his home

13、. mike works hard at his lessons. i am not good at maths. he ofte n helps me with my lessons.( ) 1. mike comes from _.a. beijing b. nanjing c. shanghai d. tianjin( ) 2. mike is _ years old.文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.a. eleven b. twelve c. thirteen d. fourteen( ) 3. mike often plays _ after scho

14、ol.a. football c. badminton b. basketball d. table tennis( ) 4. mike and i _ together every day.a. do homework b. play football c. go home d. play computer games ( ) 5. i dont do well in _.a. chinese b. maths c. english d. art(b)let me tell you about my penfriend ivan. he is 12 years old. he likes p

15、laying football. he usually plays football with his friends at weeke nds.ivan lives with his father and mother in a city in france. they have a dream home with five rooms, a swimming pool and a garden. they ofte n have a party in the garden at weekends. they like to help their nei ghbours. his home

16、is not near his school, so ivan takes a bus for an hour and then walks for 10 minutes to school. there is a basketball c lub near his school. he likes playing basketball in the club.ivans father is a worker. he is busy. ivans mother is a doctor. s he is nice to the patients(病人). ivan wants to be a t

17、eacher when he grows up. i want to be a teacher, too. every month ivan writes two le tters to me. hell come to china next year. well meet happily then. ( ) 6. who does ivan usually play football with?a. his penfriend. b. his father.c. his mother. d. his friends.( ) 7. what are ivans hobbies?a. baske

18、tball and swimming b. football and basketball.c. football and swimming. d. reading and swimming.( ) 8. how often does ivan write to me?a.twice a month. b. twice a week.c. every day. d. every week.( ) 9. where does ivan live with his parents?a. americab. china c. france d. japan( ) 10. what does ivan

19、 want to be when he grows up?a. a teacher b. a doctor c. a worker d. a football player(c)zhang lin is a middle school student. he is a good boy. uncle wu liv es next to him. uncle wu has no child and cant see anything. he wo rks in the factory (工厂) near zhang lins school. he goes to work at 7:30 in

20、the morning and comes home at 4:30 in the afternoon. zhan g lin walks to school at 8:00 in the morning and comes home at the s ame time as uncle wu in the afternoon. on weekdays zhang lin gets upearly to take uncle wu to the factory. after school he takes him ho me. on sundays zhang lin helps uncle

21、wu clean the house and do some cooking. uncle wu thanks zhang lin very much. he says, “zhang lin i文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.s a good boy. he is like my son.”( ) 11. zhang lin gets up early to _.a. go to school b. runc. help uncle wu d. cook( ) 12. zhang lin doesnt take uncle wu to the factory

22、on _ _.a. weekdays b. sundaysc. monday d. weekends( ) 13. zhang lin helps uncle wu _.a. do the housework b. do homeworkc. go to school d. go to sleep( ) 14. school is over at _.a. 3:30 b. 4:30c. 5:00 d. 7:00( ) 15. which of the following is right?a. zhang lin likes uncle wus son.b. zhang lin is uncl

23、e wus son.c. zhang lin looks like uncle wus son.d. zhang lin is like uncle wus son.第二卷 非选择题(45 分)六. 词汇。(10 分)1. he likes _(生物)best because he likes studying animals. 2. how many chinese _ (英雄) are there in the history book? 3. who _ (其他) will go to the park with you?4. jim studies hard. we all hope

24、his dream will come _(真实 的).5. he is often late for school. he always has different _ (理由).6. a _(一刻钟) is fifteen minutes.7. my little brother has many _(hobby).8. both of the twins are in the _ (dance) club.9. he likes reading. he goes to the library _(two) a week. 10. our teacher often says, “_ (p

25、ractise) makes perfect(完 美的).”七. 动词填空。(10 分)1. we always have a good time _ (chat) with each other.2. one of my friends often _ (fly) kites on sunny days.3. each of the teachers in tianyi experimental school _ (ha ve) a computer now.4. would you please _ (come) to my party this sunday?5. thanks for

26、_ (help) me with my english.6. sandy has much time _ (do) her homework at weekends.7. _ (not be) late for school again, tom.8. it takes me three days _ (clean) the big house.文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.9. tom, with his friends, often _ (play) games in the park. 10. the good news(消息) makes jim _

27、(feel) happy.八. 句型转换。(5 分)th1. today is november 14. (划线提问)_ the _? 2. simon sometimes watches tv. (划线提 问)_ _ _ simon _tv ?3. is his name nick? (否定回答)no, _ _.4. my sister is in the swimming club. (同义句)my sister is a _ _ the swimming club.九. 完成句子。(10 分)1. kitty 喜欢穿粉色的衣服。kitty_ _ pink.2. 打排球很有趣。_ _is

28、fun.3. 让这位学生带领他们参观一下校园吧。let the student _ _ _ the school.4. 学校礼堂用来开会吗?are school _ _ _?5. 书籍可以帮助我们了解很多关于世界的知识。books can help us _ _ _ _ the world. 6. 你们经常进行课外活动吗?do you often _ _ _?7. 孩子们想要去野餐。children would like to _ _ _.十. 根据首字母填空。(5 分)peter is a teacher in a middle school in shanghai. he t 1 engl

29、ish. heis f 2 america. his parents arent in china. they are i 3 america. shanghai is very nice and peter likes it very m 4 . his school is a 5very nice. the teachers and students in his school are r 6 good. on sundays peter often g 7 to the park with his friends. he can s 8 chin ese well. and he often t 9 with chinese. he e 10 his life in china. 十一. 书面表达。(5 分)写一篇你的朋友 tom 的作文介绍给你的同学,要求:将下面要点写完整,并自己补充 1-2 句1. 我的朋友名叫 tom, 他住在无锡。


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