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1、LSAT考试全真试题五 SECTI0N2LSAT考试全真试题五SECTION2LSAT考试全真试题五 SECTION2section iitime 35 mi nutes25 questi onsquesti ons: the questi ons in this secti on are based on the reas oning contained in brief stateme nts or passages. for some questionsmore than one of the choices could conceivablyanswer the question.ho

2、wever, you are to choose the bestanswer that is the responsethat most accurately andcompletely an swers the questi should not makeassumpti ons that are by com monsense sta ndards implausible, superfluous, or in compatible with the passage, after you have chose n the best an swer, blacke n the

3、 corresp onding space on your an swer sheet.1. the basic ingredients from which cement is made are both cheap and pie ntiful. materials as com mon as limest oneand claywilldo.n evertheless. the price ofceme nt isin flue needbytheprice of oil,because tur ning the basicin gredie nts in to ceme nt in h

4、igh-temmerature kil nsuse largeamounts of en ergy.which one of the followi ng can be logically in ferred fromthe passage?(a) oil is one of the basic in gredie nts that make up ceme nt(b) oil is a source of en ergy for some of the kil ns used inthe maki ng of ceme nt(c) the higher the price of cement

5、 rises, the higher the price of clay rises(d) whe never oil prices rise ceme nt prices drop(e) a give n amount of ceme nt costs no more tha n the totalcost of its basic in gredie nts2. many people do not understandthemselves, nor dothey try to gain self- un dersta ndi ng these people might try to un

6、 dersta nd others, but these attempts are sure to fail, because withoutself-understandingit is impossible to understand others. it is clear from this that anyone who lacks self- un dersta ndi ng will be in capable of un dersta nding others.the reasoningin the argument is flawed because theargume nt(

7、a) mistakes somethi ng that is n ecessary to bring about a situatio n for somethi ng that in itself is eno ugh to bring about that situati on(b) fails to take in to acco unt the possibility that not every one wants to gain a thorough un dersta nding of himselfor herself(c) blamespeoplefor something

8、for which theycannotlegitimately be held resp on sible(d) makes use of the in here ntlyvague termself- un dersta nding without defi ning that term(e) draws a con clusi on that simply restates a claim give n in support of that con clusi onquestio ns 3-4wife: the work of the artist who pain ted the po

9、rtrait of mygran dpare nts 50 years ago has become quite popular lately, sothe portrait has recently become valuable. but since these sorts of artistic fads fade rapidly, the practical thing to do would be to sell the portrait while it is still worth somethi ng, and thereby en able our daughter to a

10、tte nd the college she has chosen.husband: how could you make such a suggestion?thatpaintingis the only thing you own that belongedto yourgran dpare nts. i don t thi nk it s a very good pain ti ng, but it has great sen time ntal value. besides, you owe it to our daughter to keep it in the family as

11、a link to her family s past3. which one of the followingprinciples, if established,does most to justify the husba nd s reply?(a) gifts offered as sen time ntal toke ns of affecti on shouldnot be accepted if the recipie nt intends to sell them later for profit(b) a beautifulwork of art is more valuab

12、le than themoney it could be sold for, whatever the amount(c) it is more important for parents to provide their children with tangible links to the family s past than it is to en able them to atte nd the college of their choice.(d) children and grandchildrenhave a duty to preservefamily heirlooms on

13、ly if they have promised their pare nts orgran dpare nts that they would do so.(e) providing one s children with an education is more important than providing them with material goods, even if the goods have sen time ntal value.4. the husba nd uses which one of the follow ing argume ntative tech niq

14、 uesin replyi ng to the wifessuggestio n?(a) taki ng issue with the practicality of her suggesti on(b) questi oning her aesthetie judgme nt(c) claiming that the reasons she gives are based on emoti ons rather tha n on rati onal con sideratio ns(d) assert ing that the evide nee she cites in support o

15、f her suggestio n is false(e) invoking a competi ng obligati on that he judges to override her practical con siderati ons5. questions have arisen regardingthe accuracy of thereports the university s archaeological museum issues on its sales and acquisiti ons for the year. to forestall con troversy,

16、this year s report is being reviewed by three archaeologists from other uni versities. since these archaeologists will be give n full access to all docume nts on which the report is based, they will be able to determ ine whether it is in deed accurate.the reasoning in the argument is flawed because

17、the argume nt(a) does not specify whether the reviewers will have accessto data about objects that have been in the museum s collecti on for many years(b) provides no in formatio n regard ing the size or quality of the archaeological museum s collecti on(c) omits any men ti on of whether the museum

18、s collectio nis on display or is available only to researchers(d) omits any men ti on of whether the museum s collectio nis on display or is available only to researchers(e) does not describe what will occur if the reviewers discover discrepa ncies betwee n the report and the docume ntson which it w

19、as based6. engineer: some people argue that the world s energy problems could be solved by mining the moon for helium-3, which could be used for fuel in fusion reactors. but this is nonsense.even if it were possible to mine the moon forhelium-3,the tech no logyn eeded to build viable fusi onreactors that could use such fuel is at least 50 years away. if the world s en ergy pr


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