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1、Miss Qiu play football play basketballplay the piano play table tennis sing swim 情态动词本身有一定的 词义,表示说话人的情绪, 态度或语气。 can是情态动词,表示 “能,会”。 一.翻译下列词组,并用这些词组和情态 动词can口头造句 倒垃圾_ 做饭_ 浇花_打扫卧室_ 铺床_ 摆饭桌_ 洗衣服_ 画画_ 洗碗碟_ 玩电脑游戏_ empty the trashcook the meals water the flowers clean the bedroom make the bed set the table

2、 wash the clothesdraw pictures do the dishes play computer games 二、翻译下列句子。 1.我能扫地。 2.你能做饭。 3.他能浇花。 4.她能唱歌。 5.我们能檫窗户。 We can sweep the floor. You can cook the meals. He can water the flowers. She can sing a song. We can clean the windows. swim nShe can sing. nHe can swim. . nShe can not sing. nHe can

3、 not swim. 一、Say what the people in the picture can do. (根据图片写出句子) 含情态动词can的否定 句,直接在情态动词can 后加not,成为can not,缩写 为cant。 二、把下列句子变为否定句。 n1、Lingling can play the guitar. n2、He can speak Chinese. n3、Lingling and Daming can play the piano. n4、My father can play table tennis. n5、She can swim. cant cant cant

4、 cant cant 含情态动词 can的一般疑问 句,直接将can提至句首,回 答的主语和问句的主语要一 致。 情态动词can没有人称和数 的变化,即表达“某人会(不 会)做某事”用“can(cant)+ 动词原形”。 三、把下列句子变为一般疑问句并三、把下列句子变为一般疑问句并 作肯定和否定回答。作肯定和否定回答。 n1、Lingling can swim. n2、I can speak Chinese. Can Lingling swim? Yes,she can. / No,she cant. Can you speak Chinese? Yes,I can. / No,I cant.

5、 n3、Lingling and Daming can play the piano. n4、My father can play table tennis. Can Lingling and Daming play the piano? Yes,they can. / No,they cant . Can your father play table tennis? Yes,he can. / No,he cant . 5.Our classmates can go hiking on Sunday. Can our classmates go hiking on Sunday? Yes,

6、we can. No, we cant. 6.含情态动词含情态动词 can的特殊疑问句的特殊疑问句 句子结构是:疑问词句子结构是:疑问词 + can + 主语主语 + 动词原形或动词短语?动词原形或动词短语? 回答的主语和问句的主语要一致。回答的主语和问句的主语要一致。 My mother can cook the meal.(根据划线部分提问根据划线部分提问 ) What can your mother do? 四、根据划线部分提问。 1、Lingling can swim. 2、I can speak Chinese. What can Lingling do? What can I sp

7、eak? 3.Lingling and Daming can play the piano. 4.My father can play table tennis in the gym. 5. Our classmates can go hiking on Sunday. Who can play the piano? Where can my father play table tennis? When can our classmates go hiking? 四、Listen to the tape,and then fill in the blanks. Betty : Lingling

8、 , _you play _? Lingling : Yes ,I_.I can _football and I can play chess. But I_ play_. Betty : _you play _? Lingling : No, I cant . _I can_. can canplay cant basketball Canchess Butswim football 1、贝蒂会说英语,但她不会说中文。 Betty _ _ English,_she_ speak Chinese. 2、你的朋友会跳舞吗?会。 _ your friends _ ? Yes , _ can. 3、

9、那个女孩不会打网球。 The girl _ _ tennis. 4、托尼会游泳吗?不会。 _ Tony _ ? No , he _. 5、他们会弹钢琴。 They _ _ the _. canspeak butcant Candancethey cant play Can swimcant canplaypiano 1、Can you play _piano? A、a B、an C、the 2、Can you dance? Yes, I _. A、do B、can C、 cant 3、Can he speak English? No,he _ A、can B、 cant C、does 4、I

10、_ play chess ,but I _play the trumpet. A、can , can B、 cant , cant C、can, cant 5、She can _basketball . A、play B、playing C、plays A C B B C 五根据答语写问句 v_ vYes, I am very helpful at home. I do a lot of housework. v_ vI can empty the trash and clean the windows. v_ vYes, Peter can cook very good meals. Are

11、 you helpful at home? What can you do ? Can Peter cook very good meals ? _? My favourite food is fish. _? Today is Thursday. Whats your favourite food? What day is it today? Menu For Monday Break- fast milk coffee tea orange juice bread noodles egg Lunch tomato soup potato & beef soup eggplant cabba

12、ge chicken fish pork rice noodles Dinner beef soup egg soup mutton chicken potato green beans sausage fish rice noodles l1.This is the menu for _. lA. Sunday B. Monday C. Friday l2. What soup is not on the menu? lA. Tomato B. Beef. C. Fish. l3. We can have _ for lunch and dinner. lA. Sausage B. Beans. C. Fish. l4. We cant have _for breakfast. lA. Pork. B. Tea. C. Egg. l5. What can we all have for three meals? lA. Rice. B. Noodles. C. Egg. B B C A B 五、Speaking 1、Say what you can


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