



1、樊城区 _学校八年级英语学科导学案课题:Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.Section A(1a-2d)主备人: 章东方课型:听说课课时: 2 课时(第 1 课时导学、独学、互学、小展示;第2 课时大展示、评学)学习目标 :1. 熟练掌握词汇和短语: shoot, stone, weak, god, remind, bit, silly, move the mountains, a little bit, instead of, give up2. 学会表达故事中的人物或情节,并发表一些简单的看法或观点。3. 学习愚公移山的精神,不畏

2、艰险,勇敢面对。重、难点 :学会表达故事中的人物或情节,并发表一些简单的看法或观点。独学准备 :1. 认读词汇表的生词,完成随堂笔记一 ;2.再读。利用教材或工具书查看生词的读音和真正含义,完成随堂笔记二;激情激趣独立思考导入目标个体探究导学引航独学指导目的、方法、时间内容、学法、时间Step 1:Lead inStep 2:Before listening(自主学习,整体感知)随堂笔记一:根据汉语默写下列单词和短语: .播放动画片愚1.射击 _(过去式) _ 2. 石头 _公移山的视频,3.虚弱的 _ 4.神, 上帝 _导入本单元的主5.提醒,使想起 _6. 一点,小块 _题。7.愚蠢的 _

3、8.有点儿;稍微 _T:What s the name of9.代替;反而 _ 10. 继续做 _the story?11.同意某人 _12.带走,拿走 _S:It s Yu Gong moves2.观察图片,讲述这些中国古典故事,并试着把a mountain.这些故事翻译成英文。随堂笔记二:T:Do you know other1.后羿射日 _traditionalChinese2.西游记 _stories?3.女娲补天 _S1:.4.愚公移山 _S2:.3. 将 1a 中的句子与图片搭配起来。看看谁翻译S3:.的最好。Step 3:While listening ( 知识目标学习 )1.熟

4、悉 1b,并进行听力训练。分享交流合作探究互动策略内容、形式、时间对学1.对子检查独学完成情况。2.1c Work in pairs. 根据 1c的答案复述 1b 的听力内容。群学1. 组内交流、讨论完成 1b,2a , 2b,并把讨论结果展示在小黑板上。2. 组内互听互查纠正发音。展示提升启发探究展示方案内容、方式、时间方案一:自我展示展示 1c 对话建议:先组内小展, 根据展示意愿选取两组进行展示。方案二:认真倾听展示 2d 对话。建议:根据表达观点的重点句型经行 2d 的对法训练。随堂笔记重点摘记成果记录规律总结随堂笔记一:新学会的生词或短语_我的收获:2.给出听力材料,完成听力内容。然

5、后完成1b。3. 组长检查随堂笔记完成_Once upon a time, there were two _ near oldmans house. They were so _ and big that ittook them a long time _ to the other side. So theold man told his familyto help him_ themountains. Although his wife didn t think he could do that, they all started_ the next day. They putall the

6、 earth and _from the mountains into thesea because it is big enough _ everything.情况。4. Activity : 选择你所喜欢的中国古代故事, 和同伴探讨并试着用英文来进行讲述。完成 2c。预展:你也可以就自己的观点进行阐述。方案三:我是故事家选 择你所喜欢的中国古代故事,和同伴探讨并试着用英文_3.展示。根据 1b 的听力材料,回答 1c 中的问题, 针对展示方案 , 组内积极思考 , 然后试着复述愚公移山的故事。全员参与展示设计展示方式。4.进行 2a,2b 的听力准备和训练。5.结合 2c 练习和 2a,2

7、b 的听力素材, 进行 2d 对来进行讲述。_话表演。Step 4:After listening ( 知识归纳 )关于故事, 传说的若干要素:时间,地点, 人物,起因,经过和结果。这些要素都可以通过who, what, when,where, why, how 等疑问词来引出。1.When and where did the story happen?(时间和地点)2.Who is the main character? (人物)3.How does the story begin? (起因)4.What happened? Why did that happen?(经过)5.What is

8、 the end of the story? (结果)故事开头的集中描述:once upon a time, long long ago, one day故事结尾:概括主要内容,阐述道理,感受,评价 当堂测评分层达标基础落实I. 根据首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整通顺。1.Ye Shiwen won two g _ medals in the 2012 London Olympics.2. U_ you get up early, you will get there on time. 3.The house is made of w_.4.The music often r_ me of m

9、y brother.5.Look! The moon is s_ brightly.II. 用所给词的适当形式填空1.He tried _ (climb) the mountain, but he failed.2.Yu Gong kept _ (try) and didnt _ (give) up.3.But what could Yu Gong do instead of _ (move) the mountains.4.Do you find a good way _ (solve) the problem?5.My mother always tells me not to give

10、up _ (work) hard.发展能力III. 单项选择() 1. Once upon a time, an old man tried _ the mountains.A not moveB not to moveC movingD to move() 2. Zhang Lan is ill. Let me go to the meeting instead _.A of sheB of herC off sheD off her() 3. When I walked past the park, I saw some old people _ Chinese Taiji.A doB d

11、idC doingD are doing() 4. I ll phone you as soon as I _.A get to homeB got to homeC get homeD got home() 5. You can t cross the street now. You have to wait _ the traffic lights turn green.VI.A whenB afterC untilD while翻译句子1 他们把山上所有的土和石头放到哪里。Where would they _ _ and stone _ the mountains?2 我认为那有点傻。I

12、 think it s _ silly.3 你们对这个故事有不同的观点,你们俩都没错。You have different opinions about the story, and _ _wrong.4 移山好像是不可能的。It doesn t _ very _ to move a mountain.5 愚公不断地尝试,不放弃。Yu Gong _ _ and didn t _.6 但是愚公不移山又能怎么做呢?But what could Yu Gong do _ moving the mountains?提升素养试着阅读以下一则寓言 ,找出故事的若干因素AesopOnce upon a ti

13、me in Greece there lived a clever man. His name was Aesop. One day, when Aesop was taking a walk in the country, a man on the road stopped him. He said “ kind sir, can you tell me how soon I can get to town?” Go,” Aesop answered.“ Of course I know I must go,” said the man,” But I want to know how soon I can get to town.” “Go,” Aesop shouted to him again.The man got angry.” He must be mad,” he thought. And he walked away. Suddenly he heard Aesop shouting at him,” You wi


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