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1、表9东北师范大学本科课堂教学实习教案 本次实习第 五 个教案学院:外国语学院专业:英语(师范)姓名:白文锦年级:08院系指导教师签字:实习校指导教师签字:原任课教师签字:实习学校:抚松外国语实习班级:七年级一班实习科目:初中英语实习时间: 2011年 10月 12日(星期三 )第 1、2、3节教学题目(章、节) Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Section B 3a-41 / 13教材名称:_义务教育课程标准实验教科书 第 一 册 五 章 出版社名称: 人民教育出版社 教学目的:Language knowledge: A: new words: has,

2、great, collection, but, only, them, every, day. B: expressions: have a great sports collection; play sports; watch sth on TV C: sentence structure: Sb has a great sports collection.Language skills: A: Learn to write articles to introduce ones collection. B: Use the word “but” to show disagreement. A

3、ffection: A: learn to cooperate with others by discussing and acting with others; B: Setting some tasks to help the students realize that learning English is interesting and useful. C: Tell them some interesting collections in the word to inspire them. Cultural awareness: Collections of people from

4、other countries.Learning strategies: Group work to discuss and act out. Recite according to the given words. Read for gist and read for details.教学重点:1, Learn to talk about collections.2, Learn to use “but” to show disagreement.3, Talk about ownership.教学难点:1, Learn to talk about collections.2, Learn

5、to use “but” to show disagreement.课时安排:45ms教学手段:PPT and blackboard教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程备注Step 1 Review. A, Dictation of the words learned in last class.B, Check on the reciting of the listening text.Step 2 Lead-inA, Show some interesting collections to lead in 3a. T: Hi, guys! What do you think is inter

6、esting?-收集东西其实也是很有趣的,你们知道收藏用英语应该怎么说吗?-collection.那么要说一件什么东西的收藏应该怎么说?-对。a _ collection 或者是a collection of_.( point out the different forms of the nouns here and set an example: a volleyball collection= a collection of volleyballs.)下面老师要将你们带入一个神奇的世界,一起来看看世界上各种有趣的收藏。(showing pictures of four interestin

7、g collections and let the students practice the use of the exprseeion “a _ collection/ a collection of_ ).B, 3a. Reading T:There is a man called Ed Smith. Smith 先生也是一个书藏爱好者。咱们一起来快速地读一下3a这篇文章, 回答下面的三个问题: 1,What sports collection does Mr Smith have? 2, Does he play sports?教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程备注 3, What d

8、oes he do? 咱们一起来看一下这几个问题。(ask some students to read and translate the three questions) 现在请大家仔细阅读,读完后小组同学之间配合,找出这三个的答案。 S: give the answer. Teacher explain the language points when the students give the answer. 1, have & has Ask students to translate sentences to practice the use of them. 我有一支钢笔。 你没有

9、一个篮球。 他们有两个足球吗? 她有一个网球。 她没有一个网球拍。 她有一个背包吗? 2,play sports 做运动。eg: 他想进行运动。 他想进行运动吗? 他不想进行体育运动。 Play +球类,打球。eg: 打篮球,打排球,打网球,打电子游戏 3,but. 表示转折。eg: 他爱运动,但他不是每天都运动。 4,only. 只,仅仅。eg: 他只想踢足球。他只有一个篮球。 他只有一个篮球吗?(emphasize the position of only in different kind of sentences.) 5, them. 复习宾格.教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程备注

10、人称单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称第二人称第三人称 6,watch sth on TV. 在电视上看 Read the text together. Then ask the students to recite according to the picture.Step 3, 3b. T:咱们的书上还有一位女收藏爱好者,Her name is Sonia Hall. 现在咱们一起来看一下3b 中她的照片。大家在图中能看到什么? S:- T:好,大家一起来把这篇文章读一遍。 Then ask students of one line to translate the sentences. R

11、ecite according to the picture.Step 4, 3c. 看了上面的两位收藏爱好者,现在请大家仿照上面的文章,写一段 话,谈谈你拥有的体育用品。 Check by asking students to read their article. Ask another students to recite the students article.(练习三单)Step 5, Homework.教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程备注 Ask the students to write an article about the collections of him/ Her and the collections of his/her friend. It should include what collection he/ she has and where these things are.试讲评议纪录自我总


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