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1、从言语行为理论的角度来看哈姆雷特中的言语反讽 学校代号10524学 号 12009564 分 类 号 密 级硕士学位论文从言语行为理论的角度来看 哈姆雷特 中的言语反讽 An Analysis of Verbal Irony in Hamlet ?from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory 学位申请人姓名黎明培 养 单 位 中南民 族大学导师姓名及职称罗虹 ( 教授)学 科 专 业 外国语 言学及应用语言学研 究 方 向 英语教 育 论文提交日 期 2012 年 5 月学校代号:10524 学 号:12009564 密 级: 中南民族大学硕士学位论文从言

2、语行为理论的角度来看 哈姆雷特 中的言语反讽学位申请人姓名:黎明导师姓名及职称:罗虹培养单 位: 中南民族大学 专业名 称:外国 语言学及应用语言学论文提交日 期: 2012 年 5 月 论 文 答 辩 日 期 : 2012 年 5 月 28 日答辩委员会主席:张强An Analysis of Verbal Irony in Hamlet ?from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory A ThesisSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Master o

3、f Arts in Foreign Linguistics and Applied LinguisticsEnglish EducationBy Li Ming Postgraduate Program College of Foreign Languages South-Central University for NationalitiesSupervisor: Luo HongAcademic Title: ProfessorSignature:Approved 中南民族大学 学位论文原创性声明 本 人 郑 重 声 明 : 所 呈 交 的 论 文 是 本 人 在 导 师 的 指 导 下

4、独 立 进 行 研 究 所取得的研究 成果。 除 了文中特 别加以标 注引用的 内容外, 本论文不 包含任 何 其他个人或 集体已经 发表或撰 写的成果 作品。 对本 文的研究 做出重要 贡献的 个人和集体 , 均已在 文中以明 确方式标 明。 本人 完全意识 到本声明 的法律 后 果由本人承 担。作者签名 :日期:年 月 日学位论文版权使用授权书 本 学 位 论 文 作 者 完 全 了 解 学 校 有 关 保 留 、 使 用 学 位 论 文 的 规 定 , 同 意学校保留并 向国家有 关部门或 机构送交 论文的复 印件和电 子版, 允许 论文被 查阅和借阅 。 本人授权 中南民族 大学可以

5、将本学位 论文的全 部或部分 内容编 入有关数据 库进行检 索, 可以 采用影印 、 缩印或 扫描等复 制手段保 存和汇 编 本学位论文 。 本学位论 文属于 1 、保 密 ,在_ 年解 密后 适用本授 权书。 2 、不 保密 。 (请在以 上相应方 框内打“ ” )作者签名 : 日期:年 月 日 导师签名 : 日期:年 月 日AcknowledgementsIn the course of writing the paper, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all those who have given more help

6、for meFirst and foremost, I would like to express to my professor Luo Hong , who is strict to me in the course of studying and also encourages me when in need. She also spent considerable time in reading and revising my drafts patiently and conscientiouslyAnd also, I would acknowledge to all the tea

7、chers in the school of Foreign Languages, South Central University for Nationalities. They are professors Zhang Liyu, Yuan Xuefen, Xu Ju, Huang Chongzhen, and Zhan Limin. I have studied much of professional knowledge from them, which lays a good foundation for my paper. I would like to express my gr

8、atitude to my friends Xu Yu, Wang Ting and Wang Xueying, who have given me the most help and valuable adviceAt last, I would like to express my gratitude to my family who has given me a lot of help in spiritual and also material aspects. Especially my father who is a kind-hearted man encourages me i

9、n studying and also in my life and affects me in my lifestyle. Also my boyfriend Yuan Liang, given me a lot of help, accompanies me in my lonely time and stipulates me in my studying and looking for the job 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 摘 要 回 顾 英 国 文 学 历 史 , 莎 士 比 亚 的 戏 剧 堪 称 一 大 奇 葩 。 莎 士 比 亚 戏 剧 在 英 国 文学 史 上 占 用 极

10、 其 重 要 的 一 页 , 而 哈 姆 雷 特 是 莎 士 比 亚 的 著 名 悲 剧 之 一 , 并 且是 他 最 负 盛 名 的 剧 本 。 纵 观 莎 翁 的 历 代 大 作 , 反 讽 手 法 被 他 运 用 的 巧 夺 天 工 , 语言 临 摹 的 惟 妙 惟 肖 , 以 至 于 古 代 批 评 家 们 都 给 予 了 高 度 关 注 , 在 当 今 社 会 仍 是 文学批判者和读者的焦点。 长达 2000 多年的发展, 使反讽这一语言手法逐渐发展成一个涵盖多 领域,多韵 意的专业术 语. 18 世纪在欧洲飞 速发展,被 文学家们广 泛运 用 到 其 作 品 中 。 莎 士 比 亚

11、 的 文 学 作 品 中 也 广 泛 运 用 到 该 理 论 , 使 其 作 品 更 富 有耐人寻味的韵味,青睐了无数读者和学者。 随 着 语 用 学 的 发 展 , 更 多 的 语 用 学 理 论 被 运 用 到 文 学 批 评 中 , 使 文 学 和 语 言学更好的结合。本文以 Austin 和 Searle 的 言语行为理论为框架,详细阐述了反讽与 言 语 行 为 理 论 之 间 的 关 联 , 分 析 研 究 了 莎 翁 经 典 著 作 之 一 哈 姆 雷 特 中 的 言语 反 讽 , 深 化 我 们 对 这 部 戏 剧 的 理 解 , 达 到 读 者 与 作 者 心 灵 的 交 流

12、。 本 文 从 哈姆 雷 特 中 摘 选 了 言 语 反 讽 相 关 例 证 , 从 宏 观 和 微 观 的 角 度 对 其 例 证 进 行 了 相 应的 剖 析 , 让 读 者 从 更 深 沉 的 角 度 去 理 解 语 言 韵 意 。 同 时 也 得 以 论 证 了 在 各 种 文 学材 料 中 , 不 管 是 小 说 , 诗 歌 , 戏 剧 , 反 讽 这 一 语 言 手 法 在 分 析 语 料 时 也 是 具 有 它相 应 的 作 用 的 , 在 实 际 分 析 研 究 中 也 是 行 的 通 的 。 更 加 有 助 于 文 学 批 判 者 去 大 量运用。由 于 时 间 所 限 ,

13、同 时 由 于 相 关 的 语 料 库 有 限 , 本 文 只 从 言 语 行 为 理 论 的 角 度下去看待戏剧中人物话语的反讽,如果从更深层次的角度逐步展开讨论,则一定使得该语言手法更具有说服力和研究性。 关键词 : 言语行为 理论 反讽 莎士 比亚 哈姆雷特 An Analysis of Verbal Irony in Hamlet?from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory Abstract Tracing back to the history of English literature, the drama of Shakespeare is

14、 regarded as the classical opus in the whole world. Shakespeares drama plays an essential role in the English literature. And Hamlet is one of his well?known tragedies and also the most celebrated art. Viewing Shakespeares popular works, the technique of irony is distinct used, the language of the w

15、orks are vividly drawn by his handTherefore, the critics of the classical times pay more attention on it, in nowadays the critics and readers are all focused on their eyesight in his worksMore than 2000 years development, the technique of irony is gradually developed thmore scopes and connotations o

16、f the technical terms. In 18 century, the irony was developed swiftly in European; it was widely used in the literature by the writers. In the works of Shakespeare, there are many techniques of irony using which is abundant for the works and the language, attracting more readers and scholars With th

17、e development of the pragmatics, more pragmatic theory is implicated in the criticism of literature, which leads the combination of the literature and the linguistics. The paper, based on the structure of Austin and Searles Speech Act Theory, elaborates the relations between the irony and the speech

18、 act theory and analyze the irony utterance in Shakespeares outstanding Hamlet, which is good for our readers understanding and spiritual communication. The paper extracts some certain irony examples from the Hamlet, from the micro and macro speech act illustrating the cases, benefiting the readers

19、to catch the connotation of the play. At the same time, no matter what different kinds of literatures, the novel, poem, play, the technique of irony can be used to analyze the works. In practice, the irony also can be used for critics utilizingDue to the limitation of the time and lacking relevant l

20、anguage database, the paper only analyzes the irony utterance of the character of the plot in terms of the speech actIf the paper carries on debating in the deep angles, it will lead the technique being more powerful and researchingKey words: The Speech ActIronyShakespeare Hamlet中南民族大学硕士学位论文 Content

21、s 摘 要I Abstract II Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 William Shakespeare and Hamlet. 1 1.2The Significance and Purpose of the Study1 1.3The Organization of the Thesis 2 Chapter 2 Literature Review 3 2.1 Pragmatic Approach on Irony. 3 2.2 Semantic Approach on Irony4 2.3 Cognitive Approaches on Irony. 7 Ch

22、apter 3 Theoretical Framework9 3.1 The Definition of Speech Act Theory. 9 3.2 The Definition of Irony classification12 3.3 The Relationship between SAT and Irony. 15 Chapter 4 Macro Ironic Speech Acts in Hamlet. 18 4.1 Dramatic Irony. 18 4.2Situational Irony21 Chapter 5 Micro Ironic Speech Acts in H

23、amlet23 5.1 Assertive Irony. 23 5.2 Directive Irony. 26 5.3 Commissives. 27An Analysis of Verbal Irony in Hamlet?from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory 5.4 Expressives 28 Chapter 6 Conclusion. 30 Bibliography. 32 附录 A 在 读 期 间 发 表的 学 术 论 文与 研 究 成 果 36中南民族大学硕士学位论文 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 William

24、 Shakespeare and Hamlet William Shakespeare is the greatest of all Elizabethan dramatists. Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear is Shakespeares most important tragedies among all plays. Indeed, Hamlet is certainly regarded as one of Shakespeares most well-known tragediesHamlet is regarded as Shakespe

25、ares longest play among the most powerful and influential tragedies in the English language, with a story capable of seemingly endless retelling and adaptation by others. The play was one of Shakespeares most popular works during his lifetime and still ranks among his most performed, topping the Roy

26、al Shakespeare Companys performance list since 1879. It has inspired writers from Goethe and Dickens to Joyce and Murdoch, and has been described as the worlds most filmed story after Cinderella. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge prince Hamlet exacts on his uncle Claudiu

27、s for murdering King Hamlet. Claudius is the old kings younger brother, succeeding to the throne and taking as his wife Gertrude. The play vividly portrays both true and feigned madness from overwhelming grief to seething rage, and explores themes of treachery, revenge, incest, and moral corruption1

28、.2The Significance and Purpose of the Study This paper extracts some examples from Shakespeares famous play Hamlet to analyze the irony under the Speech Act Theory. In this way, not only can Hamlets ironic language be enriched, but it also facilitates us to understand its ironic topic deeply and tho

29、roughlyThe structure of play and depth of characterization have inspired much critical scrutiny, of which one example is the centuries-old debate about Hamlets hesitation to kill his uncle. Some see it as a plot device to prolong the action, and others see it as the result of pressure exerted by the

30、 complex philosophical and ethical issues that surround cold-blooded murder, calculated revenge and thwarted desire. More recently, psychoanalytic critics have examined Hamlets unconscious desires, and feminist critics1 An Analysis of Verbal Irony in Hamlet?from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory

31、have re-evaluated and rehabilitated the often maligned characters of Ophelia and GertrudeIn the play, whereas, Hamlet has no other choice to express his inner world only using the way of utterances and also the ironic utterance to expose his inner feelings and actions. In the thesis, our intention i

32、s to research the characters utterance in terms of the irony, illustrating the relation between speech act theory and the irony, convincing that the application of the theory of speech act theory in literary criticismThe technique of irony has been used in many different kinds of literature from poe

33、ms to plays. William Shakespeare also vividly uses the device of irony in his relevant literatures; in which draws the attention of the critics and readers from the renaissance to nowadaysIn the thesis, according to the relevant examples about the utterance, we analysis the deep meanings and accompl

34、ish the interaction between the literature and the linguistic1.3The Organization of the Thesis Based on Austin and Searles speech act theory 、verbal irony 、 dramatic irony and situational irony, the paper will analyze the irony in Hamlet form both macro and micro perspectivesAmong the whole structur

35、e of the paper, there are six parts: in Chapter 1, we give the relevant introduction about William Shakespeare, Hamlet, and the purpose of the study as well as the organization of the thesis. In Chapter 2 is mainly about the literature review concerning about the linguistic account of irony in terms

36、 of pragmatic approach, semantic approach and cognitive approach to analysis the development of the irony in different times. In Chapter 3 we present Austin and Searles Speech Act Theory, the definition of Irony and the relationship between SAT and Irony. In Chapter 4, from the Macro Ironic Speech A

37、cts: dramatic irony and situational irony, we analysis the relevant examples to exploit the application of irony in Hamlet. In Chapter5, using the Micro Ironic Speech Acts: assertive irony, directive irony, co missive irony and expressive irony, we illustrate the application of irony in the play and

38、 convincing the possibility of irony application in literature. In the last Chapter 6 is also the conclusion ranging the limitation and also the creation in the paper2 中南民族大学硕士学位论文Chapter 2 Literature Review Irony, as we know it, is mostly a language phenomenon, though it has its role in other media

39、 like photography, music or in art. Instances of irony have been described variously as verbal irony and situational irony. In this chapter, we focus on three aspects: the pragmatic approaches, the semantic approaches, the cognitive approaches2.1 Pragmatic Approach on Irony Grice 1967/1989 states th

40、at the ironic speaker makes as if to say; Sperber & Wilson 1981 claim that she makes an echoic mention; and Clark & Gerrig 1984 hold that she pretends to sayH.P. Grice regarded irony as a figure of speech resulting from a violation of the im of quality ?do not say what you believe to be false. The f

41、louting of the im is assumed to trigger imprimaturs: It is perfectly obvious to A and his audience that what A has said or has made as if to say is something he does not believe, and the audience knows that A knows that this is obvious to the audience. Grice 1975: 53Pragmatic?linguistic forms and pr

42、agmatic strategies used to realize ironic communication are overlapping to a great extent. Using any pragmatic?linguistic form at any level of language for ironic purpose involves the use of one of the many strategies of the same purpose, and the use of any strategy involves the use of pragmatic?lin

43、guistic forms. Irony can make use of metaphors for its purpose by an overuse of metaphors, by the juxtaposition of incongruent metaphors, by the use of contextually unfitting metaphors, and even by the use of metaphors perse. In the following example K. Barbes personal recording, 1995, a male studen

44、t addresses a female student and ionizes her by using a metaphor1 I once had a girlfriend who has a child. I tell you she was a real beast. She was an Aquarius just like you. K. Barbe, 1995 With the metaphor beast, the speaker denotes negative qualities such as manliness or nastiness of the former g

45、irlfriend. He extends the relation to one of the hearers in the audience. The beastly woman and his victim share the Aquarius astrological sign, hence both of them have such beastly personalities as the speaker3 An Analysis of Verbal Irony in Hamlet?from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory attempts

46、 to suggest. The speaker does not directly say Youre a real beast, he intimates the connection instead. ibid:15 Consider the following ironies: 1 A person used to flatter his superior. After the superior died, the flatter turned a cold face to the family members of the superior. The son of the super

47、ior commented : My father just passed away today, how could youOr: His body is still there! How could you? The speaker will be both truthful and ironic in case his father in fact died that dayIndeed, ironists commonly mention the truth. The life of ?irony is its truth; it does not necessarily talk a

48、bout past fact, but it must be related to a fact that will come into existence. Lu Xun, 1935 This is apparent, as Wilson and Sperber1979 have noted, in case of ironic understatement, for instance, 2 On the day an optimist loses all his fortune and goes bankrupt, he ionizes himself by saying somethin

49、g understandI have lost some fortune todayAll these show that Grices specific association of irony with overt violating of truth?telling im is inadequate3 Americas allies?always there when they need you. Time, May 19, 1980 The 3 is an extract from a letter that appeared in Time magazine regarding th

50、e refusal of American allies to back Carters policies towards Iran and Afghanistan. The statement makes no transparent attempt to flout the truth-telling quality im or the manner im, because the speaker seems to be saying precisely, efficiently and unambiguously what they intend to say. Nor do they

51、ostensibly flout the relevance im because the speakers attack is to the pointThe analysis of Grices pragmatic theory shows that it can do little more than illustrate how the overt violation of any cooperative im may result in irony2.2 Semantic Approach on Irony In terms of semantic approaches to ironic utterance, there are two meanings of irony in the following: 1 Referring differ from what one defines2 Defining the opposite of what is referred4 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 Considering 1 this meaning, irony is the same with the indire


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