已阅读5页,还剩20页未读 继续免费阅读




1、unit 1 artpart 1words and expressions abstract: 1.抽象abstract noun, an abstract idea 2.深奥的his ideas seem a little abstract.n. 摘要;摘录 make an abstract of(把-的要点摘录下来to make an abstract of a speech 将演说作一摘要in the abstract/in theory在理论上,就一般而言v.abstract sth. from sth从中提取abstract metal from ore由矿砂提炼金属由矿砂提炼金属a

2、bstract sb. s attention from从从. 上转移开某人上转移开某人的的注意注意she abstracted the main points from the argument.1.信仰 that man has belief in god.2.信任his story is beyond belief.难以置信 have belief in the masses its my belief that我相信 to (the best )of my belief在我看来确实相信 believableunbelievableconsequent adj.作为结果的, 随之发生的(

3、常与on, upon连用)因而引起的;由所致的the confusion consequent on the earthquakehis long illness and consequent absence put him far behind in his work.consequently: as a result, thereforemy car broke down and consequently i was late.consequence 1. (pl.)结果, 后果be ready to take/suffer/bear the consequences of ones ac

4、tions准备承担自己行动的后果face the consequences of ones action自食其果2. (u.) 重要性he may be a man of consequence in his own country, but he is nobody here.is it of any consequence to you?3. in consequence因此, 结果in consequence of.的结果, 因为.的缘故, 由于aim: n:the hunter took aim at a wolf. what is your aim in life?v:(常与at连用

5、)瞄准;对准he aimed the gun at the enemy officer.以为目标the factory must aim at developing new models of machines. i aimed to be a lawyer.be aimed at对象是,针对my remarks were not aimed at you.value1.价值(u.n.) your idea has little value.2.价值观(pl.) the values of young people today are different from those of their

6、 parents.3. v.估价 value sth. atthe house was valued at three million dollars. 重视 i valued his advice.be of value=be valuablepriceless worthless/valuelessfocus n. to be a focus of attention成为注意力的中心 the focus of worlds attention世界注意的中心v:focus on sth. ; focus sth on sth to focus ones mind on workyou mus

7、t try to focus your mind on work and study. all eyes were focused on the speaker.focus on=concentrate onpossession: (u.n.)拥有,占有权 he gave up possession of the house. does the possession of wealth bring happiness?(pl.)所有的东西,财产personal possessionsa man of great possessions富人have possession of;占有; 拥有 in

8、 ones possession; (某物)为某人所占有 in possession of/in the possession of sb. take possession of; 占有;夺取come into possession of sth.占有获得某物possess v. 拥有;具有拥有;具有 possessor n. 持有者,所有人持有者,所有人 convince: he was convinced of his error.他认识了错误he convinced me that i should study law. 他劝我应该学法律。convincible adj.可说服的可说服的

9、, 可使信服的可使信服的convincing adj.令人信服的令人信服的, 有力的有力的, 令人心悦诚服的令人心悦诚服的 convince sb. of sth.使某人相信某事 convince oneself of 充分弄明白/清楚 convince sb.说服某人 convince sb. by sound arguments以理服人 be convinced that确信,承认a great deal of; much; too much; so much; so little; a large amount of +不可数名词many; so many; too many; a go

10、od/great many, so few; a large number of ;quite a few;scores of; a good /great many of+可数名词复数形式a good supply of; a large quantity of; large quantities of; plenty of; a lot of; lots of+不可数名词或可 数名词复数形式shadow:影响力;庇护影响力;庇护he lived in the shadow of his famous father. 形影相随的人或物形影相随的人或物 the dog is your shad

11、ow.without/beyond a shadow of doubt 无丝毫的怀疑be afraid of ones own shadow胆怯; 神经过敏cast shadows upon给.投下阴影; 使.黯淡catch /grasp at shadows (=run after shadows)捕风捉影; 徒劳five oclock shadow(刚长出的)胡子茬follow sb. like a shadow如影随形地跟着某人score:分数(后一般要跟of,如果名词是时间的词,of常省略) the score in the football game was 4 -1. whats

12、my score?我得了多少分? to score a point 得一分score a goal踢进一球three score of people六十人three score (years) and ten七十岁, 古稀之年 two score years ago四十年前i have been there scores of times.我到那里曾去过好多次。dozen :与数词或many, several等连用时,不加 s, 后接名词时,通常不加of。但名词前有these, those, the, his, their等词时, 要用dozen of。如: two/ many/several

13、 dozen pencilsi want three dozen of these eggs.two dozen of his booksthere were dozens of people there.eggs are sold by the dozen.attempt:(n) they made no attempt to escape/at escaping. i passed the driving test at the second attempt. (v)they attempted to escape.make an attempt on sb.s life试图杀害某人att

14、empted未遂的 (只放于名词前)attempted murder 企图谋杀predict:she predicted that he would marry a doctor. 她预言他将娶一位医生。predict rain for tomorrow预告明天有雨predictionaggressive:有进取心的,有闯劲a successful businessman must be aggressive.侵略的,好斗的she isnt an aggressive person.he is too aggressive .他太盛气凌人。an aggressive foreign polic

15、y侵略性的外交政策an aggressive nation侵略成性的国家an aggressor nation侵略国aggression 侵略 aggressor侵略者 aggress vi.侵略flesh:the knife cut the flesh of his arm. the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。i must help my brother and sister because theyre my own flesh and blood.flesh and blood亲骨肉ones pound of fle

16、sh致命的债务go the way of all flesh 逝世flesh-eater n.食肉者, 食肉动物 flesh-eatingeat ones own flesh 好吃懒做in the flesh本人;亲身1.当代的当代的,现代的现代的contemporary literature writersmy major was contemporary literature at college.marlowe was contemporary with shakespeare.马洛与莎士比亚是同时代的。马洛与莎士比亚是同时代的。2.同时代的人;同龄人同时代的人;同龄人he and i

17、were contemporaries at school.他和我是同期同学。他和我是同期同学。tip: the tip of a finger i gave a tip to the man who carried my cases.walk on the tips of ones toes跷着脚走have sth. on /at the tip of ones tongue差点说出某事,差点就能想起某事give sb. the tip to do sth.提示某人做某事to the tips of ones fingers彻底地,彻头彻尾地from tip to toe从头到尾; 彻头彻尾

18、; 完完全全have sth. at the tip of ones finger在手边, 随时可以取用, 了如指掌, 熟悉1. the rain was very heavy andc_ the land was flooded.2. does the p_ of wealth bring happiness?3. nothing can change his b_ in god.4. please do not explain the theory in an a_ way. they are children after all.5. tom visited the g_ last sa

19、turday. he enjoyed the paintings very much.6. can you p_ what will happen here in a few minutes?7. an international trade e_ will be held in shanghai next month.8. he has always been a_ (有有争议的争议的 ) figure.9. this will help to make the scene more _(逼真的)逼真的).10. in the picture the tree is throwing a _(影子)(影子) on the gro


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