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1、 安徽省合肥市2017年高三第三次教学质量检测英语试题第I卷第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where is the man going?A. A supermarket. B. A bookshop. C. A Library.2. What time

2、is it now?A. 1:45 pm. B. 2:00 pm. C. 2:15 pm.3. What does the woman mean?A. The poems are easy to memorize.B. The girl's performance is amazing.C. The girl works hard on the poems.4. Why is Jenny crying?A. She lost her pet bird.B. She didn't want to get up. C. She wanted to have a pet.5. Wha

3、t are the speakers talking about?A. The report of the extreme weather.B. The plan of the winter holiday.C. The change of the exam schedule.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后 几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出虽佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。

4、6. How does the woman like football?A. Appealing. B. Boring. C. Exciting.7. What does the man think a professional footballer needs?A. Athletic skills. B. Team spirit. C. Good communication.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What does Kevin like about the new apartment?A. It has a big garden. B. It is near his schoo

5、l. C. It has a large living room.9. How is Kevin going to school?A. By bus. B. By car. C. On foot.听第8段材料,回答第10、12题。10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Uncle and niece. B. Boss and secretary. C. Husband and wife.11. How old is Adele now?A. 21. B. 22. C. 23.12. What gift will

6、 the man probably give to his niece?A. Gold necklaces. B. Silver plates. C. Woolen scarfs.听第9段材料,回答第13、16题。13. Where does the man plan to go?A. The Grand Hotel. B. Walt Disney World. C. The Business Center.14. Why does the man make the call?A. To ask for help. B. To make complaints. C. To deliver th

7、anks.15. How much will the man pay for the tickets?A. $120. B. $180. C. $200.16. Where are the speakers?A. In a hotel. B. At a booking office. C. At home.听第10段材料,回答第17、20题。17. For whom is the robot designed?A. Children in need. B. Doctors in local clinics. C. Teachers of old age.18. What is good abo

8、ut Cassie?A. It can fly like a plane.B. It is controlled by its user.C. It can think and act like a real person.19. What does Cassie look like?A. A camera. B. A microphone. C. A human.20. What is the speaker's opinion on the Robot Cassie?A. It is worth a lot of money.B. It is actually impractica

9、l.C. It will be more beneficial.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIf you have the opportunity to visit some places in New Zealand then the list below is our recommendation.Fiordland Natimial ParkThis park is part of the South Westland World H

10、eritage area and is New Zealand's largest national park and one of the largest in the world. The scenery in Fiordland is nothing short of extremely beautiful, with steep mountains, wild waterfalls, and abundant rain forests. Being able to come back and forth in its deep bay attracts most of the

11、visitors.The area has some of the world's great walks including the world famous Milford Track, which was described as the finest walk in the world in the early twentieth century. Abel Tasman National ParkAbel Tasman may be New Zealand's smallest national park, but the attractions are huge.

12、Located in one of New Zealand's sunniest spots, the area also has the best beaches in the country.The popular Abel Tasman Walk is a great way to see this park. It takes 3 5 days to complete. Sea Taxis are also available and can drop you off at any number of beaches within the park.RotoruaAccessi

13、ble from New Zealand's biggest city, Auckland, Rotorua is famous for its volcanic activities. Rotorua is also famous for its plentiful lakes which are great for swimming and fishing. The surrounding area contains plenty of native bushes and some famous walks.Rotorua is also the best area in the

14、country to experience and learn about Maori Culture.Mt Cook National ParkMt Cook as well as the surrounding area is an alpine (高山的) park within the World Heritage listed in South Westland. The biggest peaks in all of Australasia are here. The park doesn't contain many trees or plants due to the

15、altitude. Walks range from a two hour walk to difficult tracks suitable for experienced mountaineers only.A helicopter or plane ride gives visitors excellent views of the mountains with the option of landing at the top of Tasman Glacier, a true permanent snow covered alpine environment.21. The most

16、impressive experience in Fiordland National Park may be_.A. rock climbsB. forest campsC. water jumpsD. boat trips22. If you are interested in folk customs, you can go to visit_.A. Fiordland National ParkB. RotoruaC. Mt Cook National ParkD. Abel Tasman National Park23. If you go to visit Mt Cook Nati

17、onal Park, you can_.A. view some amazing waterfallsB. enjoy some tropical fruitsC. stop on the top of Tasman GlacierD. take walks in various bushes24. What do the four attractions have in common?A. Great beaches. B. Untouched nature. C. Pleasant climates. D. Famous walks.BMay Day, the first day of M

18、ay, is celebrated as a spring festival in many countries. It marks the approach of summer.The English developed their May Day festivals from the Roman festival called Floralia. In the festival of Floralia, the Romans gathered flowers to honor the goddess of spring. Flora. In the Middle Ages, May Day

19、 became the favorite holiday of many English villages. People gathered flowers to decorate their homes and churches, sang spring songs and chose a king and a queen of May. Villagers danced around a tall pole fixed upright in the ground, called a maypole, each holding the end of a ribbon attached to

20、the top of the pole. They tied the ribbons around the pole until it was covered with bright colors. They collected dew (露水) on May Day morning and washed their faces with it because they believed that the dew on the day had the magic power to regain youth.Nowadays in Britain people no longer attach

21、great importance to the day, but in some towns and villages people still celebrate it by choosing the May Queen and dancing around the maypole. May Queen is a girl selected as being the most beautiful on May Day. She is usually crowned with flowers and often driven in procession through the street.

22、In the United States, the day has never been celebrated with the same enthusiasm as in Britain.But in many American towns and cities, children celebrate the day with dancing and singing. They often gather flowers in handmade paper baskets and hang them on the doorknobs of homes of friends' and n

23、eighbors' on May Day morning. At May Day parties, children select May Queens, dance around the maypole, and sing May Day songs.25. What do we know about the May Day in Britain in the Middle Ages?A. People wore bright colours.B. People celebrated it with enthusiasm.C. People presented flowers to

24、the goddess of spring.D. People stayed at home instead of going to churches.26. Why did people wash their faces with dew on May Day?A. To bring good luck. B. To become prettier. C. To get magic power. D. To get young again.27. Paragraph 3 is mainly developed_.A. by comparisonB. by spaceC, by process

25、D. by classificationCMany years ago, when we were a young couple with two small children, aged 2 and 4, we were practically impecunious. My in-laws lived from hand to mouth, so we didn't expect any help from them. My parents lived a great distance away, and I was too ashamed to let them know abo

26、ut our situation.My husband was trying to earn a living with an old pick-up truck, carrying groceries for local shopkeepers, but it was constantly breaking down. It took almost all the money we had to have it fixed. The truck was also the only means of transportation for us.We lived in the countrysi

27、de, and we always used the back door because the driveway led to it. One winter evening, I stepped outside to take a bag of trash to the barrel and almost tripped over something. It was nearly dark, and I had to bend down to see what it was. I could hardly believe my eyes. There sat a large basket l

28、oaded with food.It was heavy, so I called to my husband to carry into the house. Once inside, we discovered two loaves of bread, some butter, several cans of vegetables, a can of orange sauce, and a large turkey. There was so much that I can't remember it all, but it was everything we needed to

29、fix a wonderful dinnereverything except potatoes.A little while later I remembered that I hadn't taken the trash to the barrel. By now it was dark, so I had to turn on the yard light and that's when I spotted a small bag of potatoes sitting on the porch.That dinner was the best I can remembe

30、r.We weren't able to thank our donators, though, because we never found out who had been so generous in helping a struggling young family. Whoever it was, we are forever grateful.28. Which of the following can replace the underlined word "impecunious" in Paragraph 1? A. Generous. B. Ha

31、rmonious. C. Penniless. D. Stubborn.29. How did the author's husband support the family?A. By starting a garage. B. By selling food door to door.C. By delivering goods. D. By working as a shop assistant.30. How did the author feel when she saw the basket?A. She was annoyed. B. She was astonished

32、.C. She was terrified. D. She felt a sense of relief.31. What may be the best title for the text?A. A helping hand in timeB. A struggling young coupleC. A tale of potatoesD. A reward from a strangerDCycling is well known to improve individual health and fitness; it also benefits the wider population

33、 in terms of economy, transport and environment. The EU promotes cycling via many measures primarily to achieve sustainable (可持续的) clean and energy efficient transport systems. However, despite the fact that benefits outweigh the risks by 20:1, many consider the risk too great and that the fear of d

34、anger on the road needs to be handled. Cycle lanes (车道) have been used to improve cyclists' safety and encourage more cyclists onto the road. This research in transport aims to study the effect of cycle lanes on cyclists' safety where passing space given by overtaking (超车) vehicles is concer

35、ned.In this study, the authors used a bicycle equipped with cameras to record vehicle overtakes in varying road situations to determine whether cycle lanes, colour block cycle lanes or no cycle lanes affect passing distances and cyclists' safety. Their 3 comparisons measuring vehicle passing wid

36、ths found greater overall distances given with a cycle lane than without. Colour block vs. uncoloured cycle lanes showed little or no difference, as did no cycle lanes vs. colour block cycle lanes. Colour block lanes had a slight negative effect suggesting that drivers are more careful when cycle la

37、nes have less definition (清晰度).Interestingly, the authors conclude that other factors have a far greater effect on cyclists' safety than presence or absence of cycle lanes. Road width, parking, opposing vehicle flow and speed were key influences on decreased passing widths. The authors also note

38、 that driver behaviour is a hugely important factor and urge more research in this area. "In order to reduce risk and encourage more cycling, reducing and calming the existing motorised traffic must be explored first." They suggest, "Lane width is the most significant variable (变量) to

39、 achieve a sufficient vehicle passing distance. The narrow cycle lanes (<2m) may be not enough. Reconsideration of the entire road design and further exploration of driver behavioural factors is required. "32. What is the main purpose of the EU's promoting cycling?A. To reduce air pollut

40、ion. B. To build better transport systems.C. To improve people's health,D. To help people save money on transport.33. According to the study, colour block lanes may_.A. make drivers a bit carelessB. cause no overtakingC. get cyclists to feel saferD. lead to greater passing distances34. In the re

41、searchers' eyes, the first step to encourage more cycling is to_.A. redesign and rebuild the roads in a cityB. do more research in public bicycle programsC. restrict the number of vehicles running on roadD. make strict traffic rules to control driver behavior35. The authors of the research think

42、 that driver behavior_.A. needs further exploringB. is an unimportant factorC. makes cycle lanes narrowerD. is the most significant variable第二节(共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。What Type of College is Right for You?When deciding what colleges to apply for, you may feel str

43、essed about what type of campus you want to live and study on. 36_ Do you want to know everybody at your school, or are you looking for more of a college town experience where you meet new people every day?37_ Are you looking for a liberal arts (文科) school or a more STEM (science, technology, engine

44、ering and maths) focused college? Maybe you want to attend a school more specific to what you may want to do in the future, like a music or art based school. Another aspect or factor into your decision is the kinds of activities the college offers. 38_Once you start collecting a list of places you a

45、re thinking about, the next thing to do is to consult your college counselors and start your applications. When applying to college, make sure to get help and advice from the college counselors, who always have their doors open to keep students on track when it comes to the college process. 39_ Keep

46、ing them up to date on how far along you are in the process will help the college counselors get their job done and make your application a success.Once those applications are in, the hardest part comes next: waiting. 40_ As soon as the results come out, you will know which school is right for you,

47、whether it is your top choice or something else down your list.A. The next step is finding what college suits you academically.B. They also invite students to email any questions they may have.C. One of the first thing that colleges look at is your past school record.D. This is also the time to refl

48、ect on which college you are hoping to get into.E. Sports, the arts and other interests can be a huge part in determining the right school.F. Choosing between a larger or smaller campus is the first step to narrow down which college is right for you.G. You should be thinking well in advance about wh

49、ich teachers you want to write recommendations.第三部分: 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It was late in the fall of 1976. I was a junior at Williams and had been a member of the 41_ team the previous year. One morning, when I fo

50、und my name wasn't on the list, I stood frozen at the wall for a long time, 42_ scanning up and down, trying to hold back the tears that were making me feel 43_.As players looked at the 44_ on the wall, my coach. Curt Tong sat on the shelf along the bottom of a window across the 45_ floor. His o

51、ffice was only a few feet away, 46_ he sat out in the open where anyone with a strong emotion could visit without being 47_ to knock at his office door. That was his 48_ touch and it couldn't have been more pleasant.I 49_ the gym and sat next to him. I told Coach Tong that I understood why he 50

52、_ me, but in my immature youth, I was angry at him for 51_ my spot and my identity. Anyone who has ever been cut from a team hates the 52_, whether for a moment or for a lifetime.Coach Tong 53_ me for my past work, telling me I was a good player, just not quite good enough. He 54_ me there would be

53、better days ahead. We shook hands. I walked out of the gym and then 55_ for a few hours.Two weeks later, contrary to all expectations, he 56_ me for a vacant position, coaching a basketball team at the local high school. It was the most 57_ experience of my life at the time. And I got a lot out of c

54、oaching.Coach Tong knew that would happen and the experience 58_ pushed me into coaching as my career. I chose journalism 59_ though, because. well, who knows 60_ we do anything at 21?41. A. rugbyB. volleyballC. basketballD. baseball42. A. calmlyB. delightedlyC. curiouslyD. repeatedly43. A. nervousB

55、. excitedC. tiredD. ashamed44. A, commercial B. rollC, mirrorD. score45. A. gymB. officeC. hallD. classroom46. A. soB. forC. butD. or47. A. forcedB. persuadedC. invitedD. allowed48. A, lostB. professionalC. strictD. temporary49. A. walked across B. passed byC. slipped out ofD. got away from50. A. en

56、couraged B. ignoredC. dismissedD. supported51. A. putting away B. putting upC. taking upD. taking away52. A. teammateB. managerC. coachD. judge53. A. scoldedB. paidC. discouragedD. thanked54. A. warnedB. promisedC. advisedD. informed55. A. weptB. negotiatedC. celebratedD. argued56. A. praisedB. aske

57、dC. recommendedD. trained57. A. regretfulB. rewardingC. interestingD. painful58. A. nearlyB. completelyC. eventuallyD. simply59. A. againB. insteadC. tooD. meanwhile60. A. whenB. howC. whereD. why第II卷注意事项:用0. 5毫米黑色签字笔将答案写在答题卡。写在本试卷上无效。第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小題:每小题1.5分, 满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容

58、 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题卡的相应位置。It is well known that the Chinese have great respect for their elders, and here is an occasion to show itthe Chongyang Festival. It falls 61_ the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. In Chinese, nine 62_ (regard) as the number of "yang". The ninth day of the ninth month is the day that ha


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