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1、“学 程 导 航”预习导学案 9b unit 3grammar(although,unless,so that的用方法) ( 时间:30分钟 )name_一、 自主预习1. 先仔细阅读下列语法精讲i关于although 的用法部分,再仿照课本例句,完成p47 的7 个练习题i. although although意思相当于though(尽管,虽然),用来引导让步状语从句。although the book was old, we decided to buy it.【拓展】 although可以放在句首,也可放在句中。 although there is air around us, we c

2、an not see it.he often helps me with my english although he is quite busy. 【易错提醒】表示“虽然”时,不要根据汉语习惯,在后面使用连词but, 不过有时它可与 yet, still连用。正:although he is very old, (yet) he is quite strong.误:although he is very old, but he is quite strong. 当然,保留but而去although也可。【链接中考】_ hamburgers are junk food, many childr

3、en like them.(2009山东) a.if b. unless c. because d. although 【答案解析】题意为:汉堡包是垃圾食品,许多孩子喜欢吃。两句话之间加上连接词。 a. 如果,表示条件。 b.如果不,表示条件。c.因为,表示原因。d.虽然,表示转折。根据题意,答案为d,虽然汉堡包是垃圾食品,但是许多孩子喜欢吃。 2.认真阅读语法精讲ii关于unless 谈论例外情况的,完成书中p48的配对练习ii. unlessunless是从属连词,引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义,相当于if条件状语从句的否定形式。所以unless = if not。 unless you

4、take more exercise, youll be fatter.【拓展】unless引导的条件状语从句和if条件状语从句,以及某些时间状语从句一样,用一般现在时代替将来时。i will go on a trip next week unless it rains. unless可以放在句首,也可放在句中。 【链接中考】the art club is for members only. you cant go in _ you are a member.(2009临沂)a.unless b. because c. if d. though 【答案解析】句意:只有成员才能参加这个艺术俱乐部

5、。你不能进去,_ 你是其中的成员。a. 除非 b. 因为 c. 如果 d. 虽然 根据句意,你如果不是成员是不能进入的。ifnot = unless, 所以选a。【易错提醒】unless引导的条件句可用否定结构,而if.not引导的条件句不可再加以否定,因为两个not不能重叠使用,因此在unless引导的否定条件旬中,不能用if.not替代unless。如:   don't ask me to explain unless you really dont understand除非你真不懂,不然别让我解释3.认真阅读语法精讲iii的关于so that 谈论做某事的目的

6、的用法完成课本中p49 的练习iii. so thatso that引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词。 the little boy saved every coin so that he could buy his mother a present on mother's day.【拓展】so that引导目的状语从句可以与其他句型进行转换。he studies hard so that he can pass the exam.he studies hard

7、in order that he can pass the exam.he studied hard in order to pass the exam.he studies hard so as to pass the exam.he studies hard to pass the exam.【易错提醒】sothat引导的是结果状语从句,表示结果吗,意为“如此以致于”。he ran so quickly that i couldn't catch up with him 

8、【链接中考】i like the pop star_ that i never miss his concert.(2009南通12)a. very much b. too much c. quite much d. so much【答案解析】题意为: 我很喜欢这明星,我从来不错过他的音乐会。因为后面的从句中有“that 这个词,所以答案因为d,sothat表示结果。二合作预习1.大声朗读书本p47p49中的答案句且译成中文,并与同桌讨论一下有争论的答案并把讨论结果做好记录以便在课上求证谁的说法对三探究预习1. 判断下列句子的正误,请分析原因。1.although he is 70 year

9、old,but he still looks young. ( )原因:2 .通过预习,请你总结.so that 与 so that的区别并分别举出1个例子 。 a:结果状语从句: b:目的状语从句: 3.利用音标与字典预习grammar 部分的单词,做到读准并了解他们的词性 4.认真阅读grammar 的内容,把你认为的重点及难点做标记,把有用的词组与句型抄在笔记本中积累起来。 “学 程 导 航”课 时 教 学 计 划 教学内容fun with english 9b unit 3 grammar共几课时8课型语法新授第几课时5教学目标1.四会单词:healthily suggest sigh

10、t wherever2.四会词组:every five minutes in a hurry3.会用although引导从句4.会用unless谈论例外情况5.会用so that 谈论做某事的目的6.积极参与小组活动,与同伴合作,注意聆听并理.解他人。教学重难点重点:although ;unless;so that 所表达的含义及用法难点:so that 与so .that 的区别. 教学资源1.学生在学8bunit5的时候,已经接触过so.that 8a unit 3 已经学过but 用法,已经初步接触过though与but不能同时用的观点。2.预习导学案、多媒体。预习设计见“预习导学案”

11、主备人:海门实验学校 张美萍 学程预设导学策略调整与反思课前准备上黑板板书四会单词与词组。红笔板书 although 等教学重点,导学案,笔记等。一、热身导入通过复习 reading 部分来引出两个含有although的句子 用投影仪投影下面两个例句:(1) although the forbidden city is almost 600 years old,it is still beatiful.(2)you can experience its beauty and and greatness.,although it is very tiring to climb it step b

12、y step. 二、预习展示(一)1. 谈谈对语法精讲i的阅读体会2.提出预习过程中做课本p47 练习时的不解之处。3. 口头归纳 work out the ruleswe can use although at the (beginning ,end) or in the_(middle,end)of a sentence to introduce the clause. .4. 拓展练习(oral drill)join the two parts of each sentence withalthough.write the correct letters in the blanks.(1

13、).although it rained heavily ,_(2)although people are warned of the harm of the cigarettes to their health, _(3)although it is very noisy in the city, _a many people still smoke b the boys did not stop playing footballc people love living there三预习展示二请六名学生每人读一个part b的答案合作交流尝试翻译:(1)我们明天要去公园,除非下雨(2)除非你

14、帮我,否则月底之前我是完不成这项工作的。让学生读课本48 页上端的语法规则与例句,有问题的学生举手发问教师向学生解释unless 用来引出例外情况,它相当于if not对于一般情况我们用ifeg:ill watch tv if i finish my homework before7 .30 p.m.启发学生用unless改写为:i wontwatch tv unless i finish my homework before 7.30 p.m.同样,最初我们练习的两句话我们也可以用 if改写为(1)well go to the park if it doesnt rain tomorrow.

15、(2)if you dont help me ,i wont finish the work before the end of this month.四、展示预习三请四名学生每人读出一句p49 的练习答案请学生完成work out the rule 部分,并请学生讲讲so that 与 so that 表示做某事的结果。 五、展示预习四,请同学们轮流读单词巩固与总结评一评“谁读得全对”请几名学生相互抽查对grammar部分词组的含义的理解,教师与学生共同对grammar 部分相互质疑与释疑六总结自己对although,unless,及so that的理解。七课堂检测看一看“谁做得好”八作业布置:见作业设计提醒学生做好课前准备,表扬预习作业做得好的学生。教师示范错句,激发学生思维although it rained ,but uncle wang enjoyed his jounrey.追问学生此句错在哪儿?为什么?培养学生的理解.分析.归纳能力。掌握规律,。教师观察同学们是否做对并给予个别辅导。教师给予反馈及恰当评价。观


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